20.4.20 – learning

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Please find below today’s learning and remember if you have any questions or want to share your learning with me, please email me on year3@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Miss Pringle

Fitness and health Kick start your day with active kids – choose two of the activities from this link to complete – activities can be completed inside your home or  in the garden. Enjoy.


Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy the 10 spelling  into your handwriting books four times.


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


Words ending in ary.













Project about a topic of your choice

Choose a topic of your choice (for example an animal, hobby, sport, musician, place or person) and each day this week write a paragraph about it.


Remember to include subheadings, interesting facts, drawings or photos and technical language (and a glossary to explain these words if needed).


Previously you have learnt about pronouns so please try to include these in this project to avoid using the same noun in our writing.

Here’s an example to get you started:

Dog project example



David Walliams has been kindly recording free daily audio stories  – please follow this link to enjoy today’s story.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


I have put together daily PowerPoints for maths this week. Please read through them and write the answers in your maths books – I will post all of the answers on Friday so you can self mark (sm).

Monday Maths week 1





WALT learning to sketch a cherry blossom.


The cherry blossom trees looks beautiful at the moment so I thought you might enjoy learning how to draw them – maybe you could draw them on cards to send to friends and family.

Using this tutorial please sketch and shade a picture of a cherry blossom – using coloured pencils if possible in order to blend colours.



Start the video at 1 min 30 secs (if at school an adult will need to play and pause the video for you on the classroom board).


Year 6 – End of Spring Term

So, at the end of the week, the leaderboards looks like this:

Readtheory: 1st Giovanna, 2nd Maks, 3rd Evie

Prodigy: 1st Elysia, 2nd Jude, 3rd Matthew A

Duolingo: 1st Alex, 2nd Evie, 3rd Louise

Let us celebrate the learning I’ve received since the last post.

Maks and Luka both completed today’s D&T learning and made these amazing looking loaves of bread. Paul Hollywood would definitely give them a thumbs up!

Maks also finished this amazing cross showing why Good Friday is ‘good’.

Alex completed the April Fools Maths Challenge and wrote this fantastic answer:

Taanya has sent me last week’s art learning:

Well done to everybody for – children and parents alike – for adapting to the changes this past fortnight and for embracing the new style of learning. I have so enjoyed receiving emails of what you’ve been doing/making/learning, so thank you for those. Enjoy the next couple of weeks, and I’ll have a fresh set of lessons waiting for you on Monday 20th April.

Love and God bless,

Miss Donatantonio

Message From Francesca Khaliq at Our Lady and St Vincent Church

Holy Week Quiz for FRHC. Primary School (Key Stage 2).FK.01.04.2020

Holy Week Quiz Younger Children (Key stage 1).Fk.01.04.20

Message from Francesca Khaliq at Our Lady and St Vincent Church

Dear families,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this unsettling time.

As it is Holy Week next week I am attaching some quizzes for the children to do, there is one for key Stage 1 (reception to Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6). Entries will need to be sent back to Deacon Axcel by Tuesday 14th April at  pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk, so just put the answers into an email, or you can print the quiz and fill it in and post them to the parish, whatever is easier for you. Axcel will put all the names into a hat and pick a winner, the prize is a £20 voucher, so worth having a go, please encourage them to take part; the answers will be emailed out when the winner is announced.  There is a quiz for older children in secondary school (Key Stage 3), you can request this quiz by emailing pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk and Deacon Axcel will email it to you, there are £20 gift vouchers for the winner of each of the three quizzes.

It is wonderful that we have the capability of live streaming (remember you can access our live streaming by logging on to our website olasv.org.uk and clicking on live streaming link) but sad to see the benches empty without all our wonderful parishioners. So we would like you all to send a photo of your family so Fr Shaun and Deacon Axcel can print them out and stick them on the benches in church, so we are all there together. So please take a family photo and email it to pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk

I have prepared a Children’s Liturgy for the children to do on Good Friday at home, all the information has been emailed to parents via schoolcomms, there is a run through and 3 attachments for the liturgy, have a read through and see if you can spend some time with the children to do this on Good Friday. Please don’t feel obliged to do it all if you can’t or if you don’t have the resources but have a look before Friday to see if you can get anything ready in advance, you will just need access to a laptop/IPad or mobile to watch the videos and access the music.

I pray that you and your families keep safe and well during this time.

God bless


Francesca Khaliq

Catechetical Co-ordinator

Our Lady & St Vincent


Friday 3rd April

Good Morning Year 4!

Well done for all of your efforts over this term and of course, especially over the last two weeks. We have been delighted to see what you have been up to and read your work.  We are so very proud of your efforts!

During the Easter break, please continue to keep your self busy with things.  There are competitions for you to take part in such as the Eggciting Easter Maths competition and the ChildNet Computing Competition.

Ms Dunning and I  wish you all a happy and blessed Easter.

Please see Mrs Heymoz’s newsletter about the whole-school RE home learning for the Easter break.

Please continue to stay safe.  We really do hope that it won‟t be too long before we are all back together again.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Dunning


Before you begin today’s learning, check over your work from yesterday.

Day 9 Year 4 Learning ANSWERS

Today’s Learning:

Day 10 Year 4 Learning

Resources to help you with today’s learning:

Maths Challenge EXTRA            RE Spot the Connection

Things to look at over the Easter Break:

Whole School Easter Project April2020

Science Ideas

Other ideas

You could also use this time to:

  • Join Fr Shaun during Holy Week to celebrate: Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
  • Eat and cook together
  • Read plenty of books together
  • Have some family fun playing games or puzzles
  • Go outdoors for a walk
  • Colour, paint, sketch, stitch, make  and draw
  • Keep a journal
  • Write letters to friends and family
  • Lego
  • Help with cleaning and tidying

Friday 3rd April Learning

Good morning Year 1. Well done for all the wonderful learning you have done at home, you have all worked so hard. I have loved seeing your photos. Have a wonderful Easter and a great rest!

Keep safe.

Mrs Carey

Here is your learning today.

PE Joe Wick’s daily workout live at 9am or Snakes and Ladders PE




Write the short date in your maths book



Friday Maths

Practise reading times o’clock and half past.

Mathletics Activities set

RE Write a prayer to Thank God. What do you need to thank God for? What are you grateful for? What or who is special in your life? Say your prayer with your family at bedtime.


English Practise your spellings for this week

Complete your story from yesterday


Beginning – Describe the setting and the characters, who lives in the house? What are they doing?

Middle – Think of a problem that might happen. How do the characters feel?

Ending – Has the problem been solved? How? Who helped? How are the characters feeling?

Remember to write on the line, use capital letters and full stops. Can you use questions marks and exclamation marks?

Use some adjectives and conjunctions.


History/DT Can you make a ship like Christopher Columbus sailed in?  Use recycled materials at home! Please send me some photos.


Phonics Continue to practise Phase 3 and Phase 5.








Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.


Go to books, ebooks, click on book band and choose your child’s colour. Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Play the activities linked to the books you read.

Music/Fun Listen to Mambo from West Side Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYvEvP2cmdk


Print this sheet and stick it into your writing book or write the questions and answers in your book about the music.

Listening and appreciating

If you like Lego try this challenge for the holidays!


Friday 3rd April 2020

Good morning Year 2,

We have come to the end of another term. Time really flies when you are having fun! You have all worked incredibly hard this term, especially over the last few weeks and I am very proud of you all. Please see below the Easter Home Learning project. I look forward to seeing your creations next term.

Wishing you all a holy and restful Easter.

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Lenten Prayer for Friday 3rd April

Loving, merciful Lord, grant us the capacity to be quiet and to listen.

Lead us to the joy of being present to others and hearing their story.

Let us look with love and gratitude on the world around us and open our hearts to those in need.


10am Community Mass Friday 3rd April

Please join this special mass with all the Catholic schools in our community to mark the end of term and the beginning of Holy Week.

You can access the live streaming via the link – https://www.churchservices.tv/pottersbar









Complete the spelling test for this week’s spellings on the SpellingFrame website.


Copy the following common exception words into your handwriting books.


























WALT: Solve a problem using pictures


Sketch your biscuits.

Will you use a key for the different decorations?

Don’t forget to number your biscuits.

 Remember that there is not just icing on the 2nd biscuit, there is icing on every second biscuit. Which other biscuits have icing on?
Which biscuits have a cherry on them as well as the third one?
What about the biscuits with a chocolate button on them? Which ones are they?
Tell me about the biscuits that have no decorations on them.
Happy decorating!




















Friday 3rd April 2020
WALT: Use contractions.


Pretend that you are a Berwick swan. Write descriptive sentences using the contractions below.


I am – I’m

I will – I’ll

I have – I’ve

I cannot –  I can’t

I do not – I don’t

I would – I’d

e.g. I’m a snowy white swan and I’m coming into land.

I’ll stick my black feet out straight as I splash on to the water, etc. 





















Friday 3rd April 2020

WALT: Understand the events of Good Friday.

The Crucifixion and death of Jesus Mt 27:27-56

Read Matthew’s account of The Crucifixion and death of Jesus . See link below.


On Good Friday we remember how Jesus loved us so much he gave his life for us and died on the cross.

Draw your own crucifix in your book. Write and draw around it some of the important events of Holy Week. Write your own special prayer to accompany your crucifix.


Wonderful learning!

Friday 3rd April 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the PE snakes and ladder game.

Here is today’s learning.



Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.



https://www.spag.com/  activities have been set


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.


Film and character discussion / review. 


Below I have added a link (please scroll down on the website until you see the film) and PowerPoint, for a film based activity, on The Secret Life of Pets 2. The tasks are outlined in the PowerPoint.

If you are unable to source this film please choose another popular children’s film and describe the main character, their feelings, friends, dilemma and who you think would enjoy this film and why. 




Year 6 – Friday 3rd April learning

We have come to the end of another week of home learning, and indeed, the end of another term. I wish you all a happy and faith-filled couple of weeks, in which you continue to stay safe whilst remembering the significant events of Holy Week and the Easter weekend. Please see Mrs Heymoz’s newsletter about the whole-school RE home learning (I’ll put the instructions up on Monday as a reminder).

Yesterday, Evie sent me this photo. It’s of a pillbox from WW2, and you can find it in the golf course. It’s so well preserved and is a really interesting piece of history on our doorstep. Soldiers during the war would have hidden inside and used it as a lookout post to check for Germans invading. There’s another pillbox lurking in the golf course – send me a photo if you find it!

Matthew has shared his beautiful RE learning, reflecting on the painting of Jesus’ crucifixion. Thank you, Matthew.

Until then, here is your learning for today:

Subject Activity
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at  https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Prayer Visit https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Lent-Calendar and reflect on today’s Bible verse and message.
Spelling Ask a family member to dictate the following passage to you, writing it into your handwriting book. Remember to think about correct punctuation, as well as spelling. Words in bold and underlined are this week’s spelling words, whilst those just in bold are words from previous weeks’ spelling lists.


After the resignation of the current manager, the chairman of Padley United couldn’t sacrifice any time to assign a replacement: the team were ten points adrift at the bottom of the table. The club’s designated spokesperson has stated, “Relegation from the First Division would signify the end of an era for the club. Any potential manager that agreed to put his signature on the dotted line would need to accomplish a miracle to keep United in the league. Even the players had resigned themselves to their fate. The club were hoping to persuade superstar manager, Jose Gonzalez, to take over and design a new team that could turn things around. It didn’t matter if he didn’t speak the language, that the players may not understand his Spanish pronunciation or that he was demanding a huge wage. Those things would all be insignificant if he could keep Padley United in the First Division.

Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths WALT revise this week’s learning.

Mathletics questions on what you’ve learnt this week:

1.                   Multiply Fraction by Fraction

2.                   Multiply Two Fractions

There are a few children who have not completed last Friday’s online maths tasks. Please ensure this is done as I need to be able to see how you are getting on.

D&T WALT perform simple food skills safely with a focus on sieving, stirring, kneading and shaping.

This week’s D&T challenge is baking bread. Follow the powerpoint here, then click here for the recipe.

Please send me photos and let me know how you get on!

Prayer Reflection Light a candle, put on some quiet music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BriCF4tCgEY and spend 15 minutes quietly reflecting on your week and on this quote:

Friday 3rd April 2020 Learning

Good morning, Year 5. We have now reached the end of the Spring term. Well done for all of your efforts over the past two weeks. I will not be posting daily learning during Easter break, but I do have some suggestions for things you could do with your time as you will have to remain at home. Firstly, it is important that you still do something active everyday. This could be any Joe Wicks workout, or maybe you could try a dance class on Oti Mabuse’s YouTube channel. Make sure you still read everyday. If you don’t have any books at home, listen to an audio book. They are currently free on https://stories.audible.com/start-listen.

You could do some maths. On the white rose website, they have maths lessons that you can watch and then complete: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/


There is also an Easter RE activity for the whole school. Find the information here:Whole School Easter Project April2020


Today’s learning can be found here: 3rd April


Today at 10am, there is an end of term mass at for all Catholic schools in the area. Please watch online through the OLSV live stream.


Have a wonderful Easter


Mrs Lines