Year 1

A very warm welcome from Ms Pemberton.

Welcome to Year 1, an exciting transition from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 and the National Curriculum. We aim to make this move as smooth as possible encouraging learning through play as well as more structured activities. I look forward to working closely with you and your child over the next year.



Your child’s reading day will remain the same as in Reception.

Your child will be given a reading book aligned with their phonic knowledge, and a book of their choice from the class library to share with you. They will also have a reading record book. Please listen to your child read daily and record in their reading record at least once a week.

Spelling and Phonics

Spellings are based on high frequency (HFW) and common exception words (CEW) as outlined in the National Curriculum.  HFW and CEWs are taught as part of the daily phonics session.

Once settled into Year 1, your child with be supplied with a login for the website Spelling Shed. Fun, interactive games based on the past week’s phonics sounds will be set for your child as part of their home learning; this will further embed their knowledge and understanding in an engaging way.

Phonics is taught through our own carefully planned systematic, synthetic program, using a multi-sensory approach. Pupils are encouraged to apply their phonic knowledge independently, through opportunities in child initiated learning in Reception and then in their class learning in Year 1. This knowledge develops a firm foundation for future learning of spelling in KS2.

Please click below to access the Phonemes and Tricky Words for each Phonic Phase.

Additional links to support your child with their phonics:

Free-Mr Thorne has a lesson on every sound on youtube
Free-Letters and Sounds started to record lessons during school closures on you tube
Free-Letters and Sounds provide downloadable flash cards but not lessons or games
Free-Topmarks provides interactive spelling and phonic games which are suitable on tablets/phones.
A few free without subscription- Phonics bloom provides interactive games
Free- DfE Past Year 1 Screening papers


The chidren have opportunities to apply their handwriting in every writing task on a daily basis and will begin formal handwriting sessions to introduce them to  the joined up handwriting style in the Spring term. Please encourage your child to take time to present their learning neatly and with care.

Please click below to access the Letter Join resources for you child.


Please practise mental maths regularly at home to build up your child’s ability to manipulate number. By the end of Year 1, children should have quick recall of addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 20.

Please use the resources below to support your child in securing their number formation.

Home Learning

Home learning consists of daily reading to an adult, online spelling, and practising number skills using Mathletics. Home learning is explained to the children each Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Throughout the year, Year 1 may also be set cross-curricular whole school learning tasks too. It is really important that home learning is completed each week, as it supports and consolidates what is being taught in class.

Please read the home school’s Home Learning Policy for further information.

Please find website links for additional home learning support here.

additional home learning sites


PE will be on a Friday for this half term.

Children should come to school wearing their PE kits on this day.

Other information

  • Please inform us if your child is going home with someone other than yourself.
  • Please ensure that your child’s belongings are labelled.
  • A piece of fruit is available every day for snack, but if you wish to send in a small snack please ensure it is fruit only.
  • Bring in a water bottle every day.
  • Boxes of tissues are always welcome.

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview

Coming soon