Below, please find information regarding the admissions process and procedures for Pope Paul School.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01707 659755, or by email, if you have any queries regarding admissions to our school. (Please note that we do not have a nursery at Pope Paul.)
In-Year Admissions
In-Year admissions are dealt with directly by the school. If you have moved into the area, or wish to change schools and require a place for your child, you need to complete and return a Supplementary Information form. Please telephone or email Mrs Lennox in the office to enquire about available places. The Supplementary Information Form can be downloaded below. Tel: 01707 659755 or email us here.
If no place is available, you can still apply and your application will be placed on our continued interest file. If a place becomes available at a later date, all applications on file at the time will be considered against the current admissions criteria. The admissions criteria is available to download below.
Please note for Admission to Reception, we operate as part of the County Primary Admissions Process which is open to parents from November to January – please contact Mrs Carol Lennox in the School Office on 01707 659755 to clarify procedures. You are advised to complete a Supplementary Information Form as well as the online forms.
Important dates for the Hertfordshire process can be found at
The Reception Admission Supplementary Information Form can be downloaded below. The co-ordinated process runs until July and thereafter admissions are dealt with as In-Year applications.
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026 ( Reception September 2025)
Please see the admission arrangements and the supplementary information form (SIF) for Reception Class September 2025.
Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025 (Reception September 2024)
Admissions Arrangements 2023-2024 (Reception September 2023)
School Appeals for Reception 2025
The appeal process for Reception 2025 is coordinated by Hertfordshire County Council. You will need to create an account first in order to appeal. You will need: your application reference number and child ID.
Hertfordshire County Council will notify appellants (the person who made the appeal) about their appeal hearing at least 2 weeks in advance of the hearing (unless you’ve been requested to agree shorter timescales).
Appellants will be sent a copy of the school’s case 7 working days in advance of the hearing.
Appeals lodged after the deadline will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged – whichever is the later date.
Further information will be available via Herts Admissions this term.