Summer 1 week 2 w.b 22.4.24
In English this week the children have been learning to summarise a new instruction text. Using images and text they sequenced the first part by matching the pictures with the captions.
The children are really enjoying their weekly tennis lesson with Coach Mills. This week, Year one worked in partners to drop and catch the tennis ball, bounce the tennis ball to each other using their rackets to hit the ball and roll the ball on the floor to each other.
Year one were very excited to take part in a mini Easter egg Hunt outside. All the classes, were kindly given a donation of Malteser bunnies that we were very fortunate to share.
In Science, we have started our learning on our new Unit: Plants. Year one looked for plants, weeds, grass and trees that can be found in our outdoor area. We talked about their qualities, similarities, differences and discussed plants we would find in our gardens and in the wild.
In Italian this week, the children learned the names of various animals in Italian.
In History the children have explored what they know about Kings and Queens and looked at the role of the Monarchy. This week they focused on King Charles and what his role involves, they also explored what they think makes a good, successful King or Queen.
In RE the children were learning to understand the story of the Pentecost through imagery. After some discussion on the carpet, they chose a picture to write about and explained why they liked that specific image.
Home Learning – Due Friday.
Mathletics – please complete the activities set.
Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.
Phonics – In preparation for the Phonics Screening, could you please practice the words that have been sent home. Please encourage your child to add the sound buttons as they read. This does not need to be sent back to school as the children practise these daily. The words with monsters next to them are nonsense words, which they will also need to read in the screening. Thank you for your support.
Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes