Friday, 13th September 2024

The highlight of this week was our ‘Scooterbility’ training led by Hertfordshire Council’s Active and Safer Travel Team on Monday.

During their session, the children learned how to ride their scooters with greater control, talked about safe ways of crossing roads and practiced keeping other members of the public safe.

During the week, we also created imaginative pieces of artwork using paint and 2D shapes to model our versions of Space; all linked with our first History topic: The Moon landing.

In English, after revising some key Phase 3 sounds, such as ‘air’, ‘ure’ and ‘ur’, we moved on to revising Phase 5 sounds such as ‘ay’ and ‘ea’. The children wrote simple sentences following picture clues, using words with these key sounds and punctuated them correctly. As an extension, the children then added conjunctions such as ‘and, ‘but’ and ‘because’ to extend their sentences.

In Maths, we looked at re-grouping numbers to 20 before counting objects within 100, in groups of tens and ones using lots of concrete resources such as bead strings, place value counters and Dienes equipment.

In RE, the class looked at the word ‘reveal’. Using objects , we discussed how God is revealed to us through stories in the Bible, practices in Church, friends and family surrounding us and examples of the Creation. Later on in the week, they also linked this with the Sign of the Cross as a visible token of their Faith.

In PE, the class participated in relay games, learning the routines of turn taking, team work and communication. They were introduced to the ‘ladder’ equipment beside using hoops and bean bags.

Thank you so much for all of you who came to see me on Thursday afternoon. If you have missed the ‘Meet and Greet’ session, please see the PPT and handouts on the Year 2 blog. The information should be uploaded by next week Friday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga


Friday, 6th September 2024

Welcome back and welcome to Year 2!

It has been a pleasure to spend time with the children this week and to learn about their talents and interests. They have settled well and started picking up the routines of learning in their new class.

We introduced new activity areas outside, which the children enjoyed exploring. During breaks, they will have the opportunity to select from mindfulness colouring, Lego, 3D construction, Speed Stacking, car slide and sports such as basketball, tennis or hula-hoops and skipping ropes. These areas will be regularly changed with new resources, often matching the learning in the classroom.

In class we started looking at Place Value in Maths and used manipulatives to re-construct numbers to 10 before looking at numbers to 20 and completing number grid puzzles.

In English,the children wrote short sentences about themselves, reflecting on their strengths, their interests and hobbies. We later illustrated these and drew pictures of family adventures and time spent with friends. I was impressed with how well the children could articulate the stories behind their drawings.

On Wednesday, we focused on teamwork. The class broke into groups to build marshmallow towers using dried pasta and squishy sweets. It has been lovely to see them develop their communication skills whilst also practicing turn taking, sharing ideas and use specific language.

This week, we read 2 amazing books about feelings that can affect our first days in school:

The children listened very attentively to these and had brilliant discussions about strategies to cope with such feelings. We listened to meditative music, participated in bubble meditation and also did rainbow breathing in class.

Later on, we used art to depict opposing emotions by creating clay emojis, which we are going to paint next week.

Our PE days this term will be Mondays and Wednesdays. Please make sure you are wearing the appropriate kit on these days.

Please also remember:

Tuesday, 10th September: Scooter Training

Thursday, 12 September 2.45pm: Meet the Teacher information session in the hall.

Friday, 13th September: Whole School Mass

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga



The end of the Summer term

Thank you, Year 2, for your hard work and sense of humour this year. It has been wonderful to see your progress, and watch you grow. You’re all ready to take on Year 3! Thank you also for your generous gifts and kind words this past week, they have been greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic summer!

Miss Pringle


Summer 2 Week 7

Summer fun day was a fantastic way to come together as a class, celebrate and say farewell to Mia. We had a great time together and wish Mia and her family lots of love and success for the future. Thank you to all the parent helpers, it was a wonderful day.

Please return your child’s reading book and record next week Wednesday. Also please bring a plastic bag to school for books and remember that school finishes Friday 19th at 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Summer 2 Week 5

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents Evening this week. Thank you for your continued support this year.

This week in Maths, we have been learning about repeating patterns and sequences. This has included completing and creating our own shape and number sequences.

We have also been busy editing and publishing our Great Fire of London diaries.

Have a wonderful weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning


Please complete the Maths learning sent home today (encourage your child to discuss their learning) and read your new book.

If you haven’t completed the Olympic athlete project set yesterday, please hand it in next Friday.

Thank you



Thursday 4th July learning

Please log onto Mathletics and Spelling shed to complete the tasks set. These will include tasks based on common exception words and division activities.

Please also take this time to research an athlete of your choice who is going to the Paris Olympics. Find out where they are from, what their sport is, if they have won any medals before, what it takes to be an Olympic athlete and any other interesting facts about them. We will be writing about this in class next week.

See you all on Friday

Miss Pringle

Summer 2 Week 4

In English, we have continued our Great Fire of London writing. This week, we have used our senses to describe what Pudding Lane, would have looked, smelt and sounded like. Next week, we will use this writing to help us ‘interview’ each other. We have used our History, Design and Art skills to create Tudor houses from Pudding lane – I’m sure you’ll agree, they are very impressive!

In Maths we have used dienes to help us add two and three digit numbers.

Well done Ella, Lorena, Josie and Emily for planning and leading such a reflective collective worship.

I look forward to meeting with you next week.

Miss Pringle

Home learning 

Please complete the Mathletic activities set and read.

Please learn this spelling list and complete the handwriting sheet.


Summer 2 Week 3

Sports Day, on Tuesday was a fantastic celebration of team spirit, athletic ability and enthusiasm. Thank you for all of your support and encouraging cheers.

In English, we have been busy using prepositions, verbs and adjectives to write about The Great Fire of London.  We’ve been using our reasoning skills in Maths, to solve word problems and observation skills in Science, while looking at different habitats.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Please log on to EdShed and complete the spelling activities online.


Please complete the Mathletics activities set online and read. 




Summer 2 Week 2

We celebrated Healthy Eating Week in Year 2, by Staying Hydrated, getting our 5-a-day, and understanding the importance of exercise on our bodies. We also prepared and enjoyed fruit kebabs and enjoyed infusing our water bottles with segments of lemon, lime and mint leaves.

Well done to Daniella, Isabelle, Andriana and Sophia, for leading a very thoughtful and reflective collective worship about love.

We also welcomed Littlebridge to our class this week. We have loved getting to know her.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Please read over the weekend and complete the Maths tasks sent home today.




Summer 2, Week 1

The children thoroughly enjoyed their class trip to Knebworth House on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun but also provided an opportunity for them to discover how plants grow in the context of a beautiful, established, working garden. They took part in a plants workshop and explored the formal and walled kitchen gardens, before enjoying a visit to the dinosaur trail and the adventure playground. Thank you Ms Coutinho, Mrs Sheahan and Miss Lawlor for support the class.

In Maths, the children have been exploring lines of symmetry. They’ve enjoyed using mirrors to find symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes.

The class have also been busy preparing for Sports Day next week and have enjoyed running the daily mile together at lunch time.

Our new History Topic is The Great Fire of London. This week, we have investigated where, how and why it started.

In RE we have learnt about different types of prayer. This helped us prepare for the Blessed Sacrament on Friday.

Have a restful weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning


Reading books will be sent home on Monday – please read together next week and return books and records on Friday.


Please create an A4 information poster about healthy eating. You might like to write (in handwriting pencil please) about some of the following topics:

  1. The importance of having 5 fruits and vegetables a day.
  2. Why and how we can stay hydrated.
  3. The positive affects of exercise on our bodies and how we can be active.
  4. Why we need fibre in our diets.
  5. How and why we should reduce food waste.