Well done parents!

Dear Parents,

Well done ! You are amazing! It has been wonderful to see how you have all responded to the challenge of home schooling! Thank you for sending photos of your children taking part in such a range of learning activities. Do have a look at the blogs for more photos. Thank you also to our tremendous staff team who are working hard in school and at home to support our community.

The school continues to be open after the Easter holidays for children whose parents are critical workers and children in vulnerable groups. There will be no home learning set on the blogs during the two week holiday but please encourage your children to take part in the Whole School Easter holiday Project. Details are in this newsletter.

As we approach Holy Week, the most important week in the church’s year, please join with our community and  access the live streaming via the parish website www.olasv.org.uk to unite in remembering the events leading up to Jesus’ death and then joyful Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Do have a look at  https://www.wintershall-education.com/resources/resources-family/

Tomorrow we are invited to join with other catholic schools in the area to celebrate the end of term and the beginning of Holy Week via the live streaming. In September we visited Nicholas Breakspear School and took part in their Community Mass with several other local Catholic schools. Each school was given a jigsaw piece to decorate.  During Mass we were invited to complete this jigsaw and it made a heart.  This heart symbolises the ‘love’ we should have for each other and humanity.  It is also one of the Gospel values which Jesus taught us.  It is a very poignant value to have and to express during this difficult time.  The heart jigsaw has been delivered to the parish and will be used as part of the liturgy. Please try and join us!

Don’t forget to join in the Palm Sunday live streaming and display your HOSANNA poster and leaves in your window!

Sending you all every good wish for the Easter break!

Liz Heymoz

SOLUTIONS to the April Fools Maths Challenges for Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6

Challenge for Years 3 and 4

Don’t be a Fool!

Is the following maths statement true or false? Tip: try using the number in lots of different ways to figure out if the statements can be proven to be true!

Using eight 8s, it is possible to make 1,000?


Challenge for Years 5 and 6                                  

Don’t be a Fool!

  • Work out this riddle and prove you’re not an April Fool! 


I’m thinking of a 5-digit number which has no zeros and no digit is the same. 

The ten thousand digit is the cube root of the ones digit. 

The tens digit is the square root of the thousands digit. 

The hundreds digit is the product of the ten thousand digit and the tens digit. 

The thousand digit is an odd square number. 


I’ll post the answers tomorrow!

Mrs McNamara

April Fool Solutions

Thank you to Alex and Joseph Darling for their solutions!


Computing! Childnet Film Competition

Childnet Film Competition 2020

The Childnet Film Competition is now in its 11th year and is open to all young people based in the UK. The challenge is to create a short film or a storyboard with a script in response to this year’s theme.

The theme of this year’s Childnet film competition is:

We want an Internet where we’re free to….

Think about all the things we love to do online. Create a film or storyboard that explains why we want an internet that allows people to feel free and safe online and how we can can make this happen.

Childnet have released packs to give more information about the competition and to help you to plan and make your films at home. All details can be found at https://www.childnet.com/resources/film-competition/2020

Childnet understands that young people may not have access to specialist equipment at home but don’t let that stop you. Get creative with the technology you have, including phones and tablets, or enter the storyboard category, which doesn’t require any film making equipment.

I am sure there are some great filmmakers in our midst.

Good luck and happy filmmaking.

From Miss Davey

Computing Subject Leader


PE snakes and ladder fun

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. I thought you might like to try this PE version of snakes and ladders with your family instead of (or in addition to – if you’re feeling super fit!) joining Joe Wicks this morning. There are many different challenges included. All you need is a dice, appropriate clothing, water and a safe space. Enjoy and send me some pictures of you having fun if possible.

Love Miss Pringle

pe snakes and ladders

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I can tell from the emails I have received that there are a lot of busy bees in Year 2. Thank you for sharing your fantastic learning with me. Keep up the great work!

I hope you enjoy today’s learning activities. Please find them in the table below. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the Science design challenge. If you have any questions or if you need any help.. you know where to find me.. year2@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Have a lovely day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Lenten Prayer for Thursday 2nd April

Lord God, we are called to lives of service, especially to serve those who are poor, excluded or vulnerable.

Grant me the strength to respond to your call, in whatever way I can.

May I always seek to act out of love for all your people, our global family.










Compose a sentence for five of the spellings words and write your sentences in your handwriting book.



Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.

You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Oxford Owl website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/



Use the Class Login area.





























Morning Challenge
Fluency 5 x 2

10 + 50 + 20 =
25 + 9 =
88 – 10 =
____ > 27
How many minutes in half an hour?
Half of 80 =
Make 50p 5 different ways
Double 60 =
How many minutes in 1 hour?
31, 41, ___, 61, ____, ____, ____, _____,


WALT: Solve a problem.

23 … 2+3 = 5

How many different numbers are there in Ben’s list?

Write all the numbers in order.

Please note that Ben’s numbers include 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. There is one 5 digit number.

Extension Challenge:
What if the digits added up to 6? How many different numbers are there now?






















































































































































Thursday 2nd April 2020
WALT: Answer comprehension questions
















Did you know….

Early in 2019, a cotton seed was successfully germinated on the moon. However, it did not live very long because during the lunar night, which lasts for approximately 13.5 days, the temperature plummeted and it was too cold for the seedling to survive.

If humans were to ever colonise Mars, they would need to be able to grow crops in order to survive. However, the extreme cold, low atmospheric pressure and high radiation environment would mean that the plants would need to be grown in a heated transparent enclosure if they were to grow to maturity and provide crops.

Get Growing on Mars!!!!

Design and make a Martian ‘grow pod’.

Use recycled materials to create a place where a seed could germinate and grow in a place like Mars.

Think about the conditions that a seed needs to germinate and grow.

I can’t wait to see what you design and create!


Thursday 2nd April Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you are all getting fit with the exercise every morning! I enjoyed receiving your photos of your amazing learning. I can see that you are all working hard at home.

Here is your learning today.

Mrs Carey

PE Joe Wick’s daily workout live at 9am




Write the short date in your maths book



Copy the following into your Maths books


10p + 6p =

12p + 6p =

20p – 5p =

17p – 5p =

5p + 5p + 5p + 5p =


You can print the worksheet on the link below or draw some clocks in your book and draw the hands to make different half past times. Remember to make the hour hand shorter than the minute hand.

Thursday’s maths

Handwriting Write your spellings in your handwriting book.
English Practise your spellings for this week

Over the next two days I would like you to write a story about this picture.

Beginning – Describe the setting and the characters, who lives in the house? What are they doing?

Middle – Think of a problem that might happen. How do the characters feel?

Ending – Has the problem been solved? How? Who helped? How are the characters feeling?

Remember to write on the line, use capital letters and full stops. Can you use questions marks and exclamation marks?

Also try to use adjectives and conjunctions.

Phonics Continue to play games of phonicsplay.com

Read the words out, made, came

Practise spelling who, because

We can pronounce the letter g different ways when we read and spell words.

j         gent, gem, ginger,

g       gets, egg, got

Can you read these sentences?

I don’t have the energy to play today.

There is danger ahead!

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read. Record the books you have read in your reading record.


Click My Class login

Username- Popepaul2020

Password- Ilovereading2020

Go to books, ebooks, click on book band and choose your child’s colour. Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Play the activities linked to the books you read.

Art Go outside in the garden and draw some signs of Spring. (Flowers, animals, sunshine, green trees.). If you are unable to go outside look at some pictures of Spring and draw a picture. Paint, colour, collage your picture. Send me some photos!
RE On Good Friday we remember that Jesus died on a cross. Make a cross – cut it out and decorate it. Be as creative as you like, using different materials you have at home.



Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Year 4!

Again, you have all been keeping busy with your learning and doing extra activities too!  It has been lovely to hear from you.


Maths work on Regrouping and multiplying by 10/100

Exercising to Joe Wicks, the Body Coach

      Torch work:

Drawings for those suffering with the virus

A Big Thank you to the NHS

A reminder: you can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by sending us an email to: year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day.

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers from yesterday’s work.

Day 8 Year 4 Learning ANSWERS

Maths worksheet on regrouping ANSWERS

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

You need this information today to help you:

Day 9 Year 4 Learning

Music Ideas Sheet


Resources that you could use today:

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass and Fr Shaun has invited us to join him when we are able.  You can access the live streaming via the parish website www.olasv.org.uk .


Some Mathletics tasks have been set for you to complete.  Have a go when you have time.

Maths Chase

Hit the Button

Why not try the online books (e-books) from Oxford Owl:  Click on ‘My Class Log in’

Oxford Owl  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020


Ideas for Reading:


David Walliams is putting out a free audio story daily.


‘Audible Stories’  For as long as schools are closed, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.  All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.  

So Year 4, why don’t you explore the collection, select a title and start listening!!






Year 6 – Thursday 2nd April learning

Good morning. We’re fast approaching the end of Week 2, and so at the halfway stage this week, let’s look at the leaderboard.

Readtheory: 1st Giovanna, 2nd Mikey, 3rd Maks

Prodigy: 1st Elysia, 2nd Jude, 3rd Matthew A

Duolingo: 1st Alex, 2nd William, 3rd Louise

I’ll post at the end of Friday who the winners are for the week, so you have 2 days to climb the leaderboard!

Maks sent a photo of his completed maths maze from yesterday’s maths learning. Excellent, Maks – those are some very tiny fractions you’ve worked out there!

Louise has been busy baking banana bread; it looks very enticing and has given me cake cravings! Well done, Louise.

Subject Activity
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at  https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Prayer Visit https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Lent-Calendar and reflect on today’s Bible verse and message.
Spelling Play with family members: Word Wager


1.                   Put this week’s words into an envelope/wallet.

2.                   Share the tokens (could be anything – beads, buttons, stones) equally between the group.

3.                   One person in the group will be the caller, and will read a word for you to spell.

4.                   If you think you are able to spell it, bet as many tokens as you like.

5.                   If you’re not sure, you can sit out of that round but you still have to pay the pot one token.

6.                   Betting players write the word down.

7.                   Those who spell it correctly divide the pot equally.


Reminder of this week’s spellings:











Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/

Here’s the leaderboard so far this week: Giovanna, Maks and Nick. What will it look like at the end of the week?

English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths WALT apply multiplication of fractions in a range of contexts.


Arithmetic starter:

1.       132.9 + 45.21 =

2.       _______ = 91,256 – 6,716

3.       194 x 49 =

4.       45,781 ÷ 5 =

5.       ______ = 19.65 ÷ 100


Click here to open today’s maths lesson.

RE WALT demonstrate our understanding of the events of Good Friday.

 Click here for today’s learning with an art focus.

EXT: could you paint your own depiction of this scene? If you do, it would be great if you could accompany it with a caption explaining your artistic choices.

Computing Childnet Film Competition 2020

The competition is now open! Since last week, Childnet have released packs to give more information about the competition and to help you to plan and make your film.

You can decide whether you enter into the Solo or Group category. All details can be found at https://www.childnet.com/resources/film-competition/2020 but here are the vital documents you need to read or complete:

Film Comp 2020 – Entry Form – Solo Category

Film Comp 2020 – FAQs – Solo Category

Film Comp 2020 – Terms & Conditions – Solo Category

Film Comp 2020 – Entry Form – Group Category

Film Comp 2020 – FAQs – Group Category

Film Comp 2020 – Terms and Conditions – Group Category

Film Comp 2020 – Understanding the Theme Activities

Film Comp 2020 – Planning Sheet

Film Comp 2020 – Storyboard Template

Film Comp 2020 – Film Script Template

Film Comp 2020 – How To Film – Top Tips

Film Comp 2020 – IMPORTANT Information on Copyright

Film Comp 2020 Media Consent

Take your time with this: the deadline isn’t until Monday 22nd June, so you have plenty of time to work on it. I’d love to see your ideas as you work on it over the coming weeks. Let’s have a winner from Year 6 Pope Paul!

Thursday 2nd April 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

Don’t forget to check out the new Snakes and Ladders PE lesson I have uploaded on our class page – enjoy!



Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




https://www.spag.com/ activities have been set.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.


Art Using your own paper or paper from your art book (take the middle  pages out only please) create a poster or picture to display in your window that might cheer up a key worker on their way to work or someone passing by in their car.

A lot of children around the country are doing this – see if you can spot any from your window.







Thursday 2nd April 2020 Learning

Good morning, Year 5. Thank you for your emails- you have all been busy. This week, Jamie B created a fantastic video showing his family taking part in  nature scavenger hunt- well done, Jamie! I took part with my family today and we also struggled with the interesting insect. Why not take part with your families and see if you can find one?

Meaghan has cracked on with the maths Easter egg challenge and sent in her answers already. Can’t wait to see the rest of them.


Here is your learning for today :2nd April


Mrs Lines