Year 6

A very warm welcome from Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

We are sure many of you are wondering how your child has reached Year 6 so quickly – time has flown by! This will be a busy year – which will also fly by – but we hope the children have a fantastic last year here at Pope Paul.

Year 6 is always a busy and lively classroom, with lots of learning taking place. Succeeding in Year 6, means that everyone must always try their best and have a positive attitude to learning. In Year 6, we aim to make learning meaningful, motivating and memorable.

This year will be full of both challenging and exciting opportunities for the children, all of which will help to support them as they complete their final year at Pope Paul. There’s lots to look forward to: such as roles like House Captain and Fairtrade Leaders; the responsibility of having a Reception Learning Partner; the School Journey to PGL; the end-of-year production and many more!

With support from parents as well as school, each child will be encouraged to achieve his/her full potential in SATs and be ready for a smooth transition to secondary school.

You are invited to celebrate your child’s learning in the weekly Year 6 Blog, which you can access on the right-hand side of this page.

Meet the Teacher September 2024

Spring Term Curriculum Overview 2025

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview 2024


Year 6 will be a formative and exciting year for your child. Now that they are at the top of the school, they will be preparing for both SATs and secondary school in earnest, and they will develop much more independence and resilience as the year goes by.

In English, your child will now be expected to understand how to use a full range of punctuation, to write with a wide variety of sentence structures, use powerful vocabulary, and to generally spell words accurately. They may well be fully independent readers, choosing their own books and non-fiction texts based on their own interests. The writing your child does at school will be increasingly confident and creative.

There are a variety of simple things you can do at home to support your child’s developing English skills:

  • Help to foster a love of reading:
    • Take them to the library
    • Read with your child: ‘I read a page; you read a page’
    • Ask them about the book they’re reading
    • Listen to them ‘perform’ some of their book to you
    • Buy a newspaper – they love keeping up with current affairs
  • Have fun assisting them with their weekly spellings and the Year 5 and 6 statutory word list.
  • Take photos of incorrect punctuation and grammar that you spot when you’re out and about

Spelling Lists


The main focus of maths teaching in upper Key Stage 2 is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This should develop the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a wider range of problems using both written and mental methods of calculation. With this grounding in arithmetic, pupils will learn the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems. In geometry, your child will learn to classify shapes with complex properties and will learn the vocabulary they need to describe them.

By the end of Year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long division and multiplication, and in working with fractions, decimals, and percentages.  They should be able to read, spell, and pronounce mathematical vocabulary correctly.

There are a variety of simple things you can do at home to support your child’s developing maths skills:

  • Fire times tables at them in the car and encourage them to log on daily to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRs)
  • In the supermarket, ask them to estimate the final bill by rounding and adding as you go
  • Ask them the time regularly
  • Get them to assist you with your cooking (planning/ buying items needed etc..)
  • Take a trip into London and ask them to plan the journey using the train timetable


Year 6’s PE days for this term are  Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child wears his/her PE kit to school on these days. The children are allowed to wear trainers with their PE Kit but are NOT allowed to wear football studds or astro turf trainers.

This term (Autumn), Year 6 will be swimming on Wednesdays from September 18th. As well as wearing their PE kit to school, please ensure that children remember to bring their swimming kit into school on this day and goggles.

We take huge pride in ensuring that we are smartly dressed and in full uniform. It is very important that children are following the school’s uniform code and trainers should only be worn on PE days and on school trips (if permission is given via the trip letter sent home).

Home Learning

Home Learning is explained and given out each Friday including their weekly spellings. It should be completed by the following Wednesday and they will also have the weekly spelling test on a Friday. We will continue to use Spelling Shed where your child can practise their spellings through fun and interactive games.

Home learning will consist of a spelling task, Maths and English. In the case that a project or whole-school task has been set, the children may get a longer time to complete it.

Home Learning is set each week as it supports and consolidates what is being taught in class.

Please read the home school’s Home Learning Policy for further information.


Toggle Content goes here

Revision Resources (Past)

Group 2 Revision Reasoning

 Maths PM Reasoning

 Maths PM Arithmetic

Maths PM GD Arithmetic

 Revision for Group 2 SPaG

Revision for Group 1 Reading Comprehension

 Reading Comprehension

 Maths AM

 Maths AM GD Algebra Substitutions

 Reading Comprehension

 Maths AM

 Maths AM GD Algebra Substitution

Maths PM Activity 1 Arithmetic

Maths PM Activity 2 Measurement

Maths PM Activity 3 Geometry

 Maths PM Activity 4 Statistics

Maths PM GD Reasoning Mix

Reading Comprehension

 SPaG Past Paper 2018

 Maths AM

 Maths AM Part 2

Maths AM GD Algebraic Notation

 Reading Comprehension

 Spelling Past Paper 2018

 Maths Groups 7.5.24

Maths AM

7.5.24 Maths GD

 Maths PM


3.5.24 Reading Comprehension

3.5.24 Maths AM

3.5.24 Maths Ext.

1.5.24 Reading Comprehension

1.5.24 SPaG

1.5.24 Maths AM

1.5.24 Maths AM GD

1.5.24 Maths PM

30.4.24. Reading Comprehension

 30.4.24 Past SPaG 2019

30.4.24 Maths AM

30.4.24 Maths AM GD

29.4.24 Reading Comprehension

29.4.24 KS2 Spelling Paper 2019

29.4.24 Maths AM Measures GD

29.4.24 Maths AM- Calculate with metric measures

Maths PM Miles and kilometres

29.4.24 Arithmetic PM

Arithmetic GD PM

26.4.24 Maths GD

Ribbon Squares ( on the Clock (

Watch the Clock (

26.4.24 Maths AM Convert metric measures

Thursday Morning Enrichment Group (Ms Varga)

Click here for the 2019 Arithmetic Paper.  Complete all questions from Question 20 – Question 36. 

25.4.24 Reading Comprehension

25.4.24 Metric measures

24.4.24 SPaG

24.4.24 Maths with Mrs McNamara 24.4.24

24.4.24 Maths AM Calculate Volume

24.4.23 Maths PM Arithmetic 24.4.24

Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_1 24.4.24

23.4.24 Story

23.4.24 SPaG 2022 Past Paper

23.4.24 Maths AM Ratio problems


Maths PM 

Maths PM GD-Challenging Problem Solving – Ratio

22.4.24 Reading Comprehension Year 6 Reading

22.4.24 Spelling Past Paper

22.4.24 Maths AM Ratio and fractions

22.4.24 Maths PM Scale drawing

Use scale factors

19.4.25 Arithmetic Enrichment Group

19.4.24 Maths AM Reflections

19.4.24 Reading Comprehension Under the Lights Questions

18.4.24 Reading Comprehension-

18.4.24 Maths AM- Translations

18.4.24 Maths PM

17.4.24 Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehensio

17.4.24 SPaG

 17.4.24 Maths AM The first quadrant

17.4.24. Maths PM Read and plot points in four quadrants

16.4.24 Reading Comprehension Story

16.4.24 SPaG ks2-english-2023-grammar-punctuation-spelling-paper-1-short-answer-questions

16.4.24 Maths AM Draw shapes accurately

16.4.24 Maths PM Nets of 3D shapes

Maths- Angles in a quadrilateral

Maths PM- Circles

15.4.24 Reading Comprehension Evacuation

Maths Focus Area: Shape    ARE       GD

SPaG Focus Area: Grammatical Terms and Word Classes

Tuesday 19th March 2024 Fractions

Thursday 7th March

Areas of work covered today in our workshop sessions:

A    Focus Area:  Measurement          ARE   Click here

B    Focus Area:  Weight    ARE   Click here      GDS   Click here

C    Focus Area:  Co-ordinates  ARE  Click here      GDS  Click here

D    Focus Area:  Time/Calendar       ARE  Click hereGDS Click here

E   Focus Area:  Angles

Activity 1:  Protractor – measure angles

Activity 2: Use the on-screen protractor to measure the size of the given angles as accurately as you can.  Work through the levels.  Click here.

15th February

  1. Following on from our work on Translation, please click here and complete the questions based on this area of learning.
  2. Click here to solve Problems on Measurement.
  3. Click here to solve problems on Weight.

Arithmetic – Questions on Number

Tuesday 13th February

Arithmetic Paper

Complete the Arithmetic Test above giving yourself 10 minutes for the final part of the paper.  Record your answers in your enrichment book.

Log onto your Mathletics Account and you will see that there has been a maths activity assigned to you.  Complete this doing any direct calculations into your enrichment books. You have been allocated an amount of time in which to complete the activity.  If you do not manage to stick within this time, the activity will stop and you can go no further.

Thursday 8th February, 2024


Arithmetic and Reasoning

Misconceptions Activity

Arithmetic Paper

Reasoning Paper 1

Reasoning Paper 2

Group 2:  Mental Arithmetic Focus Activity:    Test 1            Test 2     Reader 2

Monday 29th January

Maths Revision Poster

Long Multiplication

Arithmetic Paper

Missing Numbers

Thursday 25th January

Click below for the learning topics being covered today.

  1.  Grammar: Tense Consistency and Modal Verbs
  2. Spellings:  Click here
  3. Arithmetic Test  Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
  4. Arithmetic Test Have a go!!  Time yourself
  5. Thursday 18th January

Click on the links below for the activities today.

  1.  Spelling
  2. Grammar Test: Verbs
  3. Arithmetic Paper A
  4. Paper 1          B
  5. Paper 2         C

Thursday 11th January

Percentages and Fractions:  Revision Warm Up 

Warm Up: Decimals and Fractions 2

Y6 Arithmetic Test P1A            Y6 Arithmetic Test P1B


23rd November: Arithmetic Focus


Square Numbers Revision 

Year 6 Blog