Friday 20th September, 2024

In Maths the children have worked hard on learning about area and perimeter and started looking at recognising and describing the properties of 3D shapes.  They spent some time this week making some 3D shapes as well.

This week we began our new English unit about the narrative ‘When the Sky Falls’. This is set in WWII and so we have needed to develop our understanding of life at this time. Year 6 have thoughtfully discussed evacuation and the Blitz, coming up with interesting insights and a multitude of questions. In History, we explored how Potters Bar was impacted by evacuation due to our location.

On Thursday, Mrs Heymoz visited the class to announce the Leadership Roles. To earn their roles, Year 6 students were assigned time to write letters explaining how they align with their passions and interests, developing their persuasive communication skills.  All leaders will play a crucial role in the organisation and execution of a wide range of events that enrich the school experience for all pupils at Pope Paul, helping to promote collaboration and shared responsibilities.

As they embark on their respective journeys in their new roles, there is no doubt that their contributions will significantly impact the enjoyment and enrichment of school-life at Pope Paul.

A real highlight of the week was meeting their new reading partners today. There was great excitement and it was wonderful to see the start of these new relationships.


Please Note:  Writing enrichment workshop (open to all members of the class) Mondays after school until 4.15pm

Maths Enrichment (open to all members of the class): Thursdays before school 8 – 8:30am.    This enrichment will also be after school after the                                                                                                                                                                                                      October half-term. 


Home Learning:

Spelling Shed: rhythm, symbol, system, crystal, antonym, mystery, lyrics, oxygen, symptom, typical.

Mathletics (Angles and Area)


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines



Maths Area

Click on the link and answer questions on area.



Area and Perimeter  Part 2


Using a protractor

Click here



Friday 13th September, 2024

This week in Year 6 our focus has been learning about angles on a straight line, angles around a point and learning about calculating missing angles in a triangle and quadrilateral in Maths.  The children have worked on many problems involving these areas.

This week in English, the children have written their speeches to apply for their leadership roles. They drew on the models they heard and considered why they were best for the role. The children have begun recording these and will continue to do so next week.

In PE we had fun taking part in some team games which are a great way to stay fit and healthy and build relationships. Playing as part of a team allows children to interact and socialise and learning from the team games mean that the class can build upon their leadership qualities which enable them to be good decision makers.

Our History learning this half term will be based around Potters Bar at War, and this week the children researched the zeppelin crash in 1916. They were very enthusiastic and engrossed in finding facts about their locality.

The highlight for this week we feel was the Whole School Mass.  The children sat with such reverence during the mass showing that they are taking on their leadership role as the oldest members of the school.  A special well done goes to Teddy, Charlie, Emily, Raylan, Nathan, Rian, Sarah, Frankie and Finn McB who assisted with the mass by reading/altar serving/preparing the altar/doing the mass powerpoint. Well done!

Today, prospective House Captains made speeches to their houses; they used persuasive techniques to gain votes. They spoke beautifully and we look forward to hearing the results in our leadership assembly on the 20th September.




On Monday after school, Mrs Lines will be running an English writing workshop. This will be on every Monday unless advised otherwise, and will finish at 4:15. It is assumed that all children attending will be collected. If you want your child to travel home independently, please email the office to let them know. This is also the case for children who already have forms signed as the end time differs from usual school dismissal.

Maths before school (8am) on Thursday with Mrs McNamara will be on this week. All are welcome.

Please remember swimming kits this Wednesday 18th September.



Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome Back!

It has been a real pleasure to spend time with Year 6 this week and hear all about their summer break. They have  quickly settled back into the routine of learning, and have spent much of this week reflecting on what it is to be a leader. We also welcomed a new child to our class, John Joseph.

Today was our Leadership Pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral.  We were supported by Fr Shaun, Deacon Sean and Amanda on this trip and their presence enabled us to spend our time learning about the saints who have a special chapel dedicated to them there such as St Peter, St Paul etc.  The children got very involved and showed such reverence there whilst they journeyed around the cathedral lead by either Fr Shaun or Deacon Sean.

During this academic year the children will be experiencing a leadership role and will see how their involvement reinforces their commitment to Catholic Social Teaching to make a positive change, rooted in faith in God, in our school and parish community.

Our PE days this term are Tuesday and Wednesday. Details about swimming will be emailed in a separate letter.  Our meet the teacher meeting is on Monday.  Please see the newsletter for other dates relevant to you.

Wishing you and your families a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning: 

For our upcoming history unit, the children need to have the dates of birth of some family members. This only needs to be the year. Ideally they would have a parent, a grandparent and a great grandparent.  They only need one date per generation as otherwise their timelines can become unclear.


Year 6 Last Day at Pope Paul!

Well the day finally arrived… the last day at Pope Paul Catholic School for our Year 6 children.

The class have spent the morning saying lots of goodbyes to children and staff, and getting their shirts and books signed!

Thank you to all our wonderful Year 6 children and families- it has been a real privilege to work with you all over the past 7 years. Thank you so much for the overwhelming support that you have given us during this time. We will all will miss you!

Thank you too for your generosity and beautiful class gifts- I will cherish them!

Have a wonderful summer- I will be thinking about you all in September. Your new schools are lucky to have you!

Take care,

Ms Pemberton

I’ll leave you with some photos taken yesterday at the pizza party.


Year 6 Week Beginning 1.7.24

Year 6 arrived home safely on Friday afternoon, after a fantastic week away at PGL. The children were an absolute pleasure to be around, with outstanding behaviour, wonderful team work and a real sense of comradery throughout the whole week!

This week, we have been very busy with final preparations for our end of year production next week. Thank you so much for sending your children in with their costumes and for those of you who have donated props- it’s really appreciated!

On Wednesday, Year 6 were treated to a lovely concert, where they got to hear Panayiotis and Samuel’s brilliant guitar playing. What talent! Well done boys!

This morning, the class read out their letters (set for home learning yesterday) to Year 5, and answered lots of questions about life in Year 6; this was part of of Year 5 to Year 6 transition. Year 6 were full of advice and were very reassuring, in both their letters and their answers. Well done Year 6!

For home learning, please start to jot down as many memories as you can about your time at Pope Paul, from Reception until present day. The more memories the better! This will be needed for some work in class, so make sure you bring it into school with you by Thursday please.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Year 6 Home learning 4.7.24

Dear Year 6,

As discussed yesterday, please reflect on the year gone by and write a letter of advice and reassurance to the current Year 5 as they prepare to transition into Year 6 next term.

You may wish to:

  • Consider all the things that you felt worried about this time last year and address these in your letter
  • Tell the children about the different leadership roles within Year 6
  • Explain how to be an outstanding and supportive role model to their Reception reading partner
  • Write about the transition process you are going through to prepare for secondary school
  • Tell them all about your wonderful experiences at PGL- include tips about coping with being home sick, tell them about the exciting activities, about sharing a room with friends, and the delicious food!
  • Explain what you did to prepare for SATs
  • Anything else you think with help them!

These letters will be given to Year 5 on Friday, so remember to bring them into school with you!

In the afternoon, explore the question ‘Is Fairtrade fair?

Research extensively about Fairtrade and try to:

  • Explain what Fairtrade is
  • Compare and contrast the situation of Fairtrade-certified farmers with that of non-Fairtrade producers
  • Explain the benefits to be gained from Fairtrade certification.

Present this research in any way that you want to.

See you all tomorrow!

Ms Pemberton

Year 6 Week Beginning 17.6.24

It has been such a busy week for Year 6!

On Monday, the class visited Fr Demetrianos at The Twelve Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, in Brookmans Park; this was part of our special Other Faiths Week. The children learnt about the differences between the Orthodox Christian faith and Catholicism. They also studied the beautiful paintings and icons around the church  and had the opportunity to sketch the stunning building from outside. The class were made to feel so welcome! Today, Fr Demetrianos made a visit to us and led an interesting assembly where the children had the opportunity to ask him questions- thank you Father Demetrianos.

On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in their final Sports Day at Pope Paul!

Congratulations to Amber and Christoph- their house, St Bernadette, won the KS2 Sports Day, and congratulations to Thomas and Eliana-their house, St Louise, won the EYFS and KS1 Sports Day!

Well done to Naomi, Ellis, Siena, Caitlin and Ollie, who worked so hard to make sure the two events went smoothly, both in the lead up to Sports Day, and on the day itself!

We are really looking forward to PGL next week and it looks as though we are going to be blessed with wonderful weather. With that in mind, please do not forget to pack sun cream, hats, lunch and water bottles in your back pack, as we will be going to the beach as soon as we have dropped off our suitcases!

Please do not forget to hand any medication required to Ms Pemberton directly, on Monday morning.

Happy packing!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Year 6 Week Beginning 10.6.24

This week, it was Healthy Eating Week at Pope Paul School.

The themes were:

  • Get at least 5 A DAY –  Fresh, frozen, dried and canned all count!
  • Move more – Find ways to be more active every day.
  • Stay hydrated – Have about 6-8 drinks a day.
  • Focus on fibre – Have more wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils.
  • Reduce food waste.

Over the week, Year 6 created informative healthy eating advice leaflets, focussing on all the five aspects set out above.  They also had fun preparing and sampling healthy fruit salad and flavoured water.

Upper key stage 2 were once again visited by Beth Cullen, from the Herts Mental Health Support Team, this week. She came to talk to the children about Men’s Mental Health Week, focussing on themes such as toxic masculinity and ways to keep mentally healthy.

On Thursday, some of our children took part in the Year 6 Herts for Learning Maths Challenge. Nikola said, “It was fun, even though the questions were very challenging!”

Well done to the children who took part: Nikola, Samarth, Lucy L, Eraldo, Grey, Lucy W, Isabelle, Christoph and Catherine!

The children have been working extremely hard on learning their lines for our upcoming end of year production, and rehearsals are going very well . Costume suggestions also went home during the week. Please try and source as much as you can from your own homes and charity shops, rather than spending money buying costumes that you might never wear again.

We are in need of large pieces of cardboard and newspaper to make props and scenery- please bring in any spare that you have at home, thank you!

If you haven’t already done so, please bring in your PGL forms as a matter of urgency- there are still nine sets of forms outstanding. You can also begin to bring in pocket money for PGL from Monday. Please ensure that it is in something that can be resealed and that your name is on it, thank you.

Continue to practise your lines and organise your costumes for home learning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton


Year 6 Week Beginning 3.6.24

On Monday, with great trepidation and excitement, the Year 6 children auditioned for a role in the end of year production!

The class were given the opportunity to have a say in their preferred roles, and when these were announced on Wednesday, I was so moved with how well they all supported one another- cheering and clapping each other as their roles were announced. Every child has been given a script to learn lines and song lyrics. These need to be brought into school every single day now, as we will be rehearsing daily!

Songs can be found here.

On Monday, the children who are moving onto Nicholas Breakspear School in September were visited by Ms Westerdale and Mr Mc Fadden, as part of their transition program; they came to meet all the children in person and answer any burning questions that they may have had.

Transition visits have also been made by staff from Chancellors School and Mount Grace School this week.

Today, we were joined by Maisy, who was given very special permission from NBS to spend the day in our class. She spent the time being reacquainted with the class in preparation for our upcoming school journey in Suffolk,.

Well done to the children who represented our school in a basketball competition at Mount Grace this week. They had a fantastic time!

Today, the children took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession alongside the rest of the school, and as usual made staff proud with their reverence. Well done children!

Thank you so much for the lovely hoodies- it was so generous of you all! We can’t wait to wear them at PGL!

Home learning this week is to learn your lines and lyrics!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton