Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning Year 2,

Thank you to everyone who has shared their Road to Emmaus moving picture scenes with me. They are wonderful! What talent there is in Year 2!

In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. Remember that you can keep in contact with me by posting comments to the Year 2 Blog or by sending me an email at 

Don’t forget to send your pictures/video clips for our virtual May Procession. Remember the deadline for sending your pictures/videos is Friday!

Have a lovely day,

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Thursday 29th April 2020

God of life in all its fullness, be with us as we try to be the best people we can be.

Inspire us to help one another to use the gifts and talents you have given us, so that the world may be a better place, reflecting the glory of your Kingdom.


Handwriting Compose a sentence for five of the spellings words and write your sentences in your handwriting book.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 29-04-2020
Morning Challenge
Fluency 5 x 2


How many hours in a day?
How many hours in half a day?
48 – 19 = ___
30 + 30 + 15 = ____
120 minutes = ____ hours
Double 15 = ____
48 + 24 = _____
100 – 11 =_____
Make 80p five different ways
_____,57, 67, ____, _____, _____, ______


WALT: Order times

Put the times on these clocks in an order.
Explain what is happening at that time.

English Thursday 29th April 2020
WALT: Change a statement into a command and a question.



Statements can be changed into commands or questions by adding new words or switching around the word order.The dough needs to be placed in a warm place. (Statement)

Place the dough in a warm place. (Command)

Does the dough need to be placed in a warm place? (Question)

Which of these are statements, commands and questions?

 1. Leave the flan in the tin.

 2. The cake needs to bake for 10 minutes.

 3. How does the bread rise?

4. Do I whisk the eggs with a fork or a spoon?

5. Make 10 round dough balls.


Rewrite the following statements as commands or questions.

Hopefully it won’t bubble over.

I love Grandma’s apple pie recipe.

That is Sarah’s apron.

You could always use Peter’s mixer.

You can’t start this part yet.

Once it is in the mould it can’t move around.

The children’s biscuits are ready.

Mum’s sink if full of dirty dishes.

Science Thursday 29th April 2020
WALT: Know about seasonal change and plant life cycles.


Look at the picture below. Discuss what you see. Make a prediction about what you think will happen next?

You’re going to watch a short video. The aim isn’t to find right answers, it’s to explore ideas and think about what you have seen.

Answer the following questions based on the video.

  • What do the seeds need to germinate?
  • How do the seeds change during the video?
  • What do the you notice about the shoots as they grow?
  • How do the roots change during the video?

Year 6 – Thursday 30th April learning

Good morning Year 6, and welcome to Thursday.

Giovanna and Taanya sent me their bluebell drawings yesterday. They’re beautiful – thank you.

I was delighted to receive lots of photos showing Oliwia’s learning so far. Keep it up!

Meanwhile, Asher has been practising piano and preparing a wonderful act of worship for those in school. Well done!

Here are Thursday’s lessons:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Spelling Play with family members: Word Wager


1.                Put this week’s words into an envelope/wallet.

2.                Share the tokens (could be anything – beads, buttons, stones) equally between the group.

3.                One person in the group will be the caller, and will read a word for you to spell.

4.                If you think you are able to spell it, bet as many tokens as you like.

5.                If you’re not sure, you can sit out of that round but you still have to pay the pot one token.

6.                Betting players write the word down.

7.                Those who spell it correctly divide the pot equally.


Reminder of this week’s spellings:











Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

Find the powerpoint on clauses and conjunctions here.

Times Tables
Maths WALT calculate ratio.


Arithmetic starter:

1.      749.15 + 96.3 =

2.      _______ = 74,810 – 1,478

3.      190 x 38 =

4.      6,432 ÷ 3 =

5.      ______ = 109 ÷ 100

6.      List 3 multiples of 19.


Here is today’s maths lesson:

Questions for today are here, and the answers are here.

RE WALT explain why we honour Mary.


Click here for today’s learning.

Computing Childnet Film Competition 2020


How is your film coming along? Use this time to continue to plan, sequence, shoot and edit your film.

To go back to the detailed instructions that were posted before the holidays, visit:


Do let me know how yours is progressing.

Thursday 30th April Learning

Good morning Year 1. Here is your learning today.


Have fun learning this dance!



Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1   – Today’s sound is e-e


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am


Continue to practise words or phonemes your child does not know.

Click on the link below for the activity

Thursday Phonics


Write the short date in your maths book




I have 10p and I lose 5p. How much do I have left?

I have 15p and I spend 6p. How much do I have left?

How many pennies in £1?

I have 6p and you have 10p more than me. How much do you have?

You have 12p and I have 3p less than you. How much do I have?


Click on the link below for today’s Maths


Handwriting/spelling Write these spellings in your book 4 times each. catch, notch, hutch, kitchen
English Non -fiction Writing – Plants

Read the powerpoint on the link below

Science and English

Click on link below for the activity.

English and Science

Reading Read for 10 minutes and write two sentences about what you reading your reading record.
Art Choose one of the wild flowers you learnt about and make a collage with different materials.


Thursday, 30th April, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

Let’s see what you have been posting for the class blog:

William P and Lola have been busy cooking…..I’m starting to feel hungry!


Fabian is preparing to cook a cake at the weekend….I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of it!

Sami Z and Ellie have been doing the origami challenge…the animals look so life like!

Freddie, Fabian, William, Sami Z and Lola have been busy writing their poems.




It is always so lovely to receive your emails and read about how you are getting on with the work.

Thank you to the children who have already sent in their photos for the May Procession.  Please email them to our class email by Friday 1st May (that’s tomorrow!).

Click here for the answers to yesterday’s learning.

The Maths Learning is not attached to the daily sheet.  Look below for the Maths.  Click on the links for the video and worksheet.

Have a lovely day.

Remember, if you have time, try one of the activities that have been attached below the Maths Work.

Click here for today’s learning


WALT: recognise tenths and hundredths

Watch  video 1  below.

Complete the worksheet attached.

Click here for the worksheet


If you would like to go over the work on tenths watch video 2 and complete the worksheet.

WALT: count in tenths.

Click here for the worksheet.


Maths work for today:

Video 1


If you have forgotten your work on tenths, watch this video clip below and complete the worksheet that has been attached in the table above.

Video 2:


Things for you to try at home if you have time : Have a look!

Get Creative!    Click here for ideas!

Do!                             Click here for ideas!

Investigate!   Click here for ideas!


We’d love to see all the great learning the children are doing at home.

A way to share this with the class is to take a photo of your child’s work and email it to us!


Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning, Year 5. Thank you to those of you who have sent me your May procession pictures of you with a flower- keep them coming!


Take a look at Jamie’s History project. It is a real insight into daily life at the moment. Well done, Jamie!

Jamie’s – COVID-19 Project. (1)


Here is your learning for learning for today: 30th April


Good Morning Y3,

Thank you for your emails I love hearing about what you have been doing and seeing your wonderful learning. Keep in touch.

Miss Pringle

Here is today’s learning;




Play some of these games using words with a short u sound, spelt with o.

English and geography

WALT identify compound noun place names in London.


Many place names or tourist attractions are made from compound nouns, for example London Bridge or Brunt Oak. Using a map of London or a tube map list at least 15 examples in your writing book.



Log your daily reading in your reading record and complete this activity in your writing book please.



Make a list of as many adjectives and verbs as you can from a chapter of a book you are reading or have recently read.







Today I have set you a Mathletics activity that revisits the time activities you completed online this week.

Get creative for the NHS at 8pm I know you have created wonderful art to display in your windows for the NHS or written thank you letters to your post and recycling people but I thought that it might be a nice idea to dress up for the 8pm clap for carers this evening. You could wear clothes that are the colours of the rainbow, dress as a key worker or maybe customise one of your old t-shirts or shirts (remember to ask an adult first) like this;

Don’t forget to send me a photo!



Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are well. Thank you for your messages and for sharing your learning with me, I have been very impressed.

Here is today learning;


Spelling/ handwriting 



Continue to learn this week’s spelling and explore other words with a short u sound spelt with o.


Dictionary and sentence work.


Look up the meaning of this week’s 10 spelling and use each one in a sentence of your own. Write these into your writing book and underline the spelling.












Log your daily reading in your reading record and complete these activities in your writing book please.


Write a blurb for a book you have recently read and design a new front cover for it.




I have set some more time activities for today’s maths lesson.



WALT make a ‘nectar feeder’.

Your bird feeders were such a success last week that I thought you might enjoy making a ‘nectar feeder’ for butterflies and other pollinators.  Here are some designs for you to magpie;

You can load your feeder with old or rotten fruit or sugary water.

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you had a nice day yesterday. I’m sure that all your Runner beans enjoyed the nice drop of rain. As you can see from the photograph above our Forget-Me-Not flowers are in bloom in our Year 2 garden.  In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. Remember that you can keep in contact with me by posting comments to the Year 2 Blog or by sending me an email at 

Don’t forget to send your pictures/video clips for our virtual May Procession. Remember the deadline for sending your pictures/videos is Friday!

Have a lovely day,

Miss Davey


Subject Activity





Prayer for Wednesday 29th April 2020


Living God, we look for you in all people.

May we be inspired to treat each other with respect, sharing generously and reaching out to help those who are in need.


Handwriting Copy and complete these sentences using this week’s spelling words into your handwriting books.

James tried to sing along _______ he couldn’t remember all the words.
You must _________ start a sentence with a capital letter.
The bean plant had a long, vertical ________.

It was ________ time for dinner.

‘I need you _____ to be quiet for a moment’ said the teacher.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.










































Morning Challenge



WALT: Tell the time – 15 minutes later

Write the time given under each clock then draw in the time that is 15 minutes later on the next door clock and write that time under the second clock


Extension Challenge:

Write the times 30 minutes after the first time.










Wednesday 29th April 2020
WALT: Use commas in a list. 

When we write a list in a sentence we use a form of punctuation called a commaCommas look like full stops with tails. They are used to separate items like apples, bananas,plums and pears. The last two items in a list must always have the word ‘and’ in between them.

Below you will find a list of the Head Chef’s favourite foods. Rewrite this list, editing for commas.


I enjoy eating ripe strawberries pink trifle  falafels beef and onion crisps fresh fish oysters  cornflakes chicken liver pate shark-fin soup garlic bread  frozen peas Brussels sprouts steak and kidney pie tortillas chocolate chip cookies Banoffee pie chicken stew and a big tub of fudge flavoured ice –cream.

























Listening and appreciation

Listen to the following piece of music and record your answers in your lined writing books.

Is this music happy or sad?

Is it fast or slow?

What instruments can you hear?

What does this piece of music make you think of?

Did you enjoy the piece? Explain our answer.


Magnificent moving pictures and creative clocks!

Year 6 – Wednesday 29th April learning

I hope you are enjoying your week so far. It’s a shame for us that the weather has turned, but the plants will definitely be grateful for the rain.

Sofia has shared her stunning pieces of artwork:

Let’s see what I’ve got in store for you today:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 6-10 into your handwriting book:

6.                Watching football doesn’t interest me at all; I much prefer to watch rugby.

7.                When I touched the metal handrail, the static charge caused me to get a nasty shock.

8.                Jane asked me, “Did you see last night’s news broadcast?”

9.                The building, which was built two centuries ago, suffered considerable damage in the earthquake.

10.                The actors protested; they wanted their wages now.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT use the ratio symbol to relate to the order of parts.


Fluency starter:

1.      9,746 + 748,186 =

2.      5.914 – 2.163 =

3.      _______ = 39 x 74

4.      8,736 ÷ 16 =

5.      ______ = 1000 x 5.18

6.      A rectangle has sides of 4m and 5m. What is its perimeter?


Here is today’s maths video.

Find the questions here and the answers here.

French I have set two new assignments on

If you have been unable to login, then email me at and I’ll send you your login details.

History WALT conduct an historical enquiry.

Imagine if this pandemic and consequent lockdown had taken place 50 years ago. Would children be spending their time at home in the same way as you are? Would families be engaging in the same activities together? Now is a fantastic time to speak to older people you know to find out about changes in living memory. Watch this video which will take you through the process of conducting an enquiry to find out ‘How has life changed within living memory?’

Use this sheet to plan your enquiry and to record your findings. Give yourself a couple of days to complete this, so that you allow plenty of time to gather your evidence.

Wednesday, 29th April, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

Firstly, Mrs Heymoz sent a message to all your families about the May Procession.

Due to our school closure we would like to try and have a remote celebration to honour Mary during this month of May.  Please ask your parents to send a photo or  a two second video clip of you presenting/holding up a flower/blossom, to our class email address (

We will be using the images to make a virtual May Procession. It would be lovely if parents would also like to join us!

The deadline to receive photos/video clips is Friday 1st May at 12noon.

Thank you for staying in touch.

Jo Wicks’ morning exercise is still a favourite with many of you.  William is here following the exercises.

Alice has been exploring Scratch and Darcie-Louise has shared her RE work using her hand print.

Today alongside your English and Maths work, you have have been given a Science task which you are bound to enjoy – looking at the pictures of the teeth of different animals!

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers for yesterdays work.

Click here for answers.

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day.

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Click here for today’s learning. 

Ideas Sheet 1          Ideas Sheet 2


Get Creative!    Click here for ideas!

Do!                             Click here for ideas!

Investigate!      Click here for ideas!


We’d love to see all the great learning the children are doing at home.

A way to share this with the class is to take a photo of your child’s work and email it to us!