Friday 26th April 2024

Amongst all the learning that occurred this week in Year 3, a special Bible was brought into school by Archie. Finding this beautiful book amongst other household objects, has certainly excited Archie’s family and the class!  Over the last few days, allowing us to keep the bible in school, Archie has been explaining the Bible’s history. The children have been very lucky to have handled a book with so much history.  Thank you to Archie and the Cornwall family  for allowing us to examine this precious book.

In Maths this week, the children have continued learning about fractions and carried out many problem solving activities to deepen their understanding. In English, we have started our unit on persuasive writing based on Stella and the Seagull.  Yesterday, Year 3 worked on their persuasion skills by trying to come up with reasons as to why they should be able to stay up later. I’ve heard some of them tried to use their ideas at home! In Geography, we have been learning about the world’s climate zones. Using climate maps alongside political maps, the children located what sorts of climates different countries have.

In PE, the children have begun to look at Cricket as a summer sport. On Wednesday, the children practised their throwing skills by throwing a tennis ball towards a target and ‘the batter’ having a go at hitting it.  Well done children!

Have a restful weekend


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning


Spellings and SPaG activity on spellinghshed