Year 6 Week Beginning 29.4.24

Another busy week has flown by in Year 6!

The children have continued to work hard this week and in Maths, have been revising the topic measures, using both the metric and imperial systems. They have also been completing work on statistics, as well as daily arithmetic work. The busy timetable has also been punctuated with fun activities, such as learning how to make origami and meeting up with their Reception reading partners.

Sadly, the May Procession didn’t take place as planned today, due to the weather; it has now been rescheduled for next Tuesday morning.

Home learning this week is:

Reading comprehension

Maths measures

Please revise all the SPaG definitions given to you previously and try your best to commit them to memory.

Please also have a practice of this hymn that we are hoping to sing for next Thursday’s Ascension Mass (lyrics below).

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton

1. One sacrifice of Christ,
one throne above the heavens.
Christ has risen as he said,
and will come to wake the dead.
Christ will return to set us free.

One sacrifice of love,
one message for the nations:
Jesus suffered, died and rose,
and ascended to the throne.
Christ will return to save the world.

2. One gaze we lift above,
where Love was drawn to heaven.
We stand watchful through the night
for our King to come in light,
heirs to the glory of the Lamb.

One mighty Word of truth:
Christ did arise in triumph.
Now he sits upon the throne;
God’s right hand is he alone.
Christ reigns in splendour over all.

3. One banquet richly set
for all God’s holy people.
We will dine in joy and peace,
and our song will never cease,
praising the Lamb upon the throne.

One shout of joy we raise,
one voice in exaltation.
For in glory Christ has gone,
and in hope we now are drawn
to one sacrifice of Christ,
one sacrifice of Christ.