Friday 3rd April
Good Morning Year 4!
Well done for all of your efforts over this term and of course, especially over the last two weeks. We have been delighted to see what you have been up to and read your work. We are so very proud of your efforts!
During the Easter break, please continue to keep your self busy with things. There are competitions for you to take part in such as the Eggciting Easter Maths competition and the ChildNet Computing Competition.
Ms Dunning and I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter.
Please see Mrs Heymoz’s newsletter about the whole-school RE home learning for the Easter break.
Please continue to stay safe. We really do hope that it won‟t be too long before we are all back together again.
Mrs McNamara and Ms Dunning
Before you begin today’s learning, check over your work from yesterday.
Today’s Learning:
Resources to help you with today’s learning:
Maths Challenge EXTRA RE Spot the Connection
Things to look at over the Easter Break:
Whole School Easter Project April2020
Other ideas
You could also use this time to:
- Join Fr Shaun during Holy Week to celebrate: Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
- Eat and cook together
- Read plenty of books together
- Have some family fun playing games or puzzles
- Go outdoors for a walk
- Colour, paint, sketch, stitch, make and draw
- Keep a journal
- Write letters to friends and family
- Lego
- Help with cleaning and tidying