Building The Kingdom at Pope Paul School
We are very proud to be a part of the Building the Kingdom programme, the aim of which is to embed distinctive Catholic curriculum design for the transformation of society.
At Pope Paul we will continue to ensure that all members of our community understand the principle underpinning the ‘common good’. That it is the care for the greatest good of all persons.
“Because we are interdependent, the common good is more like a multiplication sum, where if any one number is zero then the total is always zero. If anyone is left out and deprived of what is essential, then the common good has been betrayed.” – The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Choosing the Common Good, paragraph 8.
“Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of His love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
The themes of Catholic Social Teaching are:
- Human Dignity
- Community and Participation
- Care for Creation
- Dignity in Work
- Peace & Reconciliation
- Solidarity
- Option for the poor
We are very proud to be a part of the Building the Kingdom programme, the aim of which is to embed distinctive Catholic curriculum design for the transformation of society.
Through Building the Kingdom, we explore the big questions of purpose and meaning that arise throughout the Liturgical year, and then create lessons and events which engage students with the skills needed to be agents for a Spirit fuelled transformation of society. Children at Pope Paul School are being formed to be the ‘leaders of tomorrow’ and they will leave here with a greater sense that they can make a difference.
We have worked with Sister Judith Russi SSMN to consider approaches that will promote critical and higher order thinking skills across the curriculum. We are continuing to develop a wide range of creative strategies to develop our children’s skills to be advocates for change for those in the greatest need in society.
We are working with other schools who are a part of the programme and share our practice at different events, sharing ideas and forming a professional network.
As part of our ‘Building the Kingdom’ curriculum design, children will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding by asking ‘big questions’.
September 2021 Pope Paul School Celebrates Our Lady’s Birthday month. “ How can we be more like Mary?”
October 2021 Pope Paul School Celebrates COP 21 Laudato Si “Who does the world belong to?”
February 2022 Pope Paul School Celebrates Mardi Gras
March 2022 Pope Paul School journeys through Lent using visual images to promote questions on Catholic Social Teaching. “Who is my neighbour?”
May 2022 Pope Paul School celebrates Pentecost by focussing on wind, fire and water throughout the curriculum. “ Who is the church?”
November 2022 Oracy For Advocacy
We were delighted to work with Nicholas Breakspear School, Our Lady’s School, Holy Family School and St Philip Howard School as part of the Building the Kingdom Programme The theme for this collaborative work has been leadership; our children have discussed and debated with passion what they would like our leaders of tomorrow, both in church and state, to do and achieve.
We came together to celebrate our learning with a special gathering of the 5 schools involved in this project on 24th November at Wyllyotts Theatre in Potters Bar.
The day consisted of a seminar presentation by groups of children from each school in the morning about leadership roles in their schools and how they link to Catholic Social Teaching.
In a conference style morning, our children visited other schools seminars to listen to presentations, ask questions and debate answers.
In the afternoon pupils from each school delivered a speech about their views on the leadership of tomorrow to a large audience of pupils, teachers and dignitaries.
Well done to all the children involved.