Year 3 Week 5 Friday 6th February

Spring is nearly here and we need to plant out bulbs.

Please may each child bring in a plastic pot for their bulb planting next week.

Please see this photo for size.

In RE the children have been learning about how people play a special part in all of God’s creations. They discussed how people can behave like God and made posters to give examples. They then reflected on their own actions and words and how they are a sign of God’s presence.

In Maths, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 8. They have continued grouping, sharing, and using number lines and arrays to help them with their learning. Please practice these at home.
In capacity and mass, the children used gram and kg as a unit of measure for mass. They read scales, drew the measure on accurately and challenged themselves to read the scales in different intervals.

The children have been busy writing their own clerihew based on a book character of their choice, and towards the end of the week, they then presented them to the class.

Handwriting pens have started to be given out and the children are eager to try their best in all areas of wrting.

Handwriting pens are awarded when all writing:

  • Is on the line.
  • Is of correct size.
  • Is joined in every lesson and subject.
  • The child has been showing these skills consistently for some time.

When using handwriting pens they:

  • Must be blue ink pens only, no biros or black.
  • Are given their first pen and it is to be kept in class.
  • Are to provide their own pens after their first one.
  • Should not be used in maths books.

This week our French challenged us as we began to place adjectives appropriately before or after the noun they modify and understand that adjective spelling depends on number and gender.

This week we explored the question ‘Why does New Zealand have so many earthquakes?’ The children shred fantastic ideas before we learnt about the tectonic plates. We found this video clip, which illustrates the reasons nicely.

P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr

Spellings: Spellingshed
Maths: Mathletics and TT Rockstars.



Year 3 Week 4 Friday 31st January


In RE the children have been learning to notice God in their everyday lives and in nature.


In Maths, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 4. This week they have explored grouping, sharing, and used number lines and arrays to help them with their learning.


The children have been enjoying their learning on Limericks and Clerihews. This week they explored Clerihews in greater depth and started to plan and write their own. They also worked in groups to see who could make their Clerihew funnier than mine!


This week the children learnt colours in French. Please ask your child about this so they can practise their skills.



This week was super challenging! Year 3 worked very hard and joined forces with each other to share their location and map knowledge to assist them in identifying New Zealand’s earthquakes.

P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday 



Mrs Heymoz spoke to all of KS2 children this week and reminded them that they do not need to bring toys, cards, figures or unnecessary stationary to school.  The children have gone through their class drawers and have put anything like this in their school bags so please help them in emptying them over the weekend. Please note that coloured lip balms are not needed in school.



We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie

Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr



Spellings: Spellingshed

Maths: Mathletics and TT Rockstars.

Year 3 Week 4 Friday 24th January

In RE the children have been learning to recognise that God is present in the world around us. They have looked at a timeline – The time of Israel, The time of Jesus and The time after Jesus. Using a mind-map they also recalled the things Jesus said or did during his lifetime.

In Maths, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 3. They have explored number stories, number lines and bar models to consolidate their learning.

The children have been enjoying their new narrative unit ‘The Present’ and this week planned their own version of the story. I found a video link to try and see if you can watch it at home but am unsure if it will let you without our planning login but here it is to try.

Ten Ten
In Ten Ten this week the children have been learning about different types of bullying. They discussed the difference between emotional and physical bullying and how they can build resilience. In groups, they made a list of things people can say and do that make them feel good, and equally a list of things that can make them feel sad. This prompted an engaging and interesting conversation within the class.


Mrs Ellis has been assisting in our learning of French this term and we have been enjoying learning the French names of some foods and asking for them. Please ask your child about this so they can practise their skills.

The children enjoyed their first introduction to their new topic- Earthquakes and shared their existing knowledge and what they want to find out more on. They began to look at Christchurch earthquake in 2011 and noticed the devastation it caused.

Mrs McNamara has been busy teaching the children the three notes needed on the recorder to play a tune and they are excited to possibly begin rehearsals for a mini concert for you all. Watch this space!

P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr

Spellings: Spellingshed
Maths: Mathletics, please complete the activities that have been set. TT Rockstars, please practice 2, 3 and 5 times tables.



  • We are still collecting socks for the passage please.
  • Please bring in small plant pots or plastic cups for planting spring bulbs.


Year 3 Week 1 Friday 10th January

In RE the children have been learning about the Epiphany. They made beautiful crowns to wear to assembly on Tuesday morning and looked at the gifts the Three Wise Men took to Jesus. They also discussed the meaning of the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh that were gifted.
In Maths, the children have started their topic on multiplication. They looked at making equal groups and how using arrays can help them.
The children found similes and metaphors challenging before Christmas so took part in different activities this week to understand how and why they are used in writing. They applied their knowledge to draft a poem about lemons following an ABAB rhyming pattern. We couldn’t let an opportunity to taste the lemon pass us by either!
P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday 
  • Swimming lessons will commence next Wednesday (15th January) please ensure your child wears their PE kit, brings their swimming kit to school every Wednesday and give consent on School Gateway.
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
                                                  Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
                                                      Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr
Homelearning: is set from 4pm on Fridays and due by 7pm on Wednesdays
Spellings: Have been set on Spellingshed to follow our weekly spelling pattern- please see the spelling sheet handed out on Tuesday.
Maths: Has been set on Mathletics to revise learning in class.

Last Week of the Autumn Term


We did it! Happy last day of term everyone!

Year 3 have had a wonderful term and we have enjoyed teaching them so much!

We look forward to them returning on 

(we need to get used to writing this on the board!)


🎄 We hope you have a restful festive break 🎄

Thank you for all your kind wishes and festive treats, we appreciate all the thought, and we hope the children like our gifts given today. 


🎄 Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie 🎄


♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.🎵Last Friday’s music concert 🎵 ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.


📐🔢Our last Maths lessons on length and perimeter 📐🔢


Year 3 Week 6 9th December

Well, what ANOTHER busy week!
We hope you all enjoy a restful weekend and have energy for the last week of term!
💜 Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie 💜
*We didn’t have a chance to change all the reading books so they will be given out next week instead*




Enjoy the photos!

Last Spellingshed and Mathletics have been set for this term.
We will work on the new spellings to hand out before the end of term and we will register for Timetable Rockstar accounts too.  

Last Friday



Last Friday



What a fun Christmas day we had!



Year 3 Week 5 2nd December

Well, that was a busy week!
Two Advent Services in one day!
We are so proud of your behaviour, effort and respectfulness this week.
You have made us extremely proud to be your teachers.
We hope you all enjoy a restful weekend as there is a busy week next week too!

💜 Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie 💜


Enjoy the photos!

We know it has been a busy week and lots of festive events are happening at the weekends too so Spellingshed and only one Mathletics have been set.
We will work on the new spellings to hand out before the end of term and we will register for Timetable Rockstar accounts too.  

On Wednesday morning we set off to Potters Bar station to make our way to Victoria for the Advent Carol Service.
The children walked lots! They enjoyed being on the train and counting down stops. 
Their behaviour was exceptional and there was lots of fun had by all.
Once we arrived, the children listened to the Christmas Story and even saw a real donkey take part in the performance!
Thank you so much to all of the parent helpers for your support.
Some of the children said they wish to practise the recorder at home so here is the link that they were playing along with. They start from 50seconds in.

Week 4 Friday 29th November Year 3


A group of children led us in a beautiful act of worship this week. They gathered, prepared, responded and listened with great respect.


In maths this week, the children have used their previous knowledge on adding two numbers with no exchange to adding two number across a ten.

We are coming to the end of our Humans and animal unit and we have used lots of scientific language to describe and group animals according to what they eat.
We are moving on to our Food Waste topic next.
We are enjoying out poetry unit based on foods and have been exploring the language and phrases used in the poems to illustrate what we imagine as we read. It’s still making us very hungry!
The children worked well to describe their food items using similes today. Look at their mad hair too!
Last Friday! Well done!
We are enjoying our Music lessons- thanks Mrs McNamara! They are inspiring us to be creative and notice music notes in other areas of our learning.
We are going to be such busy bees so we have made a class calendar to help us keep track of December’s events.
– How long is that?
– ​Add multi-digit numbers 1
– ​Add 2-digit numbers: regrouping
– Column subtractions
Spelling Shed
– Words where ‘-ing’, ‘-er’ and ‘ed’ are added to multi-syllabic words
*The choir will be singing in various different places over the next four weeks. Please see the newsletter for further details.
Advent Service is Wednesday 4th December at 6:30pm
Songs can be found here 


O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to you, O Israel!

O come thou Wisdom from on high,
who orders all things mightily.
To us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go.

Lines for  all year 3

The people who walked in darkness

have seen a great light.

They lived in a land of shadows,

but now light is shining on them. 

Year 3 Week 3 Friday 22nd November


In RE, the children have been learning to recognise, describe and give reasons for some of the symbols, actions and words associated with Advent.

They labelled an Advent Wreath and started making a class wreath using their hands!



This week the children started their session with a game of Team Tag Belt Tag. They then practised how to hold and scoop a rugby ball.




The children learnt the column addition method this week.

In measure the children compared units mm, cm and m and decided which would be suitable to measure certain things.


The children started their poetry unit and will continue it on Thursdays and Fridays. All the poems were based on food and were making them very hungry!

For next Friday the children are welcome to bring in their own food item to use as a writing stimulus and to munch on after.  Fruit or veg will be suitable but I don’t mind if they bring in a small treat, as long as they are able to write similes and metaphors for it! 


Thank you for the kind donations of tissues 🙂


We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie

Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr


*DATES to remember*

* Next Friday is mad hair day when children are encouraged to come to school in their normal
school uniform but with a creative, colourful hair style. We ask that children bring in a donation for the
class hampers; please see your class colour in this newsletter!

*The choir will be singing in various different places over the next four weeks. Please see the newsletter
for further details.


Spellings: -mis

Maths: How long is that?, Strategies for column addition, Are you ready? Columns that add.

Please practise lyrics for Advent Service, which can be found here.