Year 3 Week 5 Friday 6th February
Spring is nearly here and we need to plant out bulbs.
Please may each child bring in a plastic pot for their bulb planting next week.
Please see this photo for size.
In RE the children have been learning about how people play a special part in all of God’s creations. They discussed how people can behave like God and made posters to give examples. They then reflected on their own actions and words and how they are a sign of God’s presence.
In Maths, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 8. They have continued grouping, sharing, and using number lines and arrays to help them with their learning. Please practice these at home.
In capacity and mass, the children used gram and kg as a unit of measure for mass. They read scales, drew the measure on accurately and challenged themselves to read the scales in different intervals.
The children have been busy writing their own clerihew based on a book character of their choice, and towards the end of the week, they then presented them to the class.
Handwriting pens have started to be given out and the children are eager to try their best in all areas of wrting.
Handwriting pens are awarded when all writing:
- Is on the line.
- Is of correct size.
- Is joined in every lesson and subject.
- The child has been showing these skills consistently for some time.
When using handwriting pens they:
- Must be blue ink pens only, no biros or black.
- Are given their first pen and it is to be kept in class.
- Are to provide their own pens after their first one.
- Should not be used in maths books.
This week our French challenged us as we began to place adjectives appropriately before or after the noun they modify and understand that adjective spelling depends on number and gender.
This week we explored the question ‘Why does New Zealand have so many earthquakes?’ The children shred fantastic ideas before we learnt about the tectonic plates. We found this video clip, which illustrates the reasons nicely.
P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr
Spellings: Spellingshed
Maths: Mathletics and TT Rockstars.