Friday, 3rd May 2024

The children in Year 4 carried on their Explanation text learning in English by using their wonderful Home Learning plans and built a word and sentence bank, as well as a brief flow chart for their final pieces next week. In Maths, after finishing our previous unit of money, the class moved on to time and looked at converting between seconds, minutes and hours. In RE, we looked at the Tyburn Martyrs and made links with our current history unit, the Tudors. In Science, we used secondary sources to research electricity. We gained understanding of electricity as a flow of current; looked at power stations and renewable energy sources before looking at appliances again and classifying them depending on what type of electricity they require (mains, battery or both). In Music, the class carried on their learning of Tudor instruments and songs with Mrs Heymoz whilst in PE we played our first competitive Rounders game after lessons of skill building.

Thank you for supporting your children with their English plans, their ideas were absolutely brilliant and it will be a great pleasure to read their finished explanations, I am sure!

For their next D&T unit, the children will make torches. Please could you save and send in any larger, narrow paper tubes or boxes, like the inside of a kitchen roll or the packaging (box) of baking paper or thin foil. The more, the better as we will need to make prototypes first. Thank you for your support with this.

Please remember: our May procession has been moved to Tuesday, 7th May! You are all welcome! Year 4 is also walking to the Church on Thursday for Mass; please make sure the children have waterproof coats/jackets as the weather seems quite unpredictable at the moment.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 7th May 2024  January 2024
Spelling Words containing ‘sol’ and ‘real’

Next week’s words: signal, telephone, assign, microphone, homophone, sign, phonics, signature, megaphone, design



Please complete activities related to time.

Please also have a practice of this hymn that we are hoping to sing for next Thursday’s Ascension Mass (lyrics below):

1. One sacrifice of Christ,
one throne above the heavens.
Christ has risen as he said,
and will come to wake the dead.
Christ will return to set us free.

One sacrifice of love,
one message for the nations:
Jesus suffered, died and rose,
and ascended to the throne.
Christ will return to save the world.

2. One gaze we lift above,
where Love was drawn to heaven.
We stand watchful through the night
for our King to come in light,
heirs to the glory of the Lamb.

One mighty Word of truth:
Christ did arise in triumph.
Now he sits upon the throne;
God’s right hand is he alone.
Christ reigns in splendour over all.

3. One banquet richly set
for all God’s holy people.
We will dine in joy and peace,
and our song will never cease,
praising the Lamb upon the throne.

One shout of joy we raise,
one voice in exaltation.
For in glory Christ has gone,
and in hope we now are drawn
to one sacrifice of Christ,
one sacrifice of Christ.