Summer 1 Week 2

This week our focus was George and The Dragon. We read the story of St George and the children thought about how they could get rid of a dragon. The children made flags for St George’s Day. We looked at maps and globes and found England on them. The children made shields and swords using card and tinfoil. We displayed lots of wonderful independent writing in our class. On Thursday, the children made dragons using different materials. Using boxes, lego and blocks, the children made castles. The children designed their own dragons and labelled their pictures with words.


In Maths, we have been learning about numbers 11-20. The children have been counting to 20 and counting objects to 20. We have been using tens frames to demonstrate that 11 is 10 and 1 more and 12 is 10 and 2 more. The children have been playing games, making prints with numicon and stamps to show this. Please practise counting objects to 20 at home.

In Religion we listened to the story The Road to Emmaus. We discussed how Jesus was kind to his friends and showed them love. We thought of ways we can show love and kindness in the classroom and at home.

In Phonics, we are revising the Phase 3 sounds. Please continue to practise these at home and practise reading and spelling the tricky words.

Thank you for the lovely photos around Potters Bar, if you have not sent one in please send it in next week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team