Year 1 Week Beginning 10.2.25

Year 1 started the week with a wonderful visit to the  Oshwal Jain Temple in Northaw, as part of the whole school Other Faith Week.

The class were given a very warm welcome by staff there and told lots of interesting information about both the temple itself and the beliefs of the Jain religion. The children learnt that the beautiful temple was designed and built in India and that it took 40 years to create. It was then brought over to England by boat and took an additional 2 years to put together. Year 1 also learnt that not a single piece of steel was used to build the temple; it was simply slotted together like a giant jigsaw puzzle! The children also learnt that Jains are vegetarians and they believe that every living thing has a soul; they do not believe in causing any suffering and that when they die, they are reincarnated. Year One’s behaviour was exemplary throughout the morning; they made staff proud as they showed interest and respect during their time there!

In English this week, the class have continued the unit based on the book The Storm Whale. The children wrote their own character dialogues, participated in oracy and role-play activities and learnt about statements, commands, questions and exclamations, and the associated punctuation. They also converted words using -ed endings, to make them past tense.

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning how to use a number line correctly. They have worked out missing numbers and used number lines to solve and write their own word problems.

In Art, the class have been creating drawings based on the stunning sculptures, carvings and ornaments they saw at the Jain temple and in Geography, the children have continued their learning about weather and seasons.

Spelling Shed learning has been set :

  • Words with the digraph ‘ar’
  • Words with the digraph ‘ee’

Wishing you all a restful and joyful half-term break,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team

Year 1 Week Beginning 7.2.25

Thank you for the support you gave your child in preparation for this morning’s class assembly.

The children made us so proud, as they led the whole school in prayer and liturgy. It’s hard to believe that they are only 5 or 6; they were so reverent and confident in their delivery. Well done children!

In Maths this week, the children have continued their learning on place value and have been exploring and building numbers 12- 20, with the support of manipulatives. They have also continued to develop their problem solving and reasoning skills.

Next week, we join the rest of the school in Other Faiths Week, starting with our visit to a Jain temple at the Oshwal Centre, on Monday. Part of the visit will involve going outside to look at religious works of art in the garden. Please ensure that your child is dressed warmly. Thank you! We will return to school in time for lunch.

In preparation for our visit, I have asked the children to find out some information about Jainism, over the weekend.

We will be learning more about this religion, over the course of the week!

Spelling Shed focus this week is Words with the split digraph ‘u_e’.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team




Year 1 Week Beginning 27th January 2025

In Maths this week, Year 1 have been busy learning about place value within 20. They have explored the differences and similarities between numbers 11 to 15 using manipulatives such as: ten frames, number pieces, towers of cubes, Rekenreks and bead strings, which have supported the children to see the full ten and part of the next ten to support their place value understanding. This understanding is crucial to future work on addition and subtraction. They also used part-whole models, giving them an informal introduction to partitioning. 

In RE, the class learnt some more about the presentation of Jesus as a newborn baby, in the temple to Simeon and Anna, and later in the week, they learnt another story about Jesus as a young boy in the temple.  

In English, the children began a new unit on the book, ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. This is the story of a lonely little boy, a whale washed up on a beach and a friendship that changes both their lives forever. Year 1 have been making story predictions, identifying and collecting new vocabulary, and then using it in both their oracy and written learning. They have also been busy thinking about what they would do if they were on their own and found a washed-up whale on the beach. 

In Geography, the children continued their new topic about weather, and in Art, they made observational drawings of shells using a continuous line. 

During their computing lesson, they continued to explore digital media and created their own line and shape images, inspired by artists  and in PE, they continued their dance unit. 

In Phonics, the children have been learning the following sounds: 

  • -Y (in cry, my, try) 
  • tch ( kitchen, fetch, stitch? 
  • ve (ave, rave , hive, cove) 

The Spelling Shed this week focuses on the split digraph, ‘o-e’. 

Next week, we will be having our Year 1 assembly; please see the newsletter about the new format. A few children have one or two lines to read/say in the assembly and have brought them home tonight to practise over the weekend. Thank you for helping them with this! Please could they come back in with them on Monday?  Thank you!    

We are looking for three parent helpers to accompany us to the Jain Temple on Monday 10th February, for the morning. If you would like to volunteer, please speak to Ms Pemberton directly. Names will be drawn out of a hat, if we have lots of interest. Thank you!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, 


Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team 

Year 1 Week Beginning 20th January 2025

In Maths this week, Year 1 have been busy learning about 2D, and 3D shape. They have been identifying and naming shape, sorting shape according to properties, exploring patterns and creating picture and models from 2D and 3D shape. 

In RE, the class learnt about the presentation of Jesus in the temple to Simeon and Anna, and then they retold the story, first orally and then in written form. 

In English, the children finished writing up final editions of their own narratives, inspired by the short film, ‘Dangled’. They have also been continuing to develop oracy skills through more talk partner work, where they debated the question, ’Would you rather live in darkness or daylight for 24 hours a day?  

In Geography, the children began their new topic about weather, and in Art, they continued to explore spirals, experimenting with lines, colour and blends. 

The children also had lots of fun in their music lesson this week: they used the djembe drum to sound out the syllables in their names and learnt a special football chant. 

During their computing lesson, they explored digital media and created their own self-portraits on the ipads and in PE. They continued their dance unit. 

In Phonics, the children have been learning the following sounds: 

  • ou (as in soup, group, you) 
  • -mb (word ending, as in thumb, lamb)  
  • kn- (as in knife, knit, knot) 
  • -y (as in happy, silly, funny) 

Spelling Shed this week focuses on the split digraph, ‘i-e’. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,  

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team 

Year 1 Week Beginning 13.1.25

Year 1 have had a busy week of learning this week!

In Science, the children began their new topic on ‘Materials’. They explored different types of materials, such as metal, glass, wood and plastic, and looked closely at everyday objects to see what they were made from. In groups, the class then decided on a criteria for sorting materials and arranged objects into the different categories. Year 1 then discussed the big question, ‘What would happen if every material were rigid?’


In History, Year 1 have been finishing their topic on ‘Toys’.

They have been learning:

  • The concept of old and new
  • Developing an understanding of chronological order
  • Developing an awareness of change

As part of their lesson this week, they were visited by Mrs Heymoz  who brought in a doll that belonged to her aunt as a child. The doll was at least 70 years old!

They were also shown toys from Mrs Lopez’s childhood and a 62 year old doll that belongs to Mrs Lopez’s mum!!

On Tuesday, Year 1 had a very exciting trampoline workshop, which they absolutely loved!

Spelling activities have been set on Spelling Shed as usual- split digraphs this week.

Please continue to read frequently with your child. We are having a huge focus on handwriting in class, as many of the children are still not forming their letters correctly/ starting and finishing in the corrects place. Once we master the correct formation, orientation and size of  letters, we will be able to move onto cursive script. Please support your child with their formation, by correcting as and when you see it. Thank you so much!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team


Year 1 Week Beginning 6.1.25

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a joyful and restful Christmas break; the children have come back full of excitement and wonderful stories.

This week, Year 1 have been focussing on the story of the Epiphany during RE and Celebration of the Word times. On Tuesday, the class joined the rest of the school for a special assembly where they got to wear their Epiphany crowns.

In RE, the class enjoyed retelling the Epiphany through role play, and demonstrated their understanding by writing their own versions of the story and making Epiphany themed cards.

In English this week, Year 1 began a new unit of learning based on a short film called Dangle. They used ambitious vocabulary in descriptive writing and had lots of opportunities to develop oracy skills through discussion and debate, with both talk partners and as a whole class. Please ask your child to tell you about the rules for discussion that we are embedding, alongside the rest of the school.

In Phonics this week, the class have been revising all sounds and common exception words (tricky words) taught so far.

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about subtraction. In Art, the class continued exploring spirals and in PE, they began their new animal themed dance unit!

Spelling games have been set on Spelling Shed- Words with the split digraph ‘a_e’.

Please continue to revise all learnt sounds taught so far, particularly the new Phase 5 ones.

New sounds will begin to be taught again on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team


Year 1 Week Beginning 16.12.24

What an exciting end to the first term in Year 1! 

On Monday, the children had a fantastic time watching Aladdin at the Wyllyotts Theatre. The show was exciting, energetic and full of moments of comedy that Year 1 absolutely loved! 

On Tuesday, groups and individual children in the class auditioned for a part in Pope Paul’s Got Talent! What an incredibly talented group of children we have in Year 1! As only three acts could go through to the final, every child cast their vote. The adults were so impressed with how the children dealt with both disappointment and excitement, demonstrating a really mature attitude from everyone! 

On Wednesday, Year 1 had their delicious Christmas dinner served by their teachers. This was followed by Pope Paul’s Got Talent, where Year 1 were represented by Holly and Leo performing a dance to Little Turtle, Lily and Grayson singing and dancing to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and Ezra, whose talent was to throw at least 20 beanbags in a bucket before a timer went off!  

On Thursday, the class made their Epiphany crowns in preparation for the first day back and enjoyed making other Christmas crafts.  

Thank you for your support over the past term. The children have worked incredibly hard and are ready for the break! Thank you also for the generous gifts, cards and words that we have received- they are really appreciated! 

Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas with your families. 

See you next term, 

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team 

Year 1 Week Beginning 2.12.24

This week in RE, the children learnt about The Visitation- the biblical account of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, and their exchange of greetings and praise. The children demonstrated their understanding of the story by performing it through role play in front of their friends.

In Phonics, the children learnt the next four Phase 5 sounds- theses can be found here. 

Please see Spelling Shed for this week’s spelling games.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their learning on addition, where they have been problem solving and writing their own addition stories.

The children have been working so hard in preparation for the performance next week. Please remember to send in your child’s named clothing on Monday morning, if you haven’t already done so. We will be trying on costumes on Monday afternoon.

Thank you for your support.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team


Year 1 Week Beginning 25.11.24

This week, the children have spent a lot of time with Year 2 rehearsing their KS1 Nativity, and it is really starting to come together! They have done so well to learn their lines- thank you so much for supporting your child with this. Please continue to practise with them daily and encourage them to say their lines really loudly.  Please also look out for a letter at the beginning of next week explaining what they will need to wear under their costume. Thank you.

In English, the children have continued focussing on the book – Pumpkin Soup. They have been writing questions and learning how to use question marks properly. They then created ‘Missing Duck’ posters, and included adjectives and question marks within their writing.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their learning on addition and number bonds and in RE, they learnt about the story of the Annunciation.



In Phonics, Year 1 learnt the next four new sounds from Phase 5. You can find them here.

It was wonderful to see so many wonderful mad hair creations today!! Thank you for your hamper donations.

New Spelling Shed games have been set, for those that want to play them!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team


Year 1 Week Beginning 18.11.24

This week, Years 1 and 2 have been very busy with initial rehearsals for the KS1 Christmas performance. They have now all been given their parts and have been asked to learn any lines as soon as possible. The school will be providing the costume, but will be asking the children to bring in something to wear underneath it; more information about this will follow next week.

In English, the children have been learning how to create story maps based on the wonderful story Pumpkin Soup, written by Helen Cooper. They also used adjectives to write about the feelings of the three characters in the book.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their unit on addition, using part-whole models, tens frames and bar models to write different fact families and to explore number bonds.

In RE, the children have been learning about the season of Advent. They made their own advent wreaths and created advent cards with promises written inside; these cards will form part of a whole class advent calendar display.

In Oracy, the class have been learning about Discussion Guidelines.

During the lesson, they learnt that in order to communicate effectively they must:

Be calm and sitting nicely.

Use my ears to listen.

Use a clear voice.

Look at my friend when they are talking 

Take turns to speak.

Respect the opinions of my friend.

In Phonics this week, the children continued with the next set of phase 5 sounds which can be found here.

Spelling Shed home learning has been set- this week the focus is words ending in k and nk.

Please continue to learn the song lyrics uploaded last week!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team.