Year 1 Week Beginning 10.2.25
Year 1 started the week with a wonderful visit to the Oshwal Jain Temple in Northaw, as part of the whole school Other Faith Week.
The class were given a very warm welcome by staff there and told lots of interesting information about both the temple itself and the beliefs of the Jain religion. The children learnt that the beautiful temple was designed and built in India and that it took 40 years to create. It was then brought over to England by boat and took an additional 2 years to put together. Year 1 also learnt that not a single piece of steel was used to build the temple; it was simply slotted together like a giant jigsaw puzzle! The children also learnt that Jains are vegetarians and they believe that every living thing has a soul; they do not believe in causing any suffering and that when they die, they are reincarnated. Year One’s behaviour was exemplary throughout the morning; they made staff proud as they showed interest and respect during their time there!
In English this week, the class have continued the unit based on the book The Storm Whale. The children wrote their own character dialogues, participated in oracy and role-play activities and learnt about statements, commands, questions and exclamations, and the associated punctuation. They also converted words using -ed endings, to make them past tense.
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning how to use a number line correctly. They have worked out missing numbers and used number lines to solve and write their own word problems.
In Art, the class have been creating drawings based on the stunning sculptures, carvings and ornaments they saw at the Jain temple and in Geography, the children have continued their learning about weather and seasons.
Spelling Shed learning has been set :
- Words with the digraph ‘ar’
- Words with the digraph ‘ee’
Wishing you all a restful and joyful half-term break,
Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team