End of the Summer Term 2024

Not to be different to any other week, Year 3 had a busy week with the highlight being the end of our Design and Technology Unit on Making a Wallet/Purse!

It has been amazing to see how this Design and Technology unit has inspired so many of Year 3, with them sewing eagerly at home.

The children embraced using needles, threading them and sewing using the running stitch and backward stitch.  They also embraced how to attach a button to their designs!   The children really enjoyed spending time this week sewing, all of them were absorbed and engrossed and worked really hard.  Well done everyone!



Today, we also said“goodbye” to Mrs Vieyra, who has been part of our school community for many years. She has assisted your children this year in class and running our reading intervention programmes.  We will miss her.

Thank you parents for the support you have given your children over this last year.  They have worked so hard and grown so much during their time in Year 3 and we have enjoyed being part of their learning journey.

Thank you also for the generous gifts you have given to Mrs Lines, Mrs Vieyra and myself.  We really appreciate all the kindness you have shown us this year.

Lastly, THANK YOU to our lovely class making us proud every single day.  The funny, sweet, inspirational moments that we share every day with your children make it the best job in the world.

Wishing you all a lovely summer!

Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Mrs Vieyra.


Summer 2 Week 7

Our last week in Reception! What a wonderful year full of fun and learning! Your children have been a pleasure to teach. It has been great to watch them all grow in confidence and they have all developed new skills. You have been amazing parents, supporting your children in their first year at school. They are all ready for Year 1!

On Wednesday, Mrs Wilson bought in some of her pets. We met Malcolm the Millipede, Billy the tortoise and some snails and a gecko. The children were very brave at holding some of them.


Thank you for the cards and gifts.

Have a wonderful holiday.


Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday 19th July



It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year. We thank you all for your kind gifts and look forward to seeing how well all of the children achieve in Year 4. Have a wonderful summer break.


Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Mrs Vieyra


Summer 2 Week 6

This week we read the story Snail and the Whale.  The children made maps of the places the snail and the whale went to. We learnt about snails and the children wrote facts about them. The children made snails with playdough and decorated snails with dots.

The children have been decorating their mini beasts. They look wonderful!

On Wednesday, we had our Summer Fun Day! The children went on the bouncy castle, played with nerf guns, went on the go-karts, had cakes, got tattoos and played games. What a wonderful day!


On Friday, we made pizzas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday 5th July, 2024

Another busy week in Year 3 this week!

It was our whole school photograph this morning so the school was buzzing with excitement. Also, thank you so much for your chocolate donations today.  If you have forgotten, please bring in your donation early next week.

In Science the children have explored how water is transported to the different parts of the plant. They first worked in groups and created a human model of how water is taken to the flowers and leaves. Next, they did an experiment to find out how they can ‘see’  that water is sucked up through the stem and then the stem passes water on to the leaves and flowers.



Unfortunately, only two children remembered to bring into school their sunflower that they have been growing at home.  Please can your child bring to school ON MONDAY their sunflower as we would like to measure how tall they have grown.  Thank you! They will be sent back home with your child.

In Maths, we have continued to look back at division and multiplication, practising the inverse to check our answers. English this week has continued to build final pieces for a Gregory Cool sequel.  In RE the children have been looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus; in RSE they have looked at considering financial stewardship through budgeting activities and discussions about the pros and cons of different payment methods, and learning about financial risks. In PE the children have continued with their lessons in tennis, learning how to improve their serve.

On Wednesday we were treated to a guitar concert. Well done to Hugo for representing Year 3!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Home Learning:

For those children who need some more time to complete their Home Learning from Thursday, please bring in your final pieces by Tuesday.9th July.

arithmetic Year 3   Complete the arithmetic using the link provided.

TTRS – log on and complete the 4, 8 and 10 timestables.

spellingshed- spellings and SPaG.

Summer 2 Week 5

Another busy week in Reception. It was lovely to see you at the Parent’s evenings this week.

This week our focus has been Ladybirds. We read the story The Bad Tempered Ladybird and the children wrote about what made them grouchy. They painted ladybirds and we added these to a class display. The children have been writing facts about ladybirds and making life cycles. The children have been making paper mache minibeasts. This week we painted them. We made watches to tell the time like in the story.

This week we had lot of excitement in our class when our caterpillar finally turned into beautiful butterflies. On Wednesday, we let the butterflies go.

In Maths, we have been ordering numbers to 20 and practising reading and writing numbers.

In Religion, we learnt the importance of oil. The Good Samaritan used oil to helped the injured man, the priest anoints sick people with oil, it is put on babies at Baptism and at Confirmation.

Lots of excitement in out class on Monday morning when our caterpillars transformed into butterflies. We have been observing the changes from a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly. On Friday, we let them go in our playground!

Next Week

We will be collecting reading books next week. Please practise their phonics and tricky words. We will collect reading books on your child’s reading day.

Monday– Watching Year 6 Play

Wednesday – Fun day!

Thursday – Transition Day


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Friday 5th July, 2024



Click below for your Maths Learning




Thursday 4th July Learning

Good morning,

Read your reading book, practise your tricky words list that was given to you on Parents Evening. Can you read and spell the words?

Read about an athlete of your choice who is going to the Paris Olympics. Draw or print a picture and underneath write a sentence or more about the athlete.

See you all on Friday

Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 4 w.b 24.6.24

What an exciting week Year one have had! The children have been learning to tell the time in Maths. They have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour using the minute and hour hands on the clock. They made their own clocks and have talked about their daily routines and times that they get up, have lunch, dinner etc… Please talk to your child about the days and times they have certain activities and talk about the times they take place!

In Italian, the children have been learning to name foods and how to order from an Italian  restaurant! Year one played an interactive game and had fun matching food types.

In Science, the children have continued with our topic on Plants. They decorated their own pots and are growing their own broad bean! We will be writing a class diary and children will note the changes they see happening and the stages of growth that their bean will go through.

On Thursday, we went to the Seaside. The children had a lovely day and I was very proud of how they behaved. We played in the sea, collected water samples to test, played in the sand, fished with nets, collected shells, had lunch on the beach and ended the day with an ice cream! At the end of the trip, there were lots of sleepy children on the coach! Thank you to our parent helpers for your support.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Handwriting sheet.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Summer 2 Week 4

Our focus this week has been spiders. We read the story Aaaarrrggghhh Spider! Then the children wrote about the things the spider did to impress the family and they wrote about their own talents. They learnt facts about spiders and wrote about them. They made webs with glitter and by threading string into small holes. Outside, they crawled through spider webs, played with spiders in the water and made playdough spiders.

We have enjoyed the lovely weather this week by paddling our feet in water to cool down and playing in the sandpit.

In Maths, we have been practising number bonds to 10. We have been singing songs and playing games to help us to remember. They have used counters and ten frames, made rainbows to show the bonds and have been writing number sentences.

In Religion, we recalled the story of The Good Samaritan. Then we talked about the virtues that the church teaches us to behave. Be fair, be brave, think before we do and wait your turn. The children made posters of one of the virtues that they follow.

We missed our Year 6 reading partners this week but Year 4 and 5 have been playing with us at lunchtime! On Friday afternoon, Year 5 came to read with the us.

Have a lovely weekend.

I look forward to seeing you next week at parents evening.


Mrs Carey