Year 1 Week Beginning 13.1.25

Year 1 have had a busy week of learning this week!

In Science, the children began their new topic on ‘Materials’. They explored different types of materials, such as metal, glass, wood and plastic, and looked closely at everyday objects to see what they were made from. In groups, the class then decided on a criteria for sorting materials and arranged objects into the different categories. Year 1 then discussed the big question, ‘What would happen if every material were rigid?’


In History, Year 1 have been finishing their topic on ‘Toys’.

They have been learning:

  • The concept of old and new
  • Developing an understanding of chronological order
  • Developing an awareness of change

As part of their lesson this week, they were visited by Mrs Heymoz  who brought in a doll that belonged to her aunt as a child. The doll was at least 70 years old!

They were also shown toys from Mrs Lopez’s childhood and a 62 year old doll that belongs to Mrs Lopez’s mum!!

On Tuesday, Year 1 had a very exciting trampoline workshop, which they absolutely loved!

Spelling activities have been set on Spelling Shed as usual- split digraphs this week.

Please continue to read frequently with your child. We are having a huge focus on handwriting in class, as many of the children are still not forming their letters correctly/ starting and finishing in the corrects place. Once we master the correct formation, orientation and size of  letters, we will be able to move onto cursive script. Please support your child with their formation, by correcting as and when you see it. Thank you so much!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team


Spring 1 Week 2


This term we are learning about traditional stories. This week we read Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children acted out the story, used resources to retell it, they made cottages, bears and Goldilocks out of different resources. On Wednesday, we arrived in class and someone had made a mess. We looked at the evidence and predicted it was Goldilocks. She had eaten baby bear’s porridge and broke his chair. The children made wanted posters to help to find Goldilocks. The children also drew story maps and wrote  a letter to the Three bears to say sorry.


The children were very excited to take part in trampolining this week. They had a great time!

In Maths, we have been practising finding 1 more and 1 less than a number to 5. Please continue to practise this at home.

On Friday, we learnt about Peace and how God created a beautiful world and how peace was important. We though of times when we would like peace and what activities we do to be peaceful. We made doves as a sign of peace and drew things they do when they are peaceful.

If your child does not have wellies in school. please send some in on Monday.

Sorry that the meeting was cancelled on Monday, we will send the writing books home next week. Please ask if you are unsure what to do.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team


Tuesday 14th January, 2025

Fraction Reasoning Problems  – click here

Fractions 3  Click here

Fractions 4  Click here


Arithmetic  Multiplying Fractions 

Arithmetic Multiplying one digit numbers by a decimal number


Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The children have enjoyed telling us about their holidays.

This week we learnt about the Epiphany. On Monday, we wore crowns to assembly to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. We listened to the story from the Bible and the children acted out the story. The children made kings and made presents for Jesus. They made labels for their presents and painted pictures of the story. Many children sequenced the story and wrote sentences.


The children thought of what they would like to do better in 2025 and wrote on stars and decorated them.

In Maths, we learnt about the number 0. The children sorted pictures that represent 0 and not 0. The children ordered numbers 0-5. We have also been learning to subitise. When we see objects, we can say the number without counting. We used dice and dominoes to say the number of dots without counting. Playing dominoes and games with dice is great for children’s Maths skills.

We have enjoyed looking at the snow and seeing the ice in the playground. On Friday, we made snow pictures.

On Friday, we went into the hall and explored moving in different ways on the apparatus.

Next week we will be starting the Phase 3 phonics. Please support your children learning these sounds each evening and completing the sheet in their phonics books. We will also be sending home writing books on their reading day. There is a meeting on Monday at 2.45pm to explain these. If you cannot come to the meeting, information will be in their writing book.

We are encouraging the children to practise zipping up their coats, please practise this at home.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team


Friday 10th January, 2025

Happy New Year!

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January. It is an important Christian feast as it reveals Jesus as saviour for the world. In class the children created their Epiphany crown for our whole school assembly led by Mrs Heymoz. Thank you to Julia and Filip for reading the Gospel to the whole school with such reverence, clarity, and dedication.  The children spent time in class examining the significance of Matthew’s Gospel 2:1-12 reflecting on the meaning  of the Epiphany as the moment when Jesus was revealed to the world and recognised by the Gentiles and wrote a reflection on how the Epiphany demonstrates God’s universal love. I was struck by how thoughtful and reflective their work was. In today’s whole school assembly, thank you to Finn McB, Francine, Sienna, Emily and Frankie who helped to introduce this week’s theme of Baptism.

In our collective worship this week, we thank Chloe A. Michael and Rian for leading us in prayer where the theme was ‘guidance’ alongside the story of the Wise Men.

The Liturgy Group met with Deacon Sean on Wednesday to discuss their focus for this term and during their Wednesday  lunchtime organised a reflective session using The Examen.  They set aside part of a lunchtime inviting the children from both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two to join them in reviewing their day in the presence of God and encouraging them to try to become more aware of how God is working in their life, fostering a deeper relationship with Him.

In Maths this week the class have continued with their work on fractions revisiting how to divide any fraction by an integer.  Maths Enrichment is starting up again next Thursday morning and after school (until 4:15pm).  Your child is most welcome to join us.

In English, we have begun a new unit on Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide. The children have enjoyed reading about these fantastical creatures, particularly the boggart that gets up to much mischief! Today they imagined this creature in their own homes and wrote all about how their families might be terrorised!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home learning



Mathletics – Please log onto your account. Work has been set on fractions and place value.  I have reassigned some children’s accounts with activities that they found slightly difficult.  If they have time, could you encourage your child to look back at these activities and if they have any problems come and see me on Monday please.  Thank you.



Merry Christmas from Reception Class!

The last week of the Autumn Term has been a busy one!
On Monday, we had a great time at the Panto, watching Aladdin. The children loved sitting with their reading partners. Thank you to the Yashu’s mum and Michelle’s mum for helping.
On Wednesday we had our Christmas Lunch and Pope Paul’s Got Talent. Well done to our singers and dancers who took part.
We have been busy making cards for home and for our reading partners. The children have demonstrated what they have learnt this term by writing their cards.
We made salt dough decorations and painted them. We have also been writing letters to Santa!
It has been a wonderful term. The children have settled in well and have learnt lots!
Thank you for your continued support, the cards, and generous presents.
Have a fantastic Christmas. See you in 2025!
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Last week of term

Happy last day of term and well done Year 4, it has been a wonderful term and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you.

I look forward to seeing you on TUESDAY 7th JANUARY 2025

Thank you for all your support, kind wishes cards and gifts.

I hope you have a restful festive break.

Happy Christmas

Miss Pringle

We loved watching the panto on Monday and enjoyed the Christmas dinner and talent show on Thursday.

Congratulations to the children who performed in the guitar concert, you played beautifully.

Last Week of the Autumn Term


We did it! Happy last day of term everyone!

Year 3 have had a wonderful term and we have enjoyed teaching them so much!

We look forward to them returning on 

(we need to get used to writing this on the board!)


🎄 We hope you have a restful festive break 🎄

Thank you for all your kind wishes and festive treats, we appreciate all the thought, and we hope the children like our gifts given today. 


🎄 Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie 🎄


♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.🎵Last Friday’s music concert 🎵 ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.


📐🔢Our last Maths lessons on length and perimeter 📐🔢


Year 5 – 13/12/24 | Trip to STEM Discovery Centre

Year 5 have just returned from an incredible day at the STEM Discovery Centre in Stevenage! Our day began with creating models to demonstrate the Moon orbiting the Earth, and the Earth orbiting the Sun. Afterwards, we explored the Exploration Zone, which featured interactive exhibits on Space, Energy (including Light and Sound), Materials, Forces, and Magnetism.

Next, we visited the Mars Yard, where Airbus scientists and engineers develop and test the next Mars Rover for the ExoMars project. It was inspiring to witness scientific history in the making—we’ll be eagerly watching for updates in 2028 when the mission to Mars is set to launch!

After lunch, we were treated to the Stories in the Stars show, in which the room was blacked out, and the night sky was projected onto the ceiling. Through a captivating combination of storytelling and celestial facts, we toured some of the northern hemisphere’s most famous constellations.

It was then time to board the train back to Potters Bar after a day packed with scientific discovery and excitement! A huge thank-you to Leo S’s mum, Jamie’s dad, and April’s mum for accompanying us and making the trip possible.

In other news, we had our Christmas Party Day yesterday! In the classroom, we held the Year 5 Christmas Olympics, while downstairs the children met Father Christmas, enjoyed the sweets station, played Christmas games in the hall, and posed for photos in the festive photo booths.

Next Week:

  • Monday: Meet at 9:30am in the church car park for the panto, followed by Pope Paul’s Got Talent auditions in the afternoon.
  • Wednesday: Christmas Lunch and Pope Paul’s Got Talent with the rest of the school.
  • Friday: School finishes at 1:00 pm for Christmas.

Home Learning on Mathletics this week:

  • Prime Numbers
  • Square Numbers
  • Multiplying by 10, 100, and 1,000

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Friday 13th December, 2024



In Maths we have continued with our work on Mental Arithmetic and fractions. In English we began our final written piece: a duel narrative and we are just putting on the finishing touches. This week in PE, we were lindy hopping. The children did a wonderful job at showing the energy and fun of this dance.

The highlight for the class this week has most certainly been the Christmas Fun Day which Year 6 shared with their reception buddies.  The children played beautifully together on the different activities that were set up in the Main Hall by our wonderful FOPPS team!  The Christmas party was definitely a festive hit! The children came dressed in their best and enjoyed a day full of music, games, and delicious treats!   Just to add to the delight of the day, we also had a very special visitor this week – Santa himself! He made time in his busy schedule to stop by our school and meet all the children. Santa’s grotto was beautifully set up, and each child had a chance to share their Christmas wishes and receive a small gift. The joy on their faces was priceless!

Please remember that on Monday, we are watching the Pantomime at the Wyllotts so the children will need to be at the Church car park at 9.30am to be registered.  If your child attends breakfast club, members of the staff will walk them down to the Church. As we are walking back to school later, please make sure the children have their school coat with them.

There will be no Maths Enrichment or Writing Enrichment next week.  It will restart back on Tuesday 7th January.

Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

TTRS practise your times tables.

Mathletics – make sure you have completed the set activities on your Mathletics account.

Research Poster:  Find out about how Catholics celebrate Christmas around the world.  Choose a country of your choice and write about the traditions that are followed to celebrate the birth of Jesus.