Year 1 Week Beginning 30.1.24

It’s been another wonderful week of learning in Year 1!

In Maths, the children have been very busy comparing groups by matching, as well as exploring ‘fewer, more, less’, in both pictorial and concrete contexts. They have had the opportunity to work in teams against each other, in pairs and individually.

In English, the class continued their book focus- Alan’s Big Scary Teeth, by writing WANTED posters. They also enjoyed spending time in the Pope Paul Zoo Vet, finding out facts about jungle animals and creating different art work such as clay models, mask making and painting.

In RE, the children learnt about God as the Trinity: God the creator father, Jesus, God in human form, and God, life giving spirit.

They then had lots of fun creating and playing with their own holy spirits!

In Science, the children continued their learning on senses. This week, the focus was on hearing, where the class had the opportunity to go on a special sound walk together!

In PE, the children have continued their learning on ball skills, specifically throwing, catching and bouncing.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team


Year 1 Week Beginning 23.9.24

This week in English, Year 1 began their new book focus- Alan’s Big, Scary, Teeth by Jarvis. This book is about an alligator who wears false teeth and scares the other animals, until one day, his teeth go missing!! It is a really funny, heart-warming story focussing on the theme of friendship. As well as lots of other teeth/alligator inspired activities, the children have had lots of fun playing in the Pope Paul Dentist, exploring dental impressions of teeth, retelling the story, and writing non-fiction facts about alligators,

In Maths, Year 1 have continued with their learning on place value, where they explored more/ less, and counting up and counting down from any given number. They particularly enjoyed creating their count down rockets!

In RE, the children have been thinking about biblical metaphors; here they examined everyday natural objects and compared them to God , stating why they are like him. For example, Liam said, “God is like the sunrise, because he brings light to our lives.”

As part of their continued learning on the body, the class began a unit about their five senses; this week, the children explored sight. They identified that humans use their eyes to see and were encouraged to look at their own eyes in a mirror to identify their eye colour and any similarities and differences between their eyes and the eyes of others. The class then performed a simple test to investigate sight further and repeated the investigation, each time limiting their ability to see. Year 1 then discussed whether this influenced the task’s outcome. 

If you haven’t already done so, please send your child in with a note saying where your family originates from- this is to form part of a whole class display. Thank you to the families who have already done this.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team

Year 1 Week Beginning 16.9.24

Year 1 began the week with an online road safety workshop with our local road safety officer, Colette. She focussed on the following:

  • Walking for health and fitness
  • The pavement being the safest part of the street
  • How to cross the road safely
  • Being seen by drivers

This was then followed by a class discussion about their own experiences of keeping safe.


This week in Maths, the children have been learning to:

  • represent objects, using manipulatives, recognise numbers as words, count on from any number, say a number that is 1 more than any given number
  • apply their maths skills to problem-solving and reasoning questions

In Science this week the children have continued their learning on the human body. Part of the lesson involved working in teams against the clock, labelling the different body parts of a group member!

In English, the children continued to focus on themes arising from the story ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon. During guided writing, they wrote letters to the unpopular teacher in the book. (see picture below!)

We would like to develop our map display in class, showing where in the world our Year 1 families originate from; please could you write down this information for your child to bring in? Thank you!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team


Year 1 Week Beginning 9.9.24

Year 1 have had a very busy week of learning!

In Maths, the children have been focussing on:

  • sorting, counting, and representing objects, using manipulatives
  • applying their maths skills to real life problem-solving and reasoning questions


In Science, the class were learning to identify and name parts of the body. They had lots of fun playing games and singing songs and rhymes, to test their knowledge of the parts of the body and recap and recall key vocabulary.

In RE, Year 1 have been learning about how we can get closer to God through scripture, tradition, creation and human experience. They have also been learning how to correctly make, describe and explain the Sign of the Cross.

In English, the children have been focussing on the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. The book is about a little alien who is lost on Earth and meets lots of unfriendly Earth people. Year 1 have been thinking and writing about how they think a little girl alien came to be on her own on planet Earth. They have also been: writing about Beegu’s feelings, and facts about space, creating their own alien models, making ‘alien community’ drawings and constructing models inspired by space.

This afternoon, Year 1 enjoyed their first PE lesson in the sunshine! They then took part in the whole school mass to celebrate the start of the new school year.

Thank you to the parents who came to the meet the teacher session on Wednesday. For those of you who weren’t able to make it, the PowerPoint will be uploaded by our website providers shortly. They will also be uploading the curriculum overview for this term.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team

Year 1 Week Beginning 2.4.24

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a wonderful summer break; the children have come back full of lovely stories about their time away from school. They have all settled very well into their new learning environment and have amazed us with how quickly they have learnt the new daily routines!

This week, the children have experienced whole class learning and learning through play. The structure of the day currently mirrors the Reception day structure that is followed during the Summer 2 term. This supports transition between key stages and helps the children to quickly settle. With this in mind, reading days will be kept exactly the same as in Reception. So if your child had a reading day on a Monday for example, then they will need to bring in their books into school on a Monday again. We have been very busy this week assessing your child’s current phonic knowledge and our aim is to send home reading books as of next week. Please note, it is completely normal for children to forget some letter sounds over the summer; they usually pick them back up again very quickly once they have been in school for a couple of weeks.

Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting takes place next Wednesday at 2.45pm in the main hall. I will be available after to answer any questions, but please remember that I am always available on the door after school to answer any queries too! I’m looking forward to seeing you all.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton








Summer 2 Week 7

Just like that it’s the end of Year 1!

It has been a lovely year full of learning and exploring and it has been  a pleasure to teach your children. They are very ready for Year 2 and we wish them all the best for their new class.  Thank you also for your generous gifts and kind words this past week, they have been greatly appreciated.


Have a lovely Summer.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes.

Summer 2 week 6

Year one had a fantastic time on Wednesday for their Summer Fun Day! There were a variety of activities and games to play as well as a turn on the Go-Karts!Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to help with the stalls and food.


In Geography this week the children were exploring how people enjoy themselves at the seaside. They discussed their trip to Southend and made a poster about how people can enjoy their time there. The children also looked at lots of pictures and maps.



Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Next week could you please send in 2 bags with your child in preparation for their books to come home. Also, a reminder that school finishes next Friday 19th at 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Summer 2: Week 5

It has been another wonderful week for Year One! It was lovely meeting with you all at parents evening.

In Maths, the children carried on with their topic of Time. We practised learning how to tell the time on the hour and half past the hour and we talked about the duration of time.  The children estimated how many times they would be able to do certain activities in 10 seconds. We used a stop clock to see how quickly time passes.  They had to see how many claps they could do, hop on one leg, count to five and how many times they could blink their eyes all in 10 seconds! They had great fun working with a partner, counting times for each other. The results showed that they were actually able to do more than they estimated!

In Italian, the children made their own bingo boards choosing what colours, food and numbers they have learned so far in Italian. It was very exciting waiting to see who would fill their board first!


On Wednesday, Joshua kindly brought in Butterflies from home that had transformed from when we last saw them as a Chrysallis! We were so enthralled to see them! Joshua explained to the children how he has been looking after them and how long it will be before he releases them. Thank you to Joshua and his family for bringing them into Year one to show us.


The children have been watering their beans and keeping an eye on their growth so far! They have noticed that some beans have some roots beginning to grow and some are still waiting to split and begin germination. We discussed reasons why some beans may be slower than others to grow.

In Geography we looked at how the seaside is different from other places. The children looked at different pictures and discussed what they could see. They then had to sort them into 3 groups and give each group a name and reason for sorting.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Handwriting sheet – months of the year.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Thursday 4th July Learning

Good morning Year 1,

Please log onto Mathletics and complete the activities set, these will include tasks based on time.

Practice the new set of spellings below, these will be sent home on Friday.

Please also take this time to research an athlete of your choice who is going to the Paris Olympics. Draw a picture of them and write some sentences about them e.g where they are from, what their sport is and if they have won any medals before.

See you all on Friday.

Summer 2 Week 4 w.b 24.6.24

What an exciting week Year one have had! The children have been learning to tell the time in Maths. They have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour using the minute and hour hands on the clock. They made their own clocks and have talked about their daily routines and times that they get up, have lunch, dinner etc… Please talk to your child about the days and times they have certain activities and talk about the times they take place!

In Italian, the children have been learning to name foods and how to order from an Italian  restaurant! Year one played an interactive game and had fun matching food types.

In Science, the children have continued with our topic on Plants. They decorated their own pots and are growing their own broad bean! We will be writing a class diary and children will note the changes they see happening and the stages of growth that their bean will go through.

On Thursday, we went to the Seaside. The children had a lovely day and I was very proud of how they behaved. We played in the sea, collected water samples to test, played in the sand, fished with nets, collected shells, had lunch on the beach and ended the day with an ice cream! At the end of the trip, there were lots of sleepy children on the coach! Thank you to our parent helpers for your support.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Handwriting sheet.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes