Friday 3rd April 2020

Good morning Year 2,

We have come to the end of another term. Time really flies when you are having fun! You have all worked incredibly hard this term, especially over the last few weeks and I am very proud of you all. Please see below the Easter Home Learning project. I look forward to seeing your creations next term.

Wishing you all a holy and restful Easter.

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Lenten Prayer for Friday 3rd April

Loving, merciful Lord, grant us the capacity to be quiet and to listen.

Lead us to the joy of being present to others and hearing their story.

Let us look with love and gratitude on the world around us and open our hearts to those in need.


10am Community Mass Friday 3rd April

Please join this special mass with all the Catholic schools in our community to mark the end of term and the beginning of Holy Week.

You can access the live streaming via the link –









Complete the spelling test for this week’s spellings on the SpellingFrame website.–ing–ed–er–est-and–y-to-words

Copy the following common exception words into your handwriting books.


























WALT: Solve a problem using pictures


Sketch your biscuits.

Will you use a key for the different decorations?

Don’t forget to number your biscuits.

 Remember that there is not just icing on the 2nd biscuit, there is icing on every second biscuit. Which other biscuits have icing on?
Which biscuits have a cherry on them as well as the third one?
What about the biscuits with a chocolate button on them? Which ones are they?
Tell me about the biscuits that have no decorations on them.
Happy decorating!




















Friday 3rd April 2020
WALT: Use contractions.


Pretend that you are a Berwick swan. Write descriptive sentences using the contractions below.


I am – I’m

I will – I’ll

I have – I’ve

I cannot –  I can’t

I do not – I don’t

I would – I’d

e.g. I’m a snowy white swan and I’m coming into land.

I’ll stick my black feet out straight as I splash on to the water, etc. 





















Friday 3rd April 2020

WALT: Understand the events of Good Friday.

The Crucifixion and death of Jesus Mt 27:27-56

Read Matthew’s account of The Crucifixion and death of Jesus . See link below.

On Good Friday we remember how Jesus loved us so much he gave his life for us and died on the cross.

Draw your own crucifix in your book. Write and draw around it some of the important events of Holy Week. Write your own special prayer to accompany your crucifix.


Wonderful learning!