In English, we continued our writing based on the Michael Morpurgo story Coming home. We have focused on using alliteration and figurative language.
In Maths, we focused on dividing by 10 and 100, then moved on to finding related multiplication and division facts.
In Music, this term we are continuing our djembe drum lessons. This week we focused on the connection between tempo and pulse, performing at different tempos and understand the difference between long and short notes.
In RE, we have explored how our faith influences our actions. We have also written beautiful poems about God’s presence in the world.
Anna, Matilda and Ayrabella, led this weeks Collective Worship, helping us reflect on good news.
In Art, we have created still life collages.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Your home learning for this week:
Spelling – adverbs. There are sheets to complete in their home learning pack.
Tara, Hania, Ariela, Archie and Sofia led a lovely Collective Worship this week, focused on The Baptism of The Lord.
In Maths, the children have been multiplying by 10 and 100. They have used place value slides and dienes to support their learning.
On Tuesday morning, the class took part in a whole school, rebound (mini trampet) workshop. The session was led by Jess, a very enthusiastic instructor. This workshop was a lot of fun but it also promoted health and fitness.
Home learning:
Spelling and handwriting : words ending in -cian
Please complete the two activities sent home today and learn this list of words.
Maths – Times tables rock stars TTRS: Please practise the 6 and 7 timetables.
Happy New Year! It has be wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week. They have enjoyed sharing their Christmas news and have worked well in class.
We started the week celebrating Epiphany and learning the meanings behind the gifts given to Jesus by the Wise Men.
They have been investigating factors and factor pairs in Maths and in English they have started to use alliteration in their writing. The home learning in their pack supports this learning – please return this by Wednesday.
The class have also started exploring still life in Art. They have looked at and discussed paintings by Paul Cezanne, a French painter, who wanted his art to be enjoyed by as many people as possible. He encouraged artists to explore colour, shape and space. They have practised sketching different fruit and vegetables, using their observation, shading, hatching and stipping skills.
P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday (Swimming).
Swimming lessons will commence next Wednesday (15th January) please ensure your child wears their PE kit, brings their swimming kit to school every Wednesday and give consent on School Gateway.
Home learning
Maths and English home learning has been sent home, please return this on Wednesday. Your child also has a library book in their bag, please hear them read and sign their reading record. Next week we will be revising last term spelling.
Happy last day of term and well done Year 4, it has been a wonderful term and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you.
I look forward to seeing you on TUESDAY 7th JANUARY 2025
Thank you for all your support, kind wishes cards and gifts.
I hope you have a restful festive break.
Happy Christmas
Miss Pringle
We loved watching the panto on Monday and enjoyed the Christmas dinner and talent show on Thursday.
Congratulations to the children who performed in the guitar concert, you played beautifully. Joyce Joyce2024-12-20 14:54:432024-12-20 14:54:43Last week of term
The class thoroughly enjoyed Christmas Fun Day on Thursday and enjoyed celebrating together. Everyone was dressed to impress and even met Santa! In class they danced, played table tennis, ‘sweet pong’, board and card games, built Christmas Lego models, made decorations and then enjoyed the games set up in the hall by the hardworking FOPPS team. It was a day full of music, games, and delicious treats! Thank you Leonie and Hugo for the two very popular party games you made for the class.
Year 4 have also been busy with their D&T projects. They have now designed their own structures and are ready to get building next week.
Congratulations to all of the talented Y4 musicians, who performed fantastically this afternoon.
We have started a new writing unit this week, based on the book ‘Coming Home’ written by Michael Morpurgo. The class have explored what home means to them, discussed the feelings of the main character and used their oracy skills to perform sections of the book.
We have continued with multiplication and division in Maths. I am pleased that the class are becoming more confident with the 6 and 9 time tables. Please continue to use TTRS and Mathletics to support this learning.
In RE we have read Luke’s account of the Nativity story and written acrostic poems about Jesus. Well done to the children who lead beautiful collective worships this week.
The class read, sang and acted brilliantly on Wednesday at the Advent Service. Thank you for you support on this special evening.
Our Design and Technology unit ‘Structures’ is well under way. This week the class made waving structures.
Well done for your Mad Hair Day efforts today, Year 4 – I loved the variety and creativity! Thank you for your generous donations to the (white) class hamper.
Please continue to practise readings and songs for the Advent Service, which is next Wednesday. The blog post is here. Everyone else should wear their winter school uniform, excluding their jumper or cardigan.
On Tuesday morning, we walked to Dame Alice Owens School to watch their Gym and Dance Display. We really enjoyed the show, especially when we saw past pupils Caitlin, Lucy and Ella-Maria perform. Everyone left feeling inspired and looking forward to their next PE lesson.
This week we have started preparing for the KS2 Advent service. Your child has been given a printed song sheet to learn over the next two weeks for their home learning. The lyrics and links to the songs that we are singing can be found here.
In RE we have been examining Luke’s gospel and learning how Mary and John the Baptist prepared for the coming of Jesus.
In Maths we have continued to multiply and divide by 6, using arrays and our reasoning skills.
We have also started to develop our oracy skills in class, through the use of discussion cards, active listening and different sentence stems that have allowed us to politely challenge, agree and persuade.
Home learning
Spelling – Words where ‘ch’ makes a /sh/ sound
I have set EdShed games based on these words.
Singing – please learn the lyrics to the Advent songs – see the link above.
Reading – please read and fill in your reading record.
Like a candle flame
Flickering small in our darkness
Uncreated light
Shines through infant eyes
God is with us, alleluia (Y3-5)
God is with us, alleluia (Y6)
Come to save us, alleluia (Y3-5)
Come to save us (Y6)
Alleluia! (All)
Stars and angels sing
Yet the earth sleeps in shadows
Can this tiny spark
Set a world on fire?
Yet his light shall shine
From our lives, Spirit blazing
As we touch the flame
Of his holy fire
O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to you, O Israel!
O come thou Wisdom from on high,
who orders all things mightily.
To us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go.
Prepare the way for the coming of God Prepare the way for the coming of God
Make a straight path for the coming of God Make a straight path for the coming of God
Every valley will be filled in Every valley will be filled in
All hills and mountains will be made low All hills and mountains will be made low
Crooked roads will be straightened out Crooked roads will be straightened out
All the rough lands will be made smooth All the rough lands will be made smooth
And all the people on the earth And all the people on the earth
Shall see the saving power of God. Shall see the saving power of God.
My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices My God forever he will be, bless his holy name.
(Solo) He looks upon me his servant,
looks on me in my lowliness.
He works marvels for me,
Hence forth all ages call me blessed, Call me blessed.
(Solo) He scatters the proud hearted,
casts the mighty from their thrones.
His mighty arm before me,
In strength he raises the lowly, raises the lowly.
(Solo) He fills the starving with plenty,
but empty sends the rich away.
From age to age his mercy,
The mercy promised us forever, promised forever.
(Solo) Dear Elizabeth,
It was good to hear your news,
Things here are strained, as you can imagine.
And Joe, well you know!
He doesn’t seem to smile anymore.
Doors slam, people can
Misinterpret Heaven’s plan,
But it hurts to see, how confused he seems.
(Solo) Dear Elizabeth,
The time it seems to fly.
People just stare, as you can imagine.
And Joe, well you know!
He doesn’t seem to talk anymore
Eyes blaze, Joseph says,
There’s only so much he can take
And it occurs to me, that he just can’t see
God’s will be done, God’s will be done.
(Solo) Dear Elizabeth,
We leave for Bethlehem.
The journey will be long, as you can imagine.
And Joe, well you know!
He doesn’t seem so scared anymore.
We’ve made plans, joining hands,
Through the Spirit we understand
That this special birth, will bring peace on earth.
And starlight met the mother’s pain, And heaven’s angels wept in praise, As God’s will was done, God’s will was done.
(Solo) Dear Elizabeth,
Our Son was born this night,
Mary is tired, as you can imagine.
And me, I can’t find the words to tell you how I feel!
All who come bring him things,
Some say he will be a King
And it occurs to me that he just might be …
So sleep my Son, until it’s time to wake
Angels watch, watch for heaven’s sake (x2)
(Solo) I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside
And all the lights of town
were shining far below
When up in the air beautiful voices
Sing a new song, let everyone know,
Oh and love shone down over the hills and over the valleys, Oh and love shone down over the world
(Solo) Somebody spoke to me
I knew it was an angel
He said there’s something
that I think you ought to know.
Then he just smiled, said don’t be afraid now.
Sing a new song, let everyone know
(Solo) And then he told me all about the baby Jesus,
How to find him where exactly I should go.
Then he was joined by millions of others
Sing a new song, let everyone know
(Solo) Well did I dream or was I really on that hillside
On that Christmas night so very long ago,
When he was born Jesus our Saviour
Sing a new song let everyone know
Cloth for the cradle, cradle for the child,
The child for our every joy and sorrow;
Find him a shawl that’s woven by us all
To welcome the Lord of each tomorrow.
Darkness and light and all that’s known by sight,
Silence and echo fading.
Weave into one a welcome for the Son,
Set earth its own maker serenading.
When God blessed Abraham
The covenant promise began
By faith he was chosen from all of creation
This promise is for you
And the lips of prophets foretold
How God’s promise of love would unfold
A powerful vision of justice and freedom
This promise is for you
Then came the final sign
At the Lord’s most favoured time
A King, God’s Son, the Holy one
This promise is for you
Come Holy Spirit, send your gifts, inspire our hearts Come Holy Spirit, lead us to the fullness of life The promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ
And the child Mary held in her womb
By the wood of the cross and the tomb
Has died and is risen, our sins are forgiven
This promise is for you
So what do we choose to do?
Where do we choose to go?
Only in Christ is the fullness of life
This promise is for you
Come Holy Spirit, send your gifts, inspire our hearts Come Holy Spirit, lead us to the fullness of life The promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ Joyce Joyce2024-11-22 13:50:492024-11-22 15:09:40Advent Service - lyrics and links
We have enjoyed gardening this week; successfully harvesting seeds, clearing the leaves, digging up weeds, preparing the soil and planting crocuses and daffodil bulbs. Please send in a change of shoes next week so that we can continue tending to the gardens.
On Remembrance Day, we took part in a pilgrimage around the school, praying and remembering loved ones who have passed, as well as those affected by war. Thank you for sending in photos of your loved ones for our prayer table.
We explored the Ice Palace’s setting in English this week, with the uses similes to create vivid imagery, such as describing the palace as “sparkling like a field of diamonds” or “standing majestic and cold, like a giant silver crown.”
In Science, we explored the properties water, when in the form of ice, hot showers, and semi-frozen puddles. We compared and contrasted these states of water, using our scientific understanding and critical thinking skills.
During Anti-Bullying Week, our participation in Odd Socks Day was a delightful reminder that we should celebrate our differences. This event led to discussions about respect and the traits that constitute a true friend.
Lastly, our History Roman workshop on Thursday was indeed a fantastic way to launch our topic. The hands-on experience of object handling and sorting as well as investigating various aspects of Roman life helped us grasp the intricacies of the Roman economy, settlements, army training, and the societal roles that shaped this ancient civilization. Such immersive experiences are crucial in helping the children retain knowledge while developing their analytical skills. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Please complete the Maths and Spelling / handwriting tasks sent home today and practise the 3 and 6 x tables on TTS. Spelling games have been set on EdShed.