Curriculum Intent Overview
“Teaching and learning are good across the school. Teachers hold high expectations and plan interesting and challenging work for pupils of different abilities.” Ofsted Inspection Report June 2016
At Pope Paul School the Gospel values underpin our aim to provide an outstanding education for all. The uniqueness of every individual is nurtured and relationships are based on respect. We strive to create an environment where children develop their relationship with God and have a sense of belonging to a Christian community with Christ at the centre.
Our broad, rich curriculum fully encompasses the national curriculum requirements and learning builds towards clear end points. Skills and knowledge are taught in a logical progression allowing pupils to make connections with new and existing knowledge ensuring a deep understanding at their own pace and in the best possible way for each individual child.
Our mission prayer lies at the heart of our school curriculum. We are constantly developing opportunities for our pupils to develop their relationship with God and work for the common good. Throughout the curriculum we celebrate pupils’ achievements recognising their interests, strengths and God given talents. Awards, marking and feedback, celebration assemblies and newsletters acknowledge and inspire children to do their best and develop a sense of pride in personal achievement and that of others. Religious education permeates through all subject areas and links are made creating curriculum cohesion and enabling pupils to link their learning appropriately. Through One World Week pupils are encouraged to develop a curiosity and respect for other cultures and life styles whilst recognising their duty to care for our common home. Our outdoor learning environment is used as a valuable resource to provide memorable life experiences for our children as well as supporting the learning in many curriculum areas. Love of our outdoor area is developed through providing opportunities and experiences that inspire a sense of awe and wonder.
We strive for our pupils to become independent, resilient learners and our ambitious curriculum provides planned activities that encourage pupils to reflect on how they think and strategies they can use to apply their knowledge. This includes explicitly teaching skills for how to plan, organise knowledge and monitor tasks.
We encourage our pupils to ask questions and give them opportunities to discern; the big questions in Science, Art, History and RE foster skills of enquiry and reflection. Our aim is that all pupils make good progress across all areas of the curriculum There is a sequencing of subject-specific concepts based on what we expect pupils to know at each particular stage ensuring challenge. Our Maths curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to practise and consolidate their learning, master learning objectives by developing a deeper understanding and to apply their knowledge in greater depth. We have developed a ‘growth mindsets’ culture throughout our school teaching pupils to ‘have a go’, to use a different strategy if they get stuck, to seek peer support and to learn from their mistakes. We use our learning power characters to support this.
Through our ambitious curriculum we aim to foster in our pupils a love of reading and the arts and to equip our pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to be successful. It is our intention that pupils leave Pope Paul School able to make decisions, self evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners ready to embrace the challenges of the 21st century motivated by their Christian values and duty to care for God’s world.
RE Curriculum
As a Catholic School we follow the curriculum as outlined in the RE Curriculum Directory. 10% of our teaching time is dedicated to RE learning.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is taught as part of the broader school curriculum.
It consists of the Core Subjects, which are English, Mathematics, Science and the Foundation Subjects, which are History, Geography, Art, Music, French, Physical Education (PE), Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE), Computing and Design Technology. Subjects may be incorporated into cross-curricular themes when appropriate, or taught separately when applicable.
Years 1-6 pupils are taught all National Curriculum Subjects plus Religious Education. From Year 3 pupils also learn French. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum, where children apply their knowledge, skills and understanding through meaningful cross curricular links between subjects. Our curriculum is creative and exciting where we foster a love of learning, encouraging pupils to aim high, have a ‘can do’ attitude and to take risks in their learning, without fearing failure.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) children’s learning is planned through both adult directed and child initiated learning, both indoors and out, across the EYFS framework.–2
Subject information can be found on the relevant subject page and in class pages of the website. The National Curriculum website may be of interest to you: