Computing! Childnet Film Competition
Childnet Film Competition 2020
The Childnet Film Competition is now in its 11th year and is open to all young people based in the UK. The challenge is to create a short film or a storyboard with a script in response to this year’s theme.
The theme of this year’s Childnet film competition is:
We want an Internet where we’re free to….
Think about all the things we love to do online. Create a film or storyboard that explains why we want an internet that allows people to feel free and safe online and how we can can make this happen.
Childnet have released packs to give more information about the competition and to help you to plan and make your films at home. All details can be found at
Childnet understands that young people may not have access to specialist equipment at home but don’t let that stop you. Get creative with the technology you have, including phones and tablets, or enter the storyboard category, which doesn’t require any film making equipment.
I am sure there are some great filmmakers in our midst.
Good luck and happy filmmaking.
From Miss Davey
Computing Subject Leader