Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The children have enjoyed telling us about their holidays.

This week we learnt about the Epiphany. On Monday, we wore crowns to assembly to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. We listened to the story from the Bible and the children acted out the story. The children made kings and made presents for Jesus. They made labels for their presents and painted pictures of the story. Many children sequenced the story and wrote sentences.


The children thought of what they would like to do better in 2025 and wrote on stars and decorated them.

In Maths, we learnt about the number 0. The children sorted pictures that represent 0 and not 0. The children ordered numbers 0-5. We have also been learning to subitise. When we see objects, we can say the number without counting. We used dice and dominoes to say the number of dots without counting. Playing dominoes and games with dice is great for children’s Maths skills.

We have enjoyed looking at the snow and seeing the ice in the playground. On Friday, we made snow pictures.

On Friday, we went into the hall and explored moving in different ways on the apparatus.

Next week we will be starting the Phase 3 phonics. Please support your children learning these sounds each evening and completing the sheet in their phonics books. We will also be sending home writing books on their reading day. There is a meeting on Monday at 2.45pm to explain these. If you cannot come to the meeting, information will be in their writing book.

We are encouraging the children to practise zipping up their coats, please practise this at home.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team


Merry Christmas from Reception Class!

The last week of the Autumn Term has been a busy one!
On Monday, we had a great time at the Panto, watching Aladdin. The children loved sitting with their reading partners. Thank you to the Yashu’s mum and Michelle’s mum for helping.
On Wednesday we had our Christmas Lunch and Pope Paul’s Got Talent. Well done to our singers and dancers who took part.
We have been busy making cards for home and for our reading partners. The children have demonstrated what they have learnt this term by writing their cards.
We made salt dough decorations and painted them. We have also been writing letters to Santa!
It has been a wonderful term. The children have settled in well and have learnt lots!
Thank you for your continued support, the cards, and generous presents.
Have a fantastic Christmas. See you in 2025!
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 2 Week 6

This week, we have been learning about the Christmas Story. We listened to the story and the children enjoyed remembering what characters they played in our class nativity. The children made stables, people and characters to retell the story. They painted, cut, and decorated a box. The children made a book to retell the story.

Cara had the travelling nativity from the church and brought it to school on Monday. The children enjoyed naming the characters in the box and retelling the story. Thank you to Cara’s mum who sent in biscuits for the children to enjoy!

In Maths, we have been learning about the number 4 and 5. The children have been learning to make these numbers by adding two numbers together. They have demonstrated their understanding using natural resources, cherry models, fives frame and lots of other resources.

We have had fun in our elf workshop, wrapping and delivering presents. If you need help wrapping presents for Christmas, the children are very good.

On Thursday, we had a great day at our Christmas party! First we saw Father Christmas and were given some chocolates. We played pass the parcel, sleeping lions, musical statues, musical chairs and musical bumps. The children played games in the hall with their reading partners and had cake.

If your child is a Monday reader, please send their book in on Tuesday.

See you on Monday at the church at 9.30am.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 5

The second candle of Advent is purple. This candle represents Peace. This week, the children listened to the story Peace At Last. They made daddy bear and they made a bed for daddy bear using boxes and different materials. Then they drew pictures of the activities they like to do when they have some peace. We also read the story Five minutes Peace and talked about how we need to give peace to others.


The highlight of the week was our class Nativity – The Twinkly Nativity. I was proud of  the children for their amazing singing, dancing and clear speaking. The children have worked very hard to learn all their lines, songs and dances. We hope you enjoyed it! You will received a link to watch it together at home.



The children have been working hard on revising the Phase 2 sounds and applying them to reading and writing. Please continue to practise at home and practise reading and spelling the tricky words.

On Friday, the children decorated our shed to make Santa’s workshop.

If you have and small boxes or shoe boxes, please send them in on Monday.

Lots of children are not eating enough at lunchtime, therefore they are very hungry in the afternoon. Please talk about the lunch options with your child and if they do not like any of the options, please send a packed lunch.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 2 Week 4

This week, we have been learning about Advent. We learnt that purple is the colour of Advent, the priest wears purple at church, the first candle we light is purple and the cloth on our altar is purple. The first candle represents hope. We have been thinking of what we are hoping for. The children are hoping people have homes, food and clothes. Lots are hoping for snow at Christmas and many hoping for different presents. The children made stars to remember their hopes and wishes. Advent is a time for preparing; the children drew things we do to prepare for Christmas. The children made Advent promises to become closer to God during Advent and we added them to our class display. Each day, we will open a door and try to follow the Advent promise. The children painted Advent wreaths.

As we have finished all of the Phase 2 sounds, we have been revising them this week. Please keep practising them at home. We have also been practising reading and spelling the tricky words. Please practise I, a, go, no, to, into, the. The children have been on a hunt around the playground to find the tricky words on stars.

We have been busy practising for our Christmas Play. Thank you for your support with practising the children’s lines and thank you for sending the children’s costumes in.

In Religion, we listened to the story The Annunciation from the Bible. The children made angels and wrote what Mary and Angel Gabriel said to each other.

On Friday, we took our Advent promises to assembly and they were added to the hall display.


Christmas Nativity – Thursday 5th December at 9.30am.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 2 Week 3

This week we have been learning about the Jewish celebration called Hanukkah. The children made menorahs with their hand prints. They wrote sentences about the celebration and drew pictures of a synagogue.

We read the story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. The children acted out the story using props. They made rockets and wrote sentences about the story. They had lots of fun role playing in the Space Station and pretending to be astronauts.

In Maths, we have been learning about patterns. The children have been making repeated patterns using a variety of resources. Can you make a pattern at home with some objects in your house?

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds l, ll, ss and ff. Our tricky word this week was into. We have finished the phase 2 phonics so please practise all the sounds in their phonics book. If you say the sound and ask the children to write the sound, also ask the children to read the sound.

We were very excited to see snow so we collected some ice in the playground and talked about why the snow turned into ice.

We have been busy practising the class nativity. Children took a letter home about their costume. Please send the costumes in by Wednesday 27th November. All clothes should have the child’s name on and the bag should be labelled too. Mary and the angels should have white leggings and a white top. All the other parts need a black top and black leggings/trousers.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Autumn 2 Week 2

This week was anti-bullying week. We spoke about what bullying is and what we should do if we think we are being bullied. The children wrote names in a hand print of the people they could tell if they were feeling sad. We read the story The Ugly Duckling and talked about the duck being bullied because he looked different. We all look different but we should treat everyone the same. Then we did some hot seating where the children pretended they were a character and the others asked them questions. The children made beautiful swans and nests for the ducklings. We had some amazing writing about the ducklings, the children are using their phonic knowledge to write words.


In Maths, we have been learning about capacity. We have been comparing containers, estimating which containers would hold more or less and measuring using cups.


In our Phonics lessons, we have learnt the tricky word to. We have also learnt the sounds r, h, b and f. Please continue to practise at home.

On Friday, we thought about what we are good at. We made mirrors, decorated them and added them to our display about what we are good at. We then thought about the things we would like to be able to do and how we should keep trying until we can do something.

Some of the children have been given lines to learn for the Christmas Play. Please practise with your child and we will continue to practise at school. The children are enjoying learning the songs and the dances.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful half term.

This week, we have been learning about Diwali. The children listened to the story of Rama and Sita and they have been making rangoli patterns, hands with patterns on them and they have been drawing the king with ten heads. The children all made a diya lamp using clay and painted it. The diya lamps reminds us that Diwali is the festival of light.

In Maths, the children have been comparing sizes using the language bigger, smaller, shorter and longer. We have been ordering sizes and measuring using lots of objects in the class. We measured using pegs, cubes, pencils and our hands.


We learnt about the signs of Autumn, then the children made Autumn Sensory bottles. Thank you for the water bottles, conkers and leaves that you sent in.If you have spare plastic bottles at home, please send them in.

In Phonics, we learnt the sounds ck, e and u. The children have been practising writing the letters, saying the rhyme and writing words with the sounds in. Please continue to practise at home and practise reading the tricky words the.

On Friday, we learnt about Remembrance. The children made poppies with paint and lego. We also made medals for the soldiers who fought in the war.

Next week – If you have had a family member or friend die, please send in a photograph with their name on the back. We will add these to our remembrance display.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 6

On Monday, the police visited us to tell us what they do to help people. The children asked lots of questions, tried on their clothes and sat in the police car. The children have been role playing police in the playground.

This week, we have been learning about India. We learnt about the flag and where to find India on a map. The children made their own flags to be displayed around our world map. Our home corner has changed to a Indian restaurant where children have been wearing saris and serving food. The children made Rangoli patterns using chalk, felt tips and natural resources. We learnt about the National bird- the peacock and the children made peacocks. We also learnt about how people bath and wash clothes in the River Ganges -the children have been washing clothes in our water tray. Following our theme of the Year of the Disciples, we learnt about a charity called Caritas that supports people in India. Raylan, Aanay and Tiya from Year 6 showed us their traditional dress and some Indian dancing. Jonathan’s parents made us some traditional food from India. Freya’s parents made us some sweets and Ayden’s parents bought us some Indian snacks. Thank you for your support. We made Laddoo, the children enjoyed mixing and rolling. We also learnt some Indian dancing. Outside, we made the Taj Mahal.

On Friday, Jonathan, Freya and Raiya came to school in their traditional dress.

In Maths, we have been finding different ways to make 2 and 3 using a cherry model (part, part, whole), a tens frame and many other resources.

In Phonics, we have been revising the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this term. Please practise saying and writing all of the sounds in their phonics book. Practise reading tricky words I, no, go and the.

Thank you for all of the donations for the food bank.

On Friday, we read the story Pumpkin Soup and made some pumpkin soup in our mud kitchen.

Could you go for a walk and collect some signs of autumn? Bring in some different colour leaves, conkers and some twigs please. Please send in a plastic bottle with a lid for the Tuesday after half term.

Have a wonderful half term.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 6

This week we have been learning about the people who help us. We have been lucky to have many visitors. On Monday, we had Esther’s mum, who is a dentist come to tell us about her important job. We learnt about how to keep our teeth healthy and how dentists can help us. We cleaned teeth at school, sequenced pictures of how we brush our teeth and we pretended we were dentists.

On Tuesday, we had a nurse visit. She talked about what she did and showed us some of the equipment she uses in her job. Then the children painted and drew pictures of why we may need a nurse.

On Wednesday, we had the firefighters some in. They talked about what they do each day. They told us what we should do if we saw a fire. They reminded us to test our smoke alarms regularly and if we do not have one contact Potters Bar Fire Station. We sat in the fire engine and sprayed the water hose. After,we made our own fire engine with crates and used our hoses to spray pretend fires in the playground. The children dressed up as firefighters. Children also made fire engines from boxes.

Outside, the children were role playing being a vet in our outdoor vets. They were looking after different animals, pretending to be a vet or a receptionist.


In Maths, we have been learning to find one more and one less than a number. we have been using number fans and playing games to help us demonstrate our understanding.

Deacon Sean same to Reception Class to baptise a baby doll to continue our learning on Baptism.

Next week is One World Week. We are learning about India. If you are from India and would like to come and talk to the children about your traditions, please speak to me. If you would like to bring in some food for us to taste, please let me know. If the children have traditional dress from the country they are from, please wear on Friday.


I look forward to seeing you at parents evening. If you have not made an appointment, please do.

Please see the powerpoint of photos from this week. Photos

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team