Friday, 7th February 2025
The children in Year 2 had a busy time last week publishing their beautiful Penguin Reports in my absence and I have to say, I am very impressed with their outcomes. The booklets turned out excellent and it is very clear how much care and effort the class put into this work.
In English, the class started their new unit based on Lemony Snicket’s wonderful book, The Dark and will continue to work on this narrative unit in the next two weeks.
In Maths, after finishing their learning on 2 and 3D shapes and their properties, the children moved onto their next big number unit, Multiplication and Division and looked at equal groups as a starting point using arrays. In RE, the class reflected on people being a special part of God’s creation and thought about how their actions and words best show God’s presence in them.
Well done to our next Mini Liturgy Group who presented their Collective Worship with the theme of Hope.
In Science, the children grouped objects according to their material to start their new unit of ‘States of Matter’, whilst in Geography, they summarised everything they have learnt about the Antarctica this term. In Art, they used simple printing techniques to experiment with lines and textures, whilst in PE they worked on pair and later group routines, including rolls and balances.
We are looking forward to our second class trip next week Monday, 10th February 2025. Please make sure you gave consent for this trip on School Gateway. The children will be back in time for lunch so hot dinners will be available to order on the day.
I am also looking forward to seeing you for our Parent Consultation meetings on Tuesday and Thursday. You will have the opportunity to view the children’s books before or after the meetings in the hall.
Next week, Year 2 is planning to plant some bulbs in class. Please may I ask that you provide a small planting pot for your child for this activity. They do not have to be new and of course they can be of any material (plastic, pottery, etc). Please if possible label the pot with name.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Home Learning:
Spelling: Please consolidate this week’s ‘il’ words and prepare for next week’s challenge words using the assigned games.
Reading: Please continue to read at home and sign Reading records.
Maths: Complete assigned activities based on Multiplication arrays.