Well done parents!
Dear Parents,
Well done ! You are amazing! It has been wonderful to see how you have all responded to the challenge of home schooling! Thank you for sending photos of your children taking part in such a range of learning activities. Do have a look at the blogs for more photos. Thank you also to our tremendous staff team who are working hard in school and at home to support our community.
The school continues to be open after the Easter holidays for children whose parents are critical workers and children in vulnerable groups. There will be no home learning set on the blogs during the two week holiday but please encourage your children to take part in the Whole School Easter holiday Project. Details are in this newsletter.
As we approach Holy Week, the most important week in the church’s year, please join with our community and access the live streaming via the parish website www.olasv.org.uk to unite in remembering the events leading up to Jesus’ death and then joyful Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Do have a look at https://www.wintershall-education.com/resources/resources-family/
Tomorrow we are invited to join with other catholic schools in the area to celebrate the end of term and the beginning of Holy Week via the live streaming. In September we visited Nicholas Breakspear School and took part in their Community Mass with several other local Catholic schools. Each school was given a jigsaw piece to decorate. During Mass we were invited to complete this jigsaw and it made a heart. This heart symbolises the ‘love’ we should have for each other and humanity. It is also one of the Gospel values which Jesus taught us. It is a very poignant value to have and to express during this difficult time. The heart jigsaw has been delivered to the parish and will be used as part of the liturgy. Please try and join us!
Don’t forget to join in the Palm Sunday live streaming and display your HOSANNA poster and leaves in your window!
Sending you all every good wish for the Easter break!
Liz Heymoz