Friday 7th February, 2025
This week was another busy week.
On Thursday Beth Cullen our Education NHS Wellbeing practitioner delivered an assembly to all KS2 classes and I was really impressed with how calmly Year 6 engaged with the relaxation script and how involved they all were in the workshop we had back in class.
We have continued with our work in Design and Technology in creating our mobile phone covers. The children have been hard at work threading their needles and using their knowledge of various stitching to ensure that their cover fits their design.
In Maths we have completed our work on Ratio and next week will be embracing algebra! The children have also worked hard on their daily arithmetic skills. There is a competition today organised by TTRs and I would like to encourage the children to participate in this.
In English, Year 6 have begun writing their own field guide entries for beasts they have created. They will complete these next week.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
PE days for next week are Tuesday and Thursday. School uniform to be worn on Wednesday for our trip. This is for this week only.
Home Learning:
Spelling Shed
TTRS (please logon and practise your timetables!)