Friday 7th February, 2025

This week was another busy week.

On Thursday Beth Cullen our Education NHS Wellbeing practitioner delivered  an assembly to all KS2 classes and  I was really impressed with how calmly Year 6 engaged with the relaxation script and how involved they all were in the workshop we had back in class. 

We have continued with our work in Design and Technology in creating our mobile phone covers.  The children have been hard at work threading their needles and using their knowledge of various stitching to ensure that their cover fits their design.


In Maths we have completed our work on Ratio and next week will be embracing algebra!  The children have also worked hard on their daily arithmetic skills.  There is a competition today organised by TTRs and I would like to encourage the children to participate in this.

In English, Year 6 have begun writing their own field guide entries for beasts they have created. They will complete these next week.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


PE days for next week are Tuesday and Thursday. School uniform to be worn on Wednesday for our trip. This is for this week only.

Home Learning:

Spelling Shed


TTRS (please logon and practise your timetables!)


Maths Week Beginning: 3rd February

Click here for the SATs type questions on:

Week beginning: 3rd February, 2025

Ratio and Proportion Problems 




Long division

Order of operations



Friday 31st January

This week the children started to work on their design for a mobile phone cover so the children were busy cutting, sewing and designing their creations.  We have been delighted by their sewing techniques and their enthusiasm in wanting to practise their sewing each morning during their early morning start.

In Maths the children have been working hard on developing their understanding of the topic Ratio and the language associated with that. We have also continued with our work on long multiplication and long division.

In English, we have looked at the subjunctive form, writing newspaper reports imagining that a sea serpent was found in The Thames.

In Science, we have explored incomplete and complete circuits and variations within them.

In our PE learning, we have begun designing our gymnastics show which we will perform to our Reception partners at the end of the half term


Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning



TTRS  Log onto your account and practise your timestables.

Mathletics Log onto your account to complete the activities assigned to you.




Friday 24th January, 2025

Another week and what a busy week it has been!

In Maths we have finished our work on fractions, moving onto long multiplication and long division.

In English we have practised varying our sentence structure by starting with subordinate clauses.

In RE we are covering our new focus on Sacramental People.  Also this week, the Jubilee Year of Hope has been launched! Pope Francis has declared that the year 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee for the Catholic Church – an event that takes place once every 25 years. The Year of Hope is a time to rekindle faith, share hope, and pray. 

It was the girls chance to shine this week in sport – we had a Netball tournament on Thursday morning and unfortunately, due to the rain, the girl’s football match did not take place in the afternoon. The children played  well and with such friendly, generous and consideration towards their teammates.

We managed to get our for walk with Reception on Wednesday this week. Although it was muddy, the children had a great time. Year 6 brought great energy and were retelling the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt as we walked along. We were impressed with how much of it they remembered!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Log onto our class page and find the area labelled ‘Revision Activities 2025’.  Here you will find SATs like questions to complete on Fractions.  Please aim to complete at least two of these tasks.  There are four to choose from .  NB: If you are spending too long on a question, please move onto the next one. Please hand in your work next week by Wednesday.




Maths Learning: Fractions

Friday 17th January 2025

Another week in Year 6 has flown by!

In English, we have continued to learn about more fantastical creatures from Arthur Spriderwick’s Fieldguide. Year 6 have written letters, radio broadcasts and descriptions that emulate the style of the writer.

A highlight of our week was the rebound workshop. Year 6 jumped to music and created sequences of their own. It was a good workout!


In Science, we began our topic on electricity. Today we revised series circuits and the symbols that represent the components.

Next week, we will be going on a local area walk with our Reception partners. Please bring in wellies for Monday and we will keep them in school until we have completed our walk. We will only go if weather permits.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home learning

spellings on spellingshed






Tuesday 14th January, 2025

Fraction Reasoning Problems  – click here

Fractions 3  Click here

Fractions 4  Click here


Arithmetic  Multiplying Fractions 

Arithmetic Multiplying one digit numbers by a decimal number


Friday 10th January, 2025

Happy New Year!

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January. It is an important Christian feast as it reveals Jesus as saviour for the world. In class the children created their Epiphany crown for our whole school assembly led by Mrs Heymoz. Thank you to Julia and Filip for reading the Gospel to the whole school with such reverence, clarity, and dedication.  The children spent time in class examining the significance of Matthew’s Gospel 2:1-12 reflecting on the meaning  of the Epiphany as the moment when Jesus was revealed to the world and recognised by the Gentiles and wrote a reflection on how the Epiphany demonstrates God’s universal love. I was struck by how thoughtful and reflective their work was. In today’s whole school assembly, thank you to Finn McB, Francine, Sienna, Emily and Frankie who helped to introduce this week’s theme of Baptism.

In our collective worship this week, we thank Chloe A. Michael and Rian for leading us in prayer where the theme was ‘guidance’ alongside the story of the Wise Men.

The Liturgy Group met with Deacon Sean on Wednesday to discuss their focus for this term and during their Wednesday  lunchtime organised a reflective session using The Examen.  They set aside part of a lunchtime inviting the children from both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two to join them in reviewing their day in the presence of God and encouraging them to try to become more aware of how God is working in their life, fostering a deeper relationship with Him.

In Maths this week the class have continued with their work on fractions revisiting how to divide any fraction by an integer.  Maths Enrichment is starting up again next Thursday morning and after school (until 4:15pm).  Your child is most welcome to join us.

In English, we have begun a new unit on Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide. The children have enjoyed reading about these fantastical creatures, particularly the boggart that gets up to much mischief! Today they imagined this creature in their own homes and wrote all about how their families might be terrorised!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home learning



Mathletics – Please log onto your account. Work has been set on fractions and place value.  I have reassigned some children’s accounts with activities that they found slightly difficult.  If they have time, could you encourage your child to look back at these activities and if they have any problems come and see me on Monday please.  Thank you.



Friday 20th December 2024

Our final week has been filled with festive fun. On Monday, we went to the Wyllyotts Theatre to watch the Aladdin pantomime. Year 6 took excellent care of their reading partners during the show.

On Wednesday, the children wore their Christmas jumpers for the Christmas lunch. Year 6 enjoyed some great food with their friends with festive music and decorations.  Later that afternoon, Pope Paul’s Got Talent took place. Well done to all the children who auditioned and took part.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous gifts. It has been a pleasure to teach your children this term and we look forward to welcoming them back in January.


Have a relaxed and blessed Christmas

Mrs Lines, Mrs McNamara and Mrs Hammond.

Friday 13th December, 2024



In Maths we have continued with our work on Mental Arithmetic and fractions. In English we began our final written piece: a duel narrative and we are just putting on the finishing touches. This week in PE, we were lindy hopping. The children did a wonderful job at showing the energy and fun of this dance.

The highlight for the class this week has most certainly been the Christmas Fun Day which Year 6 shared with their reception buddies.  The children played beautifully together on the different activities that were set up in the Main Hall by our wonderful FOPPS team!  The Christmas party was definitely a festive hit! The children came dressed in their best and enjoyed a day full of music, games, and delicious treats!   Just to add to the delight of the day, we also had a very special visitor this week – Santa himself! He made time in his busy schedule to stop by our school and meet all the children. Santa’s grotto was beautifully set up, and each child had a chance to share their Christmas wishes and receive a small gift. The joy on their faces was priceless!

Please remember that on Monday, we are watching the Pantomime at the Wyllotts so the children will need to be at the Church car park at 9.30am to be registered.  If your child attends breakfast club, members of the staff will walk them down to the Church. As we are walking back to school later, please make sure the children have their school coat with them.

There will be no Maths Enrichment or Writing Enrichment next week.  It will restart back on Tuesday 7th January.

Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

TTRS practise your times tables.

Mathletics – make sure you have completed the set activities on your Mathletics account.

Research Poster:  Find out about how Catholics celebrate Christmas around the world.  Choose a country of your choice and write about the traditions that are followed to celebrate the birth of Jesus.