It’s been a busy first week back.
Welcome back after the Easter Holidays. We hope you all enjoyed your break and did lots of enjoyable things. The Summer term is always a busy term and there was plenty going on in Year 5 this week. The first day back was a buzz of excitement for many children taking part in the FOPPS Easter Egg Hunt!
Year 5 began the first of their sessions with the Mini Police this week which is being run through the Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Mini Police scheme. Anti-social behaviour, road safety, bullying and cyber safety are some of the focus’ the class will cover during the programme. Mini Police is a fun and interactive programme designed for children aged between 9 and 11. It aims to build trust with communities, promote responsible citizenship and help young people establish an interest and understanding in policing and community safety. We look forward to our next session with Cheryl and Chris.

In RE the children have been looking at explaining how the Resurrection shows the belief in the divinity of Christ and developing their understanding of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. Thank you to the families who created their Easter gardens …they look lovely -Mrs Heymoz has visited our classroom to admire them. Click here to see them.
A number of children have been taking part in Bikeability this week. The feedback from the children has been really positive as Bikeability cycle training equips them with vital life skills. Pupils not only learn to cycle, they gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. The instructors have been very complimentary about how the children have been great listeners and attentive during the traning…we are so proud of them! Click here to see some photos of our keen cyclists!
On Wednesday our Year 5 Maths Challenge team took part in the Final. The team were Elle, Finn, Hebe and Kian. Out of over 260 schools, we were one of twenty seven schools in the Final. The rounds were tricky ones and although we were alert and ready for the challenges set, we did not make it to the top four places. I want to congratulate the team and thank Elle for standing in for Vihaan who was unable to join us.

We have begun our new English unit on Macbeth, which will be our focus for the this half term. The children have been gripped by this tale of a man consumed by ambition to take the Scottish throne. If your child was at bikeablity, and missed some our lessons, use the following link to watch the story:
In History, we have started our new topic on Ancient Greece. As an introduction, the children created their own timelines of all the time periods they have studied, so that they could see where the Ancient Greek civilisation fit in with this.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Timestable Rockstars – please make sure that you log on each day for 10 minutes to practise your timestables! Can you beat your personal best?
Spelling: Spellingframe rule 57
History: Create a poster about Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. This poster should include:
- At least 3 gods or goddesses.
- What they are the god or goddess of.
- Do they have any special items or powers.
- Who are their parents and siblings?
The deadline for this is Tuesday 3rd May.