Thursday 27th June, 2024

Good morning and welcome to Pope Paul School.

Cultural Integration at Pope Paul School


9am 9:10am 9:30am 10 -10:30am 11:00am

Enter by the Main School Entrance

Greeted by the office staff















Taken to Year 6 classroom to leave belongings and choose lunch preference for lunch.


Lunch Options are:

Favourite Quorn Hotdog (vegetarian)

Cheesy Spring Vegetable Bake (vegetarian)

Jacket Potato (Various Toppings)

Cheese Baguette (vegetarian)














Go into Year 6 and meet with Mrs McNamara and Mrs Moccia


Tour of school by Year 5 pupils.














Geography:  Looking at National Parks across the UK

Click here


Click here for the Map to examine

Activity Sheet Click here



Break at 10:30am














William Wordsworth (poet)



Back to class to do

SATs Paper and Arithmetic

Mark Scheme

Reasoning Paper  page 22

Arithmetic  Paper   page  17

Discuss re the outcomes expected for children at 11 years of age compared to pupils from China at this age.

12:00 – 1:00pm 1:00 – 2:00pm 2-2:50pm 3:05pm 3:15pm
Lunch and mingle with students in








Art Work: Banksy: FOCUS

  1. Banksy
  2. Graffiti Activity
  3. Letter Resource

Activity: Create your own TAG.







Play rounders with Year 5 on school field.






Return to classroom, pick up belongings and Goodbye.

Photo opportunity.







School finishes



Leaving by coach  (TBC)





Dice Game Challenge Afternoon!

Click here to see what the Key Stage 2 classes were busy doing yesterday afternoon!

Why don’t you click on Dice Games and try some of the dice games yourself?

Maths Dice Games Thursday 1st February, 2024

Dice Games –

  1.  Click here for Dice Games A
  2.  Click here for Dice Games B                  Drop Zone (p 29)  Differences (p9)   Step Adding ( p 18)  *

Equipment Needed:

a partner

Dice (up to 6 dice)

paper or squared paper



Have Fun!!

Mrs McNamara, Ms Varga and Miss Donatantonio

Maths Learning Friday 21st April

FOCUS:   Fractions

Do have a go at completing the revision power point on fractions and hand your results into Mrs McNamara by Tuesday.  Good luck!!

Click here

Thursday 21st July, 2022

This last week has meant that the children have adapted to a hotter learning environment than normal and they did this with such maturity. In D&T most of the children completed their CAMs project.  Well done to them for their resilience throughout each session.  As a class, we discussed what their successes were and areas to focus on next year when we have our next Design and Technology project!  I have a video in the making and will share that with them in September and on our Year 6 Blog.

Mrs Lines, Ms Hilton and myself have enjoyed assisting your child with their learning and thank you for the report comments that were returned to us this week.

Thank you for the commitment you have towards your child’s learning and the generous gifts and flowers that we received yesterday and today.

Wishing you a wonderful summer – we are looking forward to hearing about all your holiday adventures in September!


God Bless.

Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Ms Hilton

Here are some of the finished products!


Friday 17th June 2022

What a week! The sun has shone and Year 5 has been a hive of activity. It was Healthy Eating Week this week and Year 5’s focus was on getting more than their 5 a day. Thank you to everyone for bringing in their favourite fruits and vegetables- we have been feasting on them all week! It was a great opportunity for children to enjoy the foods they like, have something they haven’t eaten in a while or even try something completely new. On Thursday, we teamed up with Year 1 to make fruit kebabs and salads. Year 5 were exemplary in their behaviour with the younger children and supported them beautifully.

On Tuesday we held our annual sports day. Well done to St Bernadette’s house, our overall winners, and to all children for trying their best.

Today we took part in another one of our annual events- The Blessed Sacrament procession. Year 5 were again excellent role models for their Year 1 partners in the reverent and peaceful journey to the church. We hope the children enjoyed their well-deserved ice-lolly at the end.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning: log on and complete the tasks complete 5 tests

Spellingframe- rule 62. This is a random selection to review all words from the year 5 and 6 spelling list and so will vary.

Mathletics and Timestables Rockstars


Friday 6th May, 2022

Although this has been a shorter week for us, Year 5 have managed to cram in a busy week of learning!

On Wednesday, the children went to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre – they met Katie their group leader who took them on a tour of this beautiful cultural landmark located on the bank of the River Thames and organised a very exciting workshop based on their Shakespearean play Macbeth.  To enjoy the sunshine of the afternoon, the children went onto the picnic area of the Tate Modern and had lunch with their class mates whilst enjoying the pigeons who took a liking to the attention they gave them.

Not to miss out on the Daily Mile taking place back at school, the children completed their own daily mile using the large green outside the Tate and met Sebastian ‘the bubble man’ who had been invited to join us by Ben.  Sebastian showed the children how to create the ultimate bubble solution and they went onto spending time chasing and bursting the HUGE bubbles he created on the green for them.


It was a lovely day and one which we feel the children will remember fondly.

Today, the class took part in the May Procession with reverence and respect, after spending their RE lesson exploring some of the titles dedicated to Our Lady by examining the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and reflecting on what the titles mean to them.

In PE, the children continued to practise track and fielding skills -working hard on their throwing skills.

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning

Reading: Log on to readtheory and complete 5 tests. Log on to complete the tasks set

Spelling: Spellingframe, Rule 58.


Maths log onto Timetables Rockstars to practise your tables.

On Mathletics there are some activities for you to do.  Log onto your account to see.





Thursday 28th April, 2022

‘A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come!’

We have focused on Act 1 Scene 3 of Macbeth this week by exploring the setting of the Scottish heath and the interactions between Macbeth, Banquo and the weird sisters. The children have written beautifully descriptive pieces and created artwork using tints and tones to show the landscape and weather . On Tuesday, Year 5 used their best Shakespearean language to act out this scene. Well done, Year 5. Your intonation showed an excellent understanding of the text!

In RE the children met with Dale who chatted to them about the divinity of Christ and they spent time interpreting the story of the resurrection by examining a piece of art by the chinese artist He Qi.  In Maths the children have moved onto learning about conversion in measurement and weight and using the strategies they have worked on, developed their understanding solving worded problems involving conversion.

As part of our focus on wellbeing, the daily mile has started up again and the children have enjoyed taking in part in this.  The children are being encouraged to do this to the best of their ability as we realise that there are a wide variety of health and wellbeing benefits associated with this daily physical activity and an emerging body of evidence supports the positive impact The Daily Mile can have on children’s health.


Wishing you a fabulous bank holiday weekend.  See you on Tuesday.

Polite reminder:  If you have not yet given your consent for the class trip on Wednesday to the Shakespeare Globe, please log onto school comms to complete this.  Thank you!

Home learning

There is no home learning this week. However, children should still prepare for the spelling test on Tuesday on the words given last week.

Summer Term Week 1: 22nd April

It’s been a busy first week back.

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays. We hope you all enjoyed your break and did lots of enjoyable things. The Summer term is always a busy term and there was plenty going on in Year 5 this week.  The first day back was a buzz of excitement for many children taking part in the FOPPS Easter Egg Hunt! 

Year 5 began the first of their sessions with the Mini Police this week which is being run through the Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Mini Police scheme.  Anti-social behaviour, road safety, bullying and cyber safety are some of the focus’ the class will cover during the programme. Mini Police is a fun and interactive programme designed for children aged between 9 and 11. It aims to build trust with communities, promote responsible citizenship and help young people establish an interest and understanding in policing and community safety.  We look forward to our next session with Cheryl and Chris.

In RE the children have been looking at explaining how the Resurrection shows the belief in the divinity of Christ and developing their understanding of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus.  Thank you to the families who created their Easter gardens …they look lovely -Mrs Heymoz has visited our classroom to admire them.  Click here to see them.

A number of children have been taking part in Bikeability this week.  The feedback from the children has been really positive as Bikeability cycle training equips them with vital life skills. Pupils not only learn to cycle, they gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. The instructors have been very complimentary about how the children have been great listeners and attentive during the traning…we are so proud of them!  Click here to see some photos of our keen cyclists!

On Wednesday our Year 5 Maths Challenge team took part in the Final.  The team were Elle, Finn, Hebe and Kian.  Out of over 260 schools, we were one of twenty seven schools in the Final.  The rounds were tricky ones and although we were alert and ready for the challenges set, we did not make it to the top four places.  I want to congratulate the team and thank Elle for standing in for Vihaan who was unable to join us.

We have begun our new English unit on Macbeth, which will be our focus for the this half term. The children have been gripped by this tale of a man consumed by ambition to take the Scottish throne.  If your child was at bikeablity, and missed some our lessons, use the following link to watch the story:

In History, we have started our new topic on Ancient Greece. As an introduction, the children created their own timelines of all the time periods they have studied, so that they could see where the Ancient Greek civilisation fit in with this.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Timestable Rockstars – please make sure that you log on each day for 10 minutes to practise your timestables!  Can you beat your personal best?

Spelling: Spellingframe rule 57


History: Create a poster about Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. This poster should include:

  • At least 3 gods or goddesses.
  • What they are the god or goddess of.
  • Do they have any special items or powers.
  • Who are their parents and siblings?

The deadline for this is Tuesday 3rd May.