Spring 1 Week 5

This week has been lots of fun and excitement. On Monday, we received a letter from The Natural History Museum, asking us to look after a rare dinosaur egg. The children wrote letters back to say they would take care of it. They asked questions, for example When will it hatch? What dinosaur is inside? The children made fossils with clay and role played with dinosaurs inside and outside. They had great fun breaking ice cubes to free the dinosaurs inside. On Wednesday, the egg arrived and the children decided that we should make posters to tell others not to touch the egg. They went around the school to tell all the children and teachers not to touch the egg. When they arrived at school on Thursday, the egg had hatched and there were footprints aorund the class. We followed clues to the window which has been left opened. The children wrote desriptions to the police and wanted posters to help find the dinosaur. They used magnifiying glasses to look closely at the footprints and they also found bones all around the class. It was great to hear that the dinosaur was safely back in the Natural History museum.

On Wednesday, a group of children walked to Temple Court Retirement Home to talk and sing songs to the residents there. They were treated to biscuits and a drink. The children were amazing, they made each person smile.  They were so impressed with the chldren, they asked for us to come back. Thank you to our parent helpers. On Tuesday, the other children will go to Seabrook Home. We talked about how we are living out of mission prayer of building a better world.

In Phonics, we learnt the digraphs oo, oa, ar and or. Our tricky word this week was my.

In Maths, we have been learning to make 6, 7 and 8. They children have been using counters, ten frames, cherry models and a range of resources to make these numbers.

In Religion, we continued our learning on Jesus being the light of the world. The children made and decorated candles.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Year 6 Week Beginning 5.2.24


On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in the annual Safer Internet Day, where they explored how technology has changed over time. Together, they had lots of fun thinking creatively and sharing ideas on what changes they thought might happen in the future.

In RE this week, Year 6 were fascinated by a video taken of a 3D app, which allowed them to explore Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem. This gave the children a really good understanding of the scale and layout of the temple, and also gave them additional information about what Passover would have been like during Jesus’ time. Many children have asked for the link to be added to the blog, so that they can have a go at downloading the actual app and exploring it for themselves.

3D Walkthrough of the Temple in Jerusalem (youtube.com)

This afternoon, the class were led in a very special Palm Burning Ceremony by our Year 6 Liturgy Leaders. The children had been given the responsibility of burning the palm crosses donated by the parish community, in preparation for Ash Wednesday, next week. As the class watched the palms burn and turn into ashes, they were reminded that God created us from the dust of the earth, and it is from this humble beginning that we emerge with purpose and potential.

In Maths this week, the children have continued to consolidate their understanding of formal long division written methods, and have applied this to real life problem solving.

In English, Year 6 began their new non-fiction unit, based on the wonderful book Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black.


Image result for Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black.


Next week, the class will be planting bulbs and will need to bring in a small flowerpot from home, thank you!

Home Learning

Daily reading


Spelling Shed



Parents, if you haven’t already done so,  please remember to book an appointment to meet with me next week, at one of the parent consultation evenings. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pemberton



Year 5 – 09/02/24

It’s the end of another week, so here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to in Year 5:

🔬 Science: We dove into a fun investigation on water resistance, exploring how differently-shaped stones behave when dropped into water. It’s been interesting to see how streamlining affects their sinking speed!

📚 English: Continuing our journey through “The Watchtower,” we’ve been honing our suspense-building skills in writing to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

➗ Maths: We’ve been tackling division word problems and focusing particularly on interpreting remainders.

⛪ RE: We’ve gone from exploring the significance of the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover, to delving into the modern-day Passover Seder meal and its traditions.

🤸‍♂️ PE: Wednesday gymnastics involved learning how to leapfrog a partner, and Thursday fitness training focused is on exercises that enhance speed, agility, and coordination.

🙏 TenTen: We had an important discussion on body image, exploring the pressures young people face from various sources, and recognised that by we can build resilience against this by focusing on the things we are thankful for in our lives.

💻 Computing: In light of Safer Internet Day, the children had a valuable discussion on the factors influencing young people’s online and offline behaviours.

🎵 Music: As we started a new unit, our journey into the world of Nasheed songs began, exploring their connection with the Islamic faith. We enjoyed listening to the catchy tune, “Madina tun Nabi.”

Your home learning for this week is:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Word Problems: Multiply and Divide

·         Dividing with Remainders (Quest)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
SPaG Spag.com assignment:

·         Apostrophes & plurals (A)

Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are adverbs of time

·         afterwards

·         finally

·         immediately

·         recently

·         earlier

·         yesterday

·         eventually

·         tomorrow

·         previously

·         whilst

Next week, the children will be planting tulip bulbs. Please could each children bring in a small pot to plant theirs in. Thank you. 🌷

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday 🙂

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 Week Beginning 29.1.24

Today, the children in Year 6 were led in prayer by Lucy, Naomi and Grey, in a very beautiful act of worship on the theme of ‘Diversity’. The accompanying music, bible reading and reflection were very well thought out, planned and executed, and certainly set a high benchmark for the rest of the class. Well done children!

This week, Year 6 have been very busy completing their Maths assessments, the results of which allow the staff  to identify any gaps in knowledge or any misconceptions. Next week, they will also be assessed in reading.

Yesterday, 13 of our Year 6 children joined the rest of the choir attending the very exciting and energetic Young Voices concert at Wembley Arena! The day and evening were lots of fun and the children’s behaviour and performance were outstanding! Meanwhile, the rest of the class joined Ms Donatantonio and had a fun-filled afternoon, playing different dice games.


Home learning

Mathletics– Division

SPaG.com– Antonyms and Synonyms

Spelling Shed

TT Rock Stars– as discussed in class today, it is imperative that you are secure and fluent in every times table to 12, as this is the basis for so many other areas in Maths. If you are not, it is now a matter of urgency!

Daily reading

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Spring 1 Week 4

In our English lessons this week, we have described and created wanted posters for characters based our class book.

We have used our Computing skills in Geography, to create the food chain of an Emperor Penguin, using the Popplet app on the iPads.

In PE, we have developed our hockey dribbling and learnt how to block tackle.

This week in Italian Maestro Corrado taught the the class how to describe different weather conditions.

We have also been busy preparing for our class assembly next week. Please learn the lines sent home this evening.

Spelling – words with the digraphs ir and ur https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/menu

girl, shirt, first, bird, third, turn, hurt, church, Thursday, burst.

Please use the online games to help you learn these words and complete the handwriting sheet in your learning pack.

Comprehension – please read and complete the comprehension booklet in your reading pack and return on Friday.

Maths – Mathletics has been set.

Please save large plastic drinks bottles as we need to create bell jars for an Art project next week. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Spring 1 Week 4 w.b 29.01.24

It has been a very good week in Year One. The children have been progressing with their Animal dance sequence and worked in partners to show each other their animal dancing. They helped each other by discussing how they could improve their movements and took it in turns to demonstrate these. They had fun playing a game of mirror images copying each others movements!


In Science year one have been looking into materials and their properties. We talked about various objects and the materials they are made from. The children each found two items in our classroom and wrote about the materials they were made from. They talked about their use, purpose, flexibility and predicted longevity.


Year one are enjoying their weekly Italian lessons on a Tuesday with Corrado. They have been learning how to name colours and Seasons in Italian. This week the children learned how to name items of clothing and associate the clothes worn according to the Season.


In Maths the children have been identifying and representing numbers using ten frames. They are working on adding using ‘Think 10.’ They have been using their knowledge of number bonds to ten to aid calculations.

On Wednesday we sadly had to say goodbye to our cook Lisa. Lisa has worked as a member of the catering team for many years at Pope Paul and she will be greatly missed. Year one made a goodbye card and got to present their card in assembly and to say thanks to Lisa for all she has done for the children at Pope Paul over the years. We wish Lisa all the best for the future!


In RE this week the children focused on scene 3 of The Passover Story. We read through the scene together and then the children went off to work in groups to re-enact what happened. They were very good at identifying the main characters, describing the setting and working together to perform their story to the class.


This week the children used watercolour to work towards developing imagery from imagination. The children watched a video by artist Emma Burleigh giving them a set of instructions and it was very clear to see them using those skills within their own work. They could only choose 2-3 colours and had to draw using lines, shapes, dots, splattering brushes and also using the opposite end of the paintbrush to create mark making. Not an easy task, Well done Year 1!

The children went on a trail this week to see how many things ‘Winter’ they could find. They were very good at searching and even made a trip to the Peace Garden to see what they could find in there. They enjoyed exploring the school grounds and were very excited to see what they could find.
It was very noisy in Year 1 on Thursday afternoon. The children have been practising a football chant using syllables, clapping sounds and even using instruments. They were able to perform the chant with clear words and a strong beat, clap a rhythm together in time with the chant and play a simple ostinato on untuned percussion
Home Learning – due Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activities set.

Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.

Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyaidzis and Mrs Barnes

Friday 2nd February, 2024

This week in Year 3 the children have been busy with their learning.

In Maths the children have been provided with lots of practical experience of dividing by sharing and grouping.  They looked at how the use of arrays emphasises the link between multiplication and division. They were then supported to develop their understanding of grouping by visualising arrays and have begun to solve worded problems.

In English, Year 3 have begun writing their final piece which is an alternative ending to The Finger Eater. There have been a whole range of ideas on how to stop the troll from doing his nasty habit!

In recorders, the children have been practising the note ‘C’ and revisiting their B-A-G songs.

A highlight for this week was the children’s work in their history topic, The Stone Age.  The focus was looking at  the similarities and differences between the different Stone Age periods.  We looked at musical instruments, hammer stones, pottery and cave paintings and discussed which stone age eras they were part of.  Then the children tried their hand at stone knapping using a bar of soap. In the same way a Stone Age person would knap a flint core into an axe, a bar of soap can be knapped in the same way! The children had great fun doing this!

Click here to see the photos.

In Science we tested the permeability of rocks. By dropping water onto different types of rock, Year 3 were able to observe which ones allowed water to pass through.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

TTRs please log on and practise your 2, 3, 4, 5and 10 times tables!

Log onto Mathletics and complete the tasks set


We will be making fossils next week! The children can bring in a shell, or small toy they would like to make a fossil of.


Friday, 2nd February 2024

The children in Year 4 had another busy week of learning.

In Maths, the class further consolidated the use of fraction walls to order and compare non unit fractions and to recognise fractions that are equal. The class also identified non unit fractions of sets and shapes.

In English, the children used their ‘Dragon plans’ to write their final non-chronological reports using formal tone, technical vocabulary and expanded noun phrases. Through 4 cohesive paragraphs they described the animal’s origins, habitat, appearance, behaviour, weaponry and general benefits as a battle companion. After some editing, the class will publish their reports including maps, diagrams, etc next week.

In Science, we introduced our second practical enquiry of our topic for the term, ‘States of Matter’, this time about gases. Through hands on experiments next week, the class will answer 3 questions about gases: Do they have weight? What happens to them when they are heated? and Can they be made by combining liquids and solids? This week, they have planned their investigation thinking about resources and ways to record. We also learnt how to construct accurate bar graphs to represent our findings from our last, liquid based lesson.

In RE, the children looked at the Passover in Jesus’ time. They used Google Maps to find out how long the journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem would have been on foot and had a look at the Temple in Jerusalem where Joseph and Mary showed sacrifice. They later wrote a play script, allocating dialogues to Jesus and his parents recalling the main rules for the 7 day long festival.

In PE, the class merged some of their groups to work on a longer routine as part of their Roman Dance unit.

On Thursday, whilst the choir attended the Young Voices at Wembley, the remaining children played highly competitive and enjoyable dice games with their Year 3 learning partners. After a few rounds, they also invented their own games which they shared with other children from Year 5 and 6.

Please find further game ideas on the blog!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 6th February 2024
Spelling This week: Set 18: Challenge words


Next week’s words: automatic, August, launch, haul, astronaut, cause, author, applaud, autumn, audience

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

or alternatively download the attached files and complete the comprehension tasks.

Feet First- text

Feet First-questions

Feet First- answers

Multiplication https://ttrockstars.com/
Mathletics https://login.mathletics.com/

Log onto your account and complete the assigned activities based on equivalent fractions.


Please find attached a printable fraction wall that you might find useful.

Spring 2 Week 4

This week the children’s learning has been based around the Gingerbread Man. The children made some gingerbread men through collage, playdough and some wonderful pictures. They have been writing about the story, making story maps and writing an alternative ending. Outside the children have been building bridges to help the gingerbread man to cross the water. The children designed their own boats, ensuring it was waterproof and tested them in the water.



 In Phonics, we learnt the digraphs nk, ai, ee and the trigraph igh.

We completed a science investigation to test what liquid would change the gingerbread the most and the least. We used water, oil and vinegar. Our results showed that oil changed the gingerbread man the least and water changed it the most. We discussed how the gingerbread would be better to go in a boat full of oil than swim across.

On Wednesday, the children had fun making gingerbread men. They were worried that their gingerbread would run away but luckily they did not! When the children ate them, they thought about what part they ate first and we recorded the results on a pictogram. The most popular was the head and the least popular was the arm.

In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We looked at the different ways the numbers can be represented. The children have been making posters about the numbers and counting and ordering numbers.

In Religion, we said the Lord’s Prayer together and made labyrinths using different materials. In our Ten Ten lesson, we learnt about the life cycle of humans from birth to adulthood.

Reception led the school assembly today. They told the story of The Presentation of Jesus At the Temple and spoke about how they are going to shine like a light in the world like Jesus. The read, sang and acted beautifully. We were all proud of them!

This term we have been learning about the past. On Wednesday 7th February at 1.30pm,  half of the class will be walking to Temple House retirement home on Mimms Hall Road to talk to people who live their about the past and to sing them some songs.  On Tuesday 13th February at 11am, the other half will walk to Seabrook Retirement home on the High Street. If any parents would like to walk with us, please let us know. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Dice Game Challenge Afternoon!

Click here to see what the Key Stage 2 classes were busy doing yesterday afternoon!

Why don’t you click on Dice Games and try some of the dice games yourself?