Friday 2nd February, 2024

This week in Year 3 the children have been busy with their learning.

In Maths the children have been provided with lots of practical experience of dividing by sharing and grouping.  They looked at how the use of arrays emphasises the link between multiplication and division. They were then supported to develop their understanding of grouping by visualising arrays and have begun to solve worded problems.

In English, Year 3 have begun writing their final piece which is an alternative ending to The Finger Eater. There have been a whole range of ideas on how to stop the troll from doing his nasty habit!

In recorders, the children have been practising the note ‘C’ and revisiting their B-A-G songs.

A highlight for this week was the children’s work in their history topic, The Stone Age.  The focus was looking at  the similarities and differences between the different Stone Age periods.  We looked at musical instruments, hammer stones, pottery and cave paintings and discussed which stone age eras they were part of.  Then the children tried their hand at stone knapping using a bar of soap. In the same way a Stone Age person would knap a flint core into an axe, a bar of soap can be knapped in the same way! The children had great fun doing this!

Click here to see the photos.

In Science we tested the permeability of rocks. By dropping water onto different types of rock, Year 3 were able to observe which ones allowed water to pass through.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

TTRs please log on and practise your 2, 3, 4, 5and 10 times tables!

Log onto Mathletics and complete the tasks set


We will be making fossils next week! The children can bring in a shell, or small toy they would like to make a fossil of.