Year 6 Week Beginning 5.2.24
On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in the annual Safer Internet Day, where they explored how technology has changed over time. Together, they had lots of fun thinking creatively and sharing ideas on what changes they thought might happen in the future.
In RE this week, Year 6 were fascinated by a video taken of a 3D app, which allowed them to explore Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem. This gave the children a really good understanding of the scale and layout of the temple, and also gave them additional information about what Passover would have been like during Jesus’ time. Many children have asked for the link to be added to the blog, so that they can have a go at downloading the actual app and exploring it for themselves.
3D Walkthrough of the Temple in Jerusalem (
This afternoon, the class were led in a very special Palm Burning Ceremony by our Year 6 Liturgy Leaders. The children had been given the responsibility of burning the palm crosses donated by the parish community, in preparation for Ash Wednesday, next week. As the class watched the palms burn and turn into ashes, they were reminded that God created us from the dust of the earth, and it is from this humble beginning that we emerge with purpose and potential.
In Maths this week, the children have continued to consolidate their understanding of formal long division written methods, and have applied this to real life problem solving.
In English, Year 6 began their new non-fiction unit, based on the wonderful book Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black.
Next week, the class will be planting bulbs and will need to bring in a small flowerpot from home, thank you!
Home Learning
Daily reading
Spelling Shed
Parents, if you haven’t already done so, please remember to book an appointment to meet with me next week, at one of the parent consultation evenings. Thank you!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Pemberton