Year 6 Week Beginning 29.1.24

Today, the children in Year 6 were led in prayer by Lucy, Naomi and Grey, in a very beautiful act of worship on the theme of ‘Diversity’. The accompanying music, bible reading and reflection were very well thought out, planned and executed, and certainly set a high benchmark for the rest of the class. Well done children!

This week, Year 6 have been very busy completing their Maths assessments, the results of which allow the staff  to identify any gaps in knowledge or any misconceptions. Next week, they will also be assessed in reading.

Yesterday, 13 of our Year 6 children joined the rest of the choir attending the very exciting and energetic Young Voices concert at Wembley Arena! The day and evening were lots of fun and the children’s behaviour and performance were outstanding! Meanwhile, the rest of the class joined Ms Donatantonio and had a fun-filled afternoon, playing different dice games.


Home learning

Mathletics– Division– Antonyms and Synonyms

Spelling Shed

TT Rock Stars– as discussed in class today, it is imperative that you are secure and fluent in every times table to 12, as this is the basis for so many other areas in Maths. If you are not, it is now a matter of urgency!

Daily reading

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton