Spring 1 Week 4 w.b 29.01.24

It has been a very good week in Year One. The children have been progressing with their Animal dance sequence and worked in partners to show each other their animal dancing. They helped each other by discussing how they could improve their movements and took it in turns to demonstrate these. They had fun playing a game of mirror images copying each others movements!


In Science year one have been looking into materials and their properties. We talked about various objects and the materials they are made from. The children each found two items in our classroom and wrote about the materials they were made from. They talked about their use, purpose, flexibility and predicted longevity.


Year one are enjoying their weekly Italian lessons on a Tuesday with Corrado. They have been learning how to name colours and Seasons in Italian. This week the children learned how to name items of clothing and associate the clothes worn according to the Season.


In Maths the children have been identifying and representing numbers using ten frames. They are working on adding using ‘Think 10.’ They have been using their knowledge of number bonds to ten to aid calculations.

On Wednesday we sadly had to say goodbye to our cook Lisa. Lisa has worked as a member of the catering team for many years at Pope Paul and she will be greatly missed. Year one made a goodbye card and got to present their card in assembly and to say thanks to Lisa for all she has done for the children at Pope Paul over the years. We wish Lisa all the best for the future!


In RE this week the children focused on scene 3 of The Passover Story. We read through the scene together and then the children went off to work in groups to re-enact what happened. They were very good at identifying the main characters, describing the setting and working together to perform their story to the class.


This week the children used watercolour to work towards developing imagery from imagination. The children watched a video by artist Emma Burleigh giving them a set of instructions and it was very clear to see them using those skills within their own work. They could only choose 2-3 colours and had to draw using lines, shapes, dots, splattering brushes and also using the opposite end of the paintbrush to create mark making. Not an easy task, Well done Year 1!

The children went on a trail this week to see how many things ‘Winter’ they could find. They were very good at searching and even made a trip to the Peace Garden to see what they could find in there. They enjoyed exploring the school grounds and were very excited to see what they could find.
It was very noisy in Year 1 on Thursday afternoon. The children have been practising a football chant using syllables, clapping sounds and even using instruments. They were able to perform the chant with clear words and a strong beat, clap a rhythm together in time with the chant and play a simple ostinato on untuned percussion
Home Learning – due Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activities set.

Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.

Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyaidzis and Mrs Barnes