Year 6 – Thursday 14th May learning

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Spelling Play with family members: Word Wager


1.                Put this week’s words into an envelope/wallet.

2.                Share the tokens (could be anything – beads, buttons, stones) equally between the group.

3.                One person in the group will be the caller, and will read a word for you to spell.

4.                If you think you are able to spell it, bet as many tokens as you like.

5.                If you’re not sure, you can sit out of that round but you still have to pay the pot one token.

6.                Betting players write the word down.

7.                Those who spell it correctly divide the pot equally.


Reminder of this week’s spellings:











Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

It would be lovely to see that poems that you have written!

Times Tables
Maths WALT calculate missing angles in a triangle.

Here is today’s maths lesson:

Questions for today are here, and the answers are here.

RE WALT recognise the importance of the Feast of the Ascension.

 Click here for today’s learning.

Computing WALT use coding to make moving sprites.

 Click on the link below to watch a video then follow a tutorial that will teach you how to program your own dance party. Have fun!

Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5.

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. You are a really artistic class and it was lovely to see the perspective drawings from Patrycja, Heather, Jamie and Thomas. I hope you all enjoyed the task as it is a fantastic skill to have.



Here is your learning:14th May

You will need this PowerPoint for maths:multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers


Enjoy your learning


Mrs Lines


Wednesday, 13th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

Again, it has been lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to.

Yesterday was a very special day for Fabian and Alice as they celebrated their 9th birthdays! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of them!   Alice’s cake is Swallow from the Swallow and Amazon books.  Fabian’s cake has his favourite fruit raspberries and strawberries.  Both cakes look yum!


We hope that you find this mornings prayer information interesting, as it is about Our Lady of Fatima, when Our Lady visited children of your age and younger, and spoke to them, exactly 103 years ago! How amazing that must have been for them!

Today is a great day for our Science work! It is experiment time, and we know that you love these activities. If you have been able to get hold of what you need to join in and do your own experiment, that’s great! Don’t worry if you haven’t, as we will be posting daily updates showing you what is happening with our experiment.

Also, how are you getting on with the Olympic Challenges?  We are now on Day 8.  Make sure you take part – keeping your body active!!

Continue to keep us up to date on your learning and about anything else you would like to share.

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Here’s what some of you have been up to: Thank you to Manus, William and Fabian for their photos.


Manus also emailed his contraption: Cleaner 30! A contraption that can clean almost anything!

      Advisor to the King by Manus (click here to read it)

Click here for the answers for yesterday’s learning.

Click here for today’s learning.  Have a lovely day!

Here’s what the Science Experiment looks like!


Wednesday 13th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I have loved looking at the photos of your learning.


Here is your learning today.

PE Olympics Challenge




Count back from 100 to 0 in ones.


Watch the video on Count in tens then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your maths

book or on the sheet.

Wednesday Maths


English Click on the link below and read the text. Complete the questions in your writing book or on the sheet.

English Wednesday

Handwriting Write your spellings four times each in your handwriting book. Choose one word and write a sentence.


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is aw


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Reading Read for 10 minutes. Write two sentences in your reading record about the book.
History How do we remember explorers?

Read the powerpoint attached and then choose an explorer and design something to remember the

explorer. See examples on the powerpoint.



Choose an animal and follow the instructions to draw it. Colour, paint collage it when you have

finished drawing.


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you for sharing your fantastic learning with me. I was delighted to hear that you all enjoyed yesterday’s Maths activity. Please see the photos at the end of the blog. Lots of great shapes created!

In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. Remember that you can keep in contact with me by posting comments to the Year 2 Blog or by sending me an email at 

Have a great day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Wednesday 13th May 2020

Risen Lord,
shed your light on those who live in the shadow of death
and warm the hearts of those who have lost hope,
that they who daily bear the cross of hunger
may find your Promised Land,
and move from slavery to freedom.
As we proclaim your Easter song
help us to die to greed and rise to justice,
to abandon apathy and take up action,
that rich and poor together may travel the road to freedom,
and be restored to your resurrection life.


Copy and complete these sentences using this week’s spelling words into your handwriting books.
The green _______ was surrounded by hills.
There was a little ______ in the field.
The cheeky _______ threw his banana at the child.
The soot came down the ___________.
Have you seen my car _______?
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 13-05-2020
Morning Challenge
Fluency 5 x 2

8 + 8 + 8 =
Half of 16 =
How many sides does an octagon have?
__ + 7 = 20
20 + ___ = 100
21 – 18 =
How many sides does a pentagon have?
Double 9 =
35 > ___
___ < 53

WALT: Solve a shape puzzle.

Find my book. 


Use the clues to work out which book is mine???

Remember to explain your reasoning.

Explain which book could not be mine and why?

  • I am not a book shaped like a square.
  • I am a book shaped like a rectangle.
  • A shape on my front cover has four right angles.
  • My front cover has a circle on it.
  • I have a triangle on my front cover.
  • I have a three sided shape on my front cover.
English Wednesday 13th May 2020
WALT: Use conjunctions in a sentence

Listen to Voices in the Park again and think about how each trip to the park made each character feel. Why do you think they felt this way?Write 10 sentences explaining how the different characters felt.Use the conjunctions – and, so, because and when in your sentences. See examples below.
Smudge made a new friend so she felt happy.

Smudge felt happy because she made a new friend.

Smudge felt pleased when she met Charles.

D & T























Voices in the Park ends with a picture of a cup.
‘When I got home I put the flower in some water and made Dad a nice cup of tea.’
Design a cup for each character in the book.

Throwing shapes!

Year 6 – Wednesday 12th May learning

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 6-10 into your handwriting book:

6.                “That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said in a long time,” said Robert self-righteously.

7.                They reported signs of forcible entry to the property.

8.                “Ensure your handwriting is legible; otherwise, it will be marked incorrect,” warned Miss Donatantonio.

9.                All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety.

10.                Freezing is a reversible change; burning is not.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT calculate angles in right-angled and isosceles triangles.

Here is today’s maths video.

Find the questions here and the answers here.

French I have set two new assignments on

If you have been unable to login, then email me at and I’ll send you your login details.

History WALT describe how our own lives have been influenced by a significant individual.


Listen to the podcast episode above which tells the story of the smallpox vaccine. As you are listening, think about its similarities with Coronavirus. Listen in particular to the role played by Edward Jenner.

Create a learning poster that explains the influence that Edward Jenner has had on the world today.


Good Morning Y3,

I hope you enjoyed your body percussion activities in yesterday’s music lesson? Here are some of the photos and pieces of work I received yesterday.

Max, Finn, Kate, Angela, Vihann, Monica and Eric have written some very descriptive pieces based on the photographs they have taken.


Descriptive paragraph Handwriting

Here is Eric’s completed wordsearch and a photo of him playing tennis.

This is Finn’s very detailed evacuee diary entry and fact file.

Thank you for sharing your learning and news with me.

Take care,

Miss Pringle.



Pope Paul Olympics.

Pope Paul Home Olympics – please open this link Home-Olympics 2020 and complete today’s challenge 13.5.20.

Remember to record your scores and have fun.




Please read these sentences and write them into your handwriting book with the correct spelling from this weeks spelling list.

English and digital photography Day 3


Continue with your daily photography and descriptive writing task. If you are finding it difficult to find inspiration for your photos, here are some pictures you could use.

Remember to use commas and different sentence starters.





 One of the reading skills we focus on in Y3 is compare and contrast.

To compare means to identify the similarities and differences between two things, and to contrast means to identify only the differences between two things

Look at these pictures discuss what is similar and what is different with an adult.

When you are completing your daily reading, try to think about the similarities and differences you notice.


Daily time table and division timed tasks.

Continue to practise your mental recall of multiplication and division facts.

Where you can select the 3, 4 and 8 times tables and division facts.

You are able to select the number of questions and the time in which you complete them. As you grow in confidence please challenge yourself by increasing the number of questions or decreasing the time in which you complete them.


If you are confident with your 3, 4 and 8 times tables please try this time table grid activity. You will need to select the size of your grid and set difficulty.


Big Question


WALT ask questions.

Copy this Big Question into your writing book and list what would be positive and negative about having bendy bones.  You might like to think about the following questions to get you started;

  • Have you ever felt a bone and what did if feel like?
  • Why do we have bones?
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
  • What words would you use to describe a bone?
  • Could you walk if your bones were bendy?
  • What could you do if you had bendy bones?

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5.

Meaghan has been out leaf hunting. I was very impressed with her knowledge. See if you can find any of these near your home:

I’m sure you all noticed the error in the answer for maths question 2 yesterday. An update was put on the blog with the answer but I’m sure you all figured it out on your own anyway!

Here is your learning for today:12th May.

Here is the PowerPoint you will need for maths:Presentation.

Tuesday, 12th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

Again, it has been lovely to hear from you and see what you have been doing.  We want you to share your learning with us and tell us what special things you have been doing at home on your own or with your family, so please get in touch.

Let’s see what news you have for us from yesterday:

Freddie’s friend decorated a stone with a special message and left it for Freddie to pick up – a thoughtful act of kindness from a lovely friend.

Many of you spent time on Friday enjoying the VE Day celebrations:

Nabira continues to enjoy her local area and complete her daily learning.

Last week, many of you enjoyed the French work on time and we have more of that for you to learn today!  Also, we have some lovely RE work for you about Our Lady, Mary, as it is her special month of May.

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Before you start today’s learning, click here for yesterday’s answers.

Before you begin today’s learning, we want to wish Fabian a Happy 9th Birthday!!

Fabian been busy making another birthday cake. This time he helped his mum  to make a cake for himself! From the photograph it looks like he is going to be busy building his new lego!
Have a great day Fabian!

Click here for today’s learning.    Don’t forget!  It’s Day 7 of  Miss Pringles Olympic Challenge : today you will see Ms Dunning and I having a go too!

Resource for RE: click here


Year 6 – Tuesday 12th May learning

Good morning, Year 6. I hope your weeks have got off to a good start.

Yesterday, Jack sent me his tropical island art. Thank you so much for sharing it Jack.

I intended to post this on yesterday’s blog, but here are the leaderboards for last week’s online learning:

Readtheory: 1st Matthew A , 2nd Liam, 3rd Jack

Prodigy: 1st Matthew A, 2nd Elysia, 3rd Jude

Duolingo: 1st Alex, 2nd William, 3rd Louise

It’s great to see some different names up there this week. Well done!

Here’s Tuesday’s learning:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:

1.                If possible, submit the assignment by Friday afternoon.

2.                “What horrible weather!” cried Connor as he stepped out into the rain.

3.                The restaurant was terrible; I’m never going back there.

4.                The sun was barely visible because of the large clouds in the sky.

5.                After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

Find the accompanying powerpoint here.

Times Tables
Maths WALT explore interior angles of a triangle and understand that the angles will add up to 180 degrees.

This is today’s video:

Here are the accompanying questions and answers.

Art WALT use different shading techniques.

Click the link here to learn different shading techniques which will really enhance your drawing skills.

Music This week, learn about Jean Sibelius’s epic piece Finlandia, then learn to sing its beautiful melody. Members of the BBC Singers will teach you the tune line by line and then sing with you in a virtual choir performance.