Wednesday, 13th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

Again, it has been lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to.

Yesterday was a very special day for Fabian and Alice as they celebrated their 9th birthdays! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of them!   Alice’s cake is Swallow from the Swallow and Amazon books.  Fabian’s cake has his favourite fruit raspberries and strawberries.  Both cakes look yum!


We hope that you find this mornings prayer information interesting, as it is about Our Lady of Fatima, when Our Lady visited children of your age and younger, and spoke to them, exactly 103 years ago! How amazing that must have been for them!

Today is a great day for our Science work! It is experiment time, and we know that you love these activities. If you have been able to get hold of what you need to join in and do your own experiment, that’s great! Don’t worry if you haven’t, as we will be posting daily updates showing you what is happening with our experiment.

Also, how are you getting on with the Olympic Challenges?  We are now on Day 8.  Make sure you take part – keeping your body active!!

Continue to keep us up to date on your learning and about anything else you would like to share.

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Here’s what some of you have been up to: Thank you to Manus, William and Fabian for their photos.


Manus also emailed his contraption: Cleaner 30! A contraption that can clean almost anything!

      Advisor to the King by Manus (click here to read it)

Click here for the answers for yesterday’s learning.

Click here for today’s learning.  Have a lovely day!

Here’s what the Science Experiment looks like!