Summer 1 Week 4

Thankfully the sun came out on Tuesday, meaning we were all able to enjoy the May Procession together. The class sang beautifully and were reverent, when placing their flowers around Mary. Thank you for your generous flower donations – the class gardens are already looking more colourful.

On Thursday the class attended Mass at OLASV Church to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.

Over the past three weeks, the year 2 gardening club have been busy sowing basil and sunflowers. All of which have germinated. They have also painted mini beast pebbles to place among the flowerbeds, weeded the gardens and planted spring flowers outside the KS1 classrooms and music pavilion. It has been a pleasure to see how much the children enjoy caring for the plants and wildlife.

Hopefully, you have also received the letter explaining the details of our class trip on Tuesday 4th June 2024. Please ensure you give consent on Schoolcomms and mark food options for the day.

Please remember to pack water bottles and hats next week.

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Please Read daily and return your record on Friday.

Spelling – words with apostrophes for contraction activities have been set online.


Mathletic activities have been set online to support their understanding of arrays.