Wednesday 13th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I have loved looking at the photos of your learning.


Here is your learning today.

PE Olympics Challenge




Count back from 100 to 0 in ones.


Watch the video on Count in tens then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your maths

book or on the sheet.

Wednesday Maths


English Click on the link below and read the text. Complete the questions in your writing book or on the sheet.

English Wednesday

Handwriting Write your spellings four times each in your handwriting book. Choose one word and write a sentence.


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is aw


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Reading Read for 10 minutes. Write two sentences in your reading record about the book.
History How do we remember explorers?

Read the powerpoint attached and then choose an explorer and design something to remember the

explorer. See examples on the powerpoint.



Choose an animal and follow the instructions to draw it. Colour, paint collage it when you have

finished drawing.