
Good Morning Y3,

I hope you enjoyed your body percussion activities in yesterday’s music lesson? Here are some of the photos and pieces of work I received yesterday.

Max, Finn, Kate, Angela, Vihann, Monica and Eric have written some very descriptive pieces based on the photographs they have taken.


Descriptive paragraph Handwriting

Here is Eric’s completed wordsearch and a photo of him playing tennis.

This is Finn’s very detailed evacuee diary entry and fact file.

Thank you for sharing your learning and news with me.

Take care,

Miss Pringle.



Pope Paul Olympics.

Pope Paul Home Olympics – please open this link Home-Olympics 2020 and complete today’s challenge 13.5.20.

Remember to record your scores and have fun.




Please read these sentences and write them into your handwriting book with the correct spelling from this weeks spelling list.

English and digital photography Day 3


Continue with your daily photography and descriptive writing task. If you are finding it difficult to find inspiration for your photos, here are some pictures you could use.

Remember to use commas and different sentence starters.





 One of the reading skills we focus on in Y3 is compare and contrast.

To compare means to identify the similarities and differences between two things, and to contrast means to identify only the differences between two things

Look at these pictures discuss what is similar and what is different with an adult.

When you are completing your daily reading, try to think about the similarities and differences you notice.


Daily time table and division timed tasks.

Continue to practise your mental recall of multiplication and division facts.




Where you can select the 3, 4 and 8 times tables and division facts.

You are able to select the number of questions and the time in which you complete them. As you grow in confidence please challenge yourself by increasing the number of questions or decreasing the time in which you complete them.


If you are confident with your 3, 4 and 8 times tables please try this time table grid activity.

http://maths-starters.co.uk/tables_torture.html You will need to select the size of your grid and set difficulty.


Big Question


WALT ask questions.

Copy this Big Question into your writing book and list what would be positive and negative about having bendy bones.  You might like to think about the following questions to get you started;

  • Have you ever felt a bone and what did if feel like?
  • Why do we have bones?
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
  • What words would you use to describe a bone?
  • Could you walk if your bones were bendy?
  • What could you do if you had bendy bones?