Psalm for Pentecost Mass

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord

And renew, renew the face of the earth.


O bless the Lord, my soul, bless your name.

How great are your ways in the world!

Great is God in heaven’s domain,

Gentle the breath of God’s love.


Send forth your Spirit, O Lord

And renew, renew the face of the earth.


Our days shall fall like flow’rs in the field.

Winds blow, they blossom no more.

Our God is good in justice revealed,

Gentle the way of the Lord.


Send forth your Spirit, O Lord

And renew, renew the face of the earth.


The eagle soars in strength flying high

Great is the name of the Lord.

From east to west, as day is to night,

Gentle the love of the Lord.


Send forth your Spirit, O Lord

And renew, renew the face of the earth.