Tuesday, 12th May, 2020
Good Morning Year 4!
Again, it has been lovely to hear from you and see what you have been doing. We want you to share your learning with us and tell us what special things you have been doing at home on your own or with your family, so please get in touch.
Let’s see what news you have for us from yesterday:
Freddie’s friend decorated a stone with a special message and left it for Freddie to pick up – a thoughtful act of kindness from a lovely friend.
Many of you spent time on Friday enjoying the VE Day celebrations:
Nabira continues to enjoy her local area and complete her daily learning.
Last week, many of you enjoyed the French work on time and we have more of that for you to learn today! Also, we have some lovely RE work for you about Our Lady, Mary, as it is her special month of May.
A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to: year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.
Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.
Before you start today’s learning, click here for yesterday’s answers.
Before you begin today’s learning, we want to wish Fabian a Happy 9th Birthday!!
Click here for today’s learning. Don’t forget! It’s Day 7 of Miss Pringles Olympic Challenge : today you will see Ms Dunning and I having a go too!
Resource for RE: click here