Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5.


Take a look at Ben’s fantastic picture. He has done really well with his shading.

Finley has been thinking about where God is around us. What a wonderful way to start off our Spirituality Week.

Here is your learning for today:19th May


Good Morning Y3,

I hope you are all well and had a restful weekend. It is Spirituality Week so alongside this blog there will also be a spirituality blog on our class page each day, with activities on.

Here is writing from Monica, Kian, Elle, Angela and Ela-Maria. Alfie shared his virtual hug with his grandparents.

Here is today’s learning.

Take care,

Miss Pringle




For PE today I would like you to play Lava Zone with your family. This video will help you warm up, learn how to play and help you develop control and balance. Remember to stay safe and have fun.



Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy the 10 spelling  into your handwriting books four times.


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


Word families based on root words ‘scop’ and ‘spect’

‘Scop’ means to watch and ‘spect’ means to see.















WALT use and identify prepositions


preposition is a word or phrase that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.


Open this document and sort the prepositions

I will post the answers tomorrow so that you can self mark your learning. 



Preposition detective.

Read for 15 minutes and record any prepositions you spot in your reading record.


I have set a Mathletics activities or tests for you to complete each day this week.




Spirituality Week

The God who speaks through creation.


Good Morning Y3

Please open today’s spirituality week blog. Theses will appear daily on our blog and contain activities, links and audios.



Spirituality Week: Monday, 18th May

Spirituality Week 2020

Theme: The God who speaks

Monday, 18th May

The God who speaks through Creation

Tuesday, 19th May

The God who speaks at prayer stations

Wednesday, 20th May

The God who speaks through scripture

Thursday,  21st May

The feast of the  Ascension

Friday, 22nd May

The God who speaks through prayer

Monday 18th May  

The God who speaks through Creation..

Today is the start of our annual Spirituality week and the theme for this year is “The God who speaks.”

To begin our special week we are going to think and remember each other and look forward to when we can all see each other again in school.

We pray for each other today and remind ourselves that God loves us all and we are his unique creation.

God speaking through creation or the natural world means that when we look up at the stars or gaze at the bluebells, we see the fingerprints of God. The more we fix our eyes on the wonder of creation, the more we must conclude that these things could not make themselves.

Read by Liam, one of our Liturgy Leaders


Class Teachers to lead:

Remember your class friends today

God loves you very much and you are his unique creation. Listen as you hear the names of all your class read out”.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Activity One

Draw a large bubble on a piece of paper with the words “God Loves you” Then, write the names of everyone in your class inside hearts around the bubble.

Activity Two

Look at the power points of God’s Creation and God’s creation in Potters Bar.

Read the poem.

Poem read by Oliwia, one of our Liturgy Leaders


God who made the earth

By Sarah Bett Rhodes


God who made the earth,

The air, the sky, the sea

Who gave the light its birth,

Careth for me.

God who made the grass.

The flower, the fruit, the tree,

The day and night to pass.

Careth for me.

God who made the sun,

The moon, the star, is he

Who, when life’s clouds come on,

Careth for me.



Write a prayer entitled ‘God is Glorious’.  Here is an example to help you.


God is glorious in the falling of the green oak leaf.

God is Glorious in the rainbow in the evening sky.

God is glorious in the blackbird singing in the spring air.



How am I feeling at the end of today?

What have I most enjoyed today?

What am I thankful for today?

When was I most peaceful today?

What are my hopes for tomorrow?


Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope that you are all very well and I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

This week is our Spirituality Week in school. This is a very special week where we will take time to be still and take time to be with God. The theme of this year’s Spirituality Week is The God who speak. Activities with be uploaded every day for everyone to take part in.

Please find today’s learning activities in the table below. If you have any questions or if you need any help.. you know where to find me.. year2@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Have a lovely day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Monday 18th May 2020

God of our longing
hear our prayers,
protect our dreams,
and listen to our silent hopes.

Deal gently with our pain, speak to our sadness
and remove the barriers that imprison our spirit.

Shed your light
where shadows are cast,
that we may feel your warmth and know your presence.

Give us courage
to hold fast to our vision that we may build our world and create our future.


Copy this week’s spellings into your handwriting book:
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 18-05-2020
Morning Challenge
WALT: Identify 3D Shapes

Identify the 3D shapes from the following descriptions:
English Monday 18th May 2020
WALT: Use verbs in the past tense.

Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.
Write your own sentences using the following irregular verbs in the past tense:
flew, grew, knew, went, taught, found, cried, drew, came, won.
Monday 18th May 2020
Spirituality Week 2020
The God who speaks through creation.
Complete the activities on the Spirituality Week blog post for Monday 18th May.
Write a prayer entitled ‘God is Glorious’.

Year 6 – Monday 18th May learning

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, Year 6. At the end of last week was Evie’s birthday, for which she made a delicious cake by the looks of things!

Mikey has made an incredible model of an F1 car out of cardboard!

Now let’s see who has won last week’s online learning competition!

Readtheory: 1st Matthew A, 2nd Liam, 3rd Luca

Prodigy: 1st Matthew A

Duolingo: 1st Alex, 2nd Luka, 3rd Evie

Well done!

This week is Spirituality Week, one of the most special weeks in our school year. Please make sure you take part the daily activities that have been prepared for you.

Subject Activity
Prayer As today marks the beginning of Spirituality Week, please go over to today’s Spirituality blog here.
PE Break a sweat whilst learning how to dance the Jive! Follow this lesson with Strictly star Oti Mabuse and have fun.


Handwriting Follow the powerpoint here to learn about this week’s spellings, ensuring you copy them into your handwriting book.
Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths WALT calculate angles in quadrilaterals.

Here is the video for today’s maths lesson:

Open the questions here and the answers here.

RE WALT reflect upon the presence of the Holy Spirit in the natural world.

 Yesterday, when I was out walking in the woods and could hear the birds tweeting around me, could see the trees reaching high above me and could feel the fresh spring breeze blowing past me, I was reminded of a book I used to love as a child. In today’s lesson, you will hear me reading the story to you as it fits in perfectly with today’s Spirituality Week theme: The God Who Speaks Through Creation.

  • What did the grandad teach the boy about prayer?
  • How did the grandad teach the boy about prayer?

Listen to the next part of the lesson here.

Your task:

Choose a person you know and an outdoor place that you associate with that person. Create a representation of that place (eg photo, painting, drawing…). Write a reflection about the person you have chosen and why the place is special to the person. How is the Holy Spirit present to you in this special place? How does this place make you close to your chosen person?

Science WALT investigate the effects of air pressure.

Click on this link, then scroll down to the Age 9-11 section to learn about air pressure with a fun experiment. Let me know the maximum amount of water you managed to get in the glass.

Monday 18th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. This week is Spirituality week so you will find a different activity each day. The theme this year is The God who Speaks.

Here is your learning today. Please email me photos of your learning and if you have questions about the learning. year1@popepaul.herts.sch.uk




Watch the video on Make arrays then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your

maths book or on the sheet

Monday Maths



Write the date


Read the story The Three Pigs on the powerpoint. The Three Little Pigs


Act out the story with someone in your house. One could be the wolf and one could act as the

three pigs. Draw a picture of one of the pigs and the wolf. Draw a speech bubble for each and

write something each of the characters say.

Spelling/Handwriting  live, give, leave, have, shave, Potters Bar, England, Europe


Write your spellings out 4 times each.

Phonics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is oy


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

Reading  Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.  Record the books you have read in

your reading record. Write a sentence about each book read. Did you like it? Why? Would you

recommend it to someone? What was your favourite part? If you did not like it, why? What would

you change about the story?



Username- parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password- Parents20!

Click on Collins Big Cat.

Click on the colour book band – try the next colour for your child this term. For example: If your

child is Yellow click the colour below yellow (blue) Choose a book. Remember to read the book a

few times over the week and talk about the book. Click on resources for some activities on the book.

RE Read the powerpoint on the Spirituality Post on the blog and read the poem about God’s

Creation. Listen to the Year 1 audio. Write a prayer or poem with the title ‘God is Glorious.’




Monday, 18th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you have had a wonderful weekend. As always, we love to see what you have been doing.

This week is a very special week. It is our Spirituality week! We have lots of lovely activities for you to do each day, which will make our week a little different and enjoyable. The Year 6 House Captains and Liturgy Leaders have worked hard to assist with this, so we send them a special thank you too.

Our Science experiment progressed very well since Friday. Make sure you see the pictures of our eggs and what happened to them, by looking at the PowerPoint. You can complete your science table in your books when you are ready. Don’t forget to let us know how your experiment went, if you did it yourselves!

It is also Week 5, which means that on Friday it will be half term! So, one more week of hard work, and you can have a whole week of well-deserved rest!

We want you to share your learning with us and tell us what special things you have been doing at home on your own or with your family.  Keep posting!

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to: year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Let’s see what some of you got up to on Friday:

Space Beeping (1)  William G explored the music app – listen to his space composition

Many of you enjoyed listening to Peter and the Wolf.  Here is a link to a you tube clip of Peter and the Wolf where you will recognise many of the people on it. Have a LOOK!

Here’s some of Fabian’s observations:

Click here for today’s learning

You need this information today to help you:

Spelling Sheet Aid Week 5

Poetry Links – Click below and choose a poem to read/listen to/learn by heart!

Poetry Links



Science PowerPoint

Spirituality Week  Click on the link on our blog to take you to Monday’s Spirituality


Wednesday Word – 6th Sunday of Easter (A)

Each week, a Year 6 Liturgy Leader will be guiding you through the Wednesday Word. Take the time to follow it as a family and reflect on each Sunday’s Gospel reading.

This week, Elysia has prepared a beautiful powerpoint to take you through yesterday’s Gospel. Click here to open it.

Week Beginning 18.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is Spirituality Week.

Please check the blog daily for the set activities.

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week and half term holiday!

Mrs Theo


As it is Spirituality Week, it is important that you complete the daily activity on the class blog. In addition to this, I have also planned a few activities around the theme of ‘Space’- an idea suggested by Eloise!

Please watch the following:

Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy


How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers


Man on the Moon John Lewis Advert


*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- just choose one or two things from each area to do over the week.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the things that your child would miss, if they suddenly had to live on the moon or in a space station.
  • Talk about the range of emotions that the man on the moon and the little girl was feeling throughout the advert.

 Communication and Language

Please continue to focus on asking and answering: who? where? why? what? when? questions. 

  • Make up an alien language and teach it to your family.
  • Think about how you would communicate with your friends and family from the moon.
  • Talk about how you would get a package to the man on the moon.   

Physical Development

Watch the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing on YouTube and try the following:

  • Move around like an astronaut who is walking on the moon.
  • Take off like the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
  • Move around as if you were weightless.

Understanding the World

  • Find out what you can about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon and the Apollo 11 takeoff and landing.
  • Baby bear met an Owl in the story ‘Whatever Next!’ What other nocturnal animals do you know?
  • Learn about the planets in our solar system.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a telescope, have a go at some stargazing, if it’s not too late.
  • Explore the Space topic on the CBeebies website. It has stories, games, podcasts and much more!         https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/topics/space
  • Listen to this interview with an astronaut: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/stargazing-bluepeter-astronaut 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • 3D models-Use a range of different materials to make some of the following: space helmet, sparkly moon dust, space boots, power packs, telescopes, rockets, spacecrafts, aliens, planets, stars.
  • Paint a picture of what you think an alien might look like!
  • Paint pictures of the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing.
  • Design your own planet- what would it look like? What would humans need to live there?


Moon rock investigation

 Collect lots of different sized stones, while you are out and about. Cover them all in tin foil to become ‘moon rocks’.

  • Count how many moon rocks there are in total.
  • Add and take away using the moon rocks.
  • Order according to size.
  • Pick 5 moon rocks of different sizes. Weigh each rock, record and order by weight.
  • Practise saying one more/one less and check using the stones.
  • Explore doubling and halving practically using the rocks.


Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you! 


  • Write a list of things that you would take into space.
  • Plan a picnic on the moon. What things would you need to bring in your basket?
  • Write a letter to the man on the moon in the John Lewis advert.
  • Write about how you would catch a star, just like the boy in the story.

Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together. 

Please see the daily Spirituality Week blog.

On Thursday, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Please read the Ascension story from the children’s Bible with your child and talk about what it must have been like for the Apostles to witness this.

Mass will be live-streamed at 10am at http://olasv.org.uk/


Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. Today is the beginning of Spirituality Week. Everyday, there will be a task so please click onto the link on the Year 5 blog each day to see what it is.


Here is your learning for today:18th May


Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Lines