Friday, 16th June 2023

This week was Healthy Eating week and the children in Year 4 partook in various activities to think about staying hydrated, consuming more fruit and vegetables, incorporating more fibre in their diet and also considering ways to reduce food waste. Throughout the week, they researched fruits and vegetables and identified which parts of the plant we actually eat. They designed a healthy meal whilst grouping their ingredients according to  food groups. They tasted 4 wholemeal items: morning cereal, tortilla, rice and wholemeal oat biscuits. They also sampled exotic fruits, evaluating not only the taste but the look, smell and texture. After creating a class database, they plotted their results on a graph. The class also had a chance to taste different infused water during the week, thinking about the importance of hydration, especially in the current heat. Thank you for all of you who kindly supported our learning by sending in fruit and veg; the children had a lovely time. It has been lovely to see them so open to new flavours and I am proud to announce we have 5 new wholemeal enthusiasts!

A huge well done to the class who sat their MTC tests this Tuesday. They worked very hard on their multiplication facts all year and tackled this rigorous exam with composure and confidence.

In English, the children used expanded noun phrases to describe characters whilst in Maths, we revised our formal written methods for the 4 calculations and consolidated long division. In RE, we deepened our understanding of Matthew’s parables further whilst in Art the children looked at artists from the 1960s to understanding how abstract art creates effect. In PE, we practiced our running and throwing skills when completing sprints, javelin throwing long jumping and obstacle drills.

A quick reminder that next Friday (23rd June) is non-uniform day in return for a hamper item (bottles, chocolates, raffle prizes, etc).

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see below your Home Learning:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 20th June 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘bi-’ meaning ‘two’


Please complete 2 activities and update reading log

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all Maths revision tasks.

Summer 2 Week 2 w.b.12th June

Summer 2 Week 2 w.b.12th June


Year 1 have had such a busy week with their trip to Southend and Healthy Eating Week.

They enjoyed all the activities that were available this week and really enjoyed tasting different flavoured water and fruit.

Whole school Home Learning

Mathletics has been set to support the learning of o’clock and half past this week.


And for the final time this year…

I wish to say goodbye, stay safe and thank you for a wonderful year! 

Thank you for all your heartfelt and kind messages throughout the past few months.

Thank for all the cards and generous gifts!

Thank you for all your support with Year 1 this year.


I look forward to popping by to see you all very soon! 

Love from Miss Lambie X and baby bump X


Southend 2023


Year 6 Learning Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023


The focus in Maths is ‘Transition’

here for the Maths 1              Click here for Maths 2







Friday 9th June 2023

In English lessons, Year 6 have been writing narratives about The King of Winter from a picture stimulus. We were impressed with the quality of the descriptions and dialogue. These have been added to their writing portfolios.

On Thursday Year 6 took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession alongside the rest of the school. They walked with their Reception partners, showing them how to be peaceful and reverent. They were excellent role models.


On Tuesday, the children had their first tennis lesson of the term.  They took part in some very challenging activities passing the ball to their partner and developed their catching skills.

Our class production of The Jungle Book has been a focus for this week.  The class have each practised their parts in the script and have learnt some of the songs. Well done! Every child has been given a letter home about their costumes. Can we ask that all costumes be in school by Friday 16th June.  Thank you.  Next week, we will be focussing on acting out the production on stage. On Wednesday the class was busy producing props to decorate the stage. The many leaves made will be added to over the coming weeks as we look to transform the hall into a jungle!!

Have a lovely weekend.

See you at the Potters Bar Carnival on Sunday!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


Home Learning:

  1.  Learn their lines for the play.
  2. Click here to listen to some of the songs we are singing.    Songs pdf
  3. It is Healthy Eating Week next week.  The Sports Leaders will be assisting over the week with lunchtime activity games and preparing the food trays for each class alongside the class teachers.   Can your child bring in a fruit or vegetable by Wednesday 14th June that they have not eaten before or have just tried and enjoyed and would like to share this with the rest of the class.  Thank you!
  4. Research the five focus areas:         1. Focus on fibre  2.  Eat at least 5 portions a day.  3.  Vary your protein.  4.  Stay Hydrated.  5.  Reduce Food Waste.

Our writing focus for next week is on explanation texts so this research will aid them in their writing.

Week 1 w.b. 05.06.23

Summer Term 2  Week 1 w.b. 05.06.23

This week Pope Paul has come together again for the Blessed Sacrament Procession. Thank you to all those parents who were able to share in the experience. Mrs Poyiadzis said Year 1 children were so respectful and prayerful throughout the experience so well done!

Lots of reminders this week!
Carnival this Sunday! Please see email and newsletter for details.

Phonics Screening Test from Monday 12th June. Mrs Poyiadzis will be covering the class on Monday so I can take the time to assess the children.

School trip Thursday 15th June- please see the letter that was sent before the half term and concert and payment can be made via schoolcomms. Mrs Poyiadzis, Mrs Lopez, Mrs Shea and three parent helpers will be accompanying the children. I will see them in the morning and on their return where I will have an ice lolly waiting for them! Please have hats, packed lunches, sun cream, a small towel and a bag they can carry by themselves.

Meet the Teacher Meeting for Mrs Poyiadzis Wednesday 14th June at 2.50pm in the hall. Mrs Poyiadzis has been teaching the children every Thursday afternoon for the summer term and is due to take over full time from Monday 19th June.

My last official day will be next Friday 16th June. I have a midwife appointment at 9am so won’t be in till after but I hope to catch you all throughout the week or Friday after school to say my goodbyes!

Thank you so much for my thoughtful and generous gifts before half term. I showed the children the play mat I was going to purchase with the voucher and I am still research slings too. I will be sure to let you know all the details of our new arrival and hopefully will feel well enough to pop in before the end of term.

Hot weather! Please remember hats and water every day! Please apply any cream before school. Children will have plenty of water and shade breaks.

Friday 16th June Year 1 children are invited to bring in a cuddly toy and a small snack (no nuts) so we can have a party afternoon for my last day.

• There are no photos this week 🙁 I got a fancy new computer installed in the classroom and only realised today that it does not have a port for the camera’s memory card! We will be sure to have lots of photos next week from our trip though!

Enjoy the sun and stay safe, see you for my last week!
Miss Lambie

Year 5 – 09/06/23

Today, we made the most of the sun by continuing with our mixed media landscape unit. We began by putting down a watercolour wash, then when that was dry, we used fine liners to add detail.

Look at some of the fantastic art they produced!

Also this afternoon, we began our new Computing unit on vector drawings, which are digital line and shape pictures.

Yesterday, the Year 5s accompanied the Year 1s as the whole school processed to the church with the Blessed Sacrament; their behaviour was impeccable.

On Tuesday, Year 5 began tennis sessions, which was very enjoyable. As of next week, PE days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Percentages as fractions and decimals

·         Equivalent F.D.P

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words from the Year 5 & 6 Statutory Spelling List












Have a wonderfully sunny weekend – see some of you at the carnival on Sunday!

Miss Donatantonio

Friday, 9th June 2023

The children in Year 4, this week moved on to the formal written method for division, practicing the ‘long’ division layout in Maths, whilst in English, they used expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors to describe Castle Groteskew, our setting.

In computing, they have applied their understanding of count -controlled loops to draw shapes, changing and debugging code in their Logo interface.

In RE, the class looked at Matthew’s parables and wrote explanatory paragraphs about their deeper meaning. It has also been a privilege to walk with them behind the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday. Their reverent and prayerful attitude gave real depth to this special celebration.

On Wednesday, whilst the choir went for their rehearsal, the rest of the class created amazing posters and boards for this weekend’s Potters Bar Carnival, where our school will have a ‘Fairtrade’ themed float. Please support our school community if you can and join in with the fun!

A huge well done also to the choir, who performed beautifully on Wednesday evening in the Wyllyotts.

Finally, a few events coming up:

The Multiplication Table Check (government) test will take place next week Monday and Tuesday (12th, 13th June 2023). On Monday the children will partake in the website’s ‘practice’ test, enabling them to have a feel for the layout and pace, preparing them for the actual test on Tuesday. The children will complete the test in groups of 5 in a quiet room supervised by myself, using iPads. The website generates separate sets for each child, therefore they will all have different questions. The test asks the children to complete 25 questions with a time limit of 6 seconds/question. Results will come once the government site closes and the responses are marked. We will give feedback, via the children’s summer reports.

The Year 4 summer term class trip will take place on Thursday, 6th July 2023. The class will visit the parks of Hatfield House, with a history focus on the Tudors. We will tour the gardens and look at the main building from the outside whilst learning about historical events and characters linked to the location. The children will have a picnic lunch and enjoy the outdoors (hopefully under the sun). The class will travel by train to Hatfield before walking the short distance to the park entrance. They will return to school for a normal pickup. A letter detailing the costs will follow next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Spelling- Words with the prefixes ‘super-’, ‘anti-’ and ‘auto-’

Reading- Please complete 2 activities and update reading logs.

Multiplication- Please spend time practicing your facts, ready for Tuesday’s MTC test.


Week 1 Summer 2

In Maths, the children have been solving division problems with   regrouping and remainders. The children have learnt to use resources, draw pictures and use their multiplication facts to support their understanding.


In English, the children have been learning how to use and punctuate direct speech. They have been identifying synonyms for the word ‘said’. They have planned an adventure story that they will write next week.


In Design and Technology, the children made their magic boxes. They started with a net, folded it, cut it and decorated it. They look wonderful! Next we the children will evaluate their box against their design.

In Religion, the children learnt about parables. They listened to some parables in the Bible and thought about what the story was telling us. They then designed their own kingdom of heaven and explained why it was a great place to be.

On Thursday, the children led the Blessed Sacrament Procession and led the sing in church. They were prayerful at all times.

Well done to the choir who sang at the Wyllyotts Theatre!

Remember – Year 3 class mass on Wednesday 14th June at 9.15am.

Home Learning

Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class by Tuesday 13th June.

If you have not sent a photograph please send it in by Monday in preparation for our class mass.

Spellings Spelling shed – division, invasion, confusion, collision, television, erosion, vision,   fusion, revision
Mathletics Complete activities
Read Theory Complete two activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 1


Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful half term. We have been busy in Year 2 planting vegetables,  learning about the different parts of flowers and what seeds do. We have also learnt about germination and are observing the germination of mustard seeds, cress and runner beans in class. We are really looking forward to our class trip next week, where we will be visiting the Knebworth House walled garden and taking part in a plant workshop.

In P.E. we have been busy preparing for sports day and are learning how to field and bowl in cricket – aiming at the wicket (swat the fly).

In Religion we have learnt about parables. We have listened to the Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son and The Mustard Seed and thought about what the stories were telling us.

On Thursday we took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession and were prayerful at all times.

Remember our class trip is on Tuesday and the children will need to wear the P.E. kit and have a hat and packed lunch. Football and Tennis club will also start next week.

Home Learning

Science – Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class on Monday and or Wednesday.

Spelling – tch – please copy these into your handwriting book.

witch, switch, pitch, catch, fetch, itch, snatch.

Maths – Fractions on Mathletics

English – Verbs on

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle





Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful half term break.

This week, the children began their new topic, The Hidden World in our Garden, starting with a focus on the life cycle of a butterfly.

The very Hungry Caterpillar Balloon | Birthday Party | The Balloon WorksIn English, the children heard the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and had lots of fun creating their own ‘Very Hungry ….’ stories. They also made their own life cycle diagrams, wrote about where they would fly to if they were a butterfly and worked as teams to sequence the story.

Some children also enjoyed creating their own caterpillars and butterflies from different materials.

The maths focus this week has been on learning about odd and even numbers. One activity that the class enjoyed especially, was an odd and even number challenge against the class adults. They then had to work together as a whole class and arrange themselves into a giant number line!

On Thursday, Reception took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession, with the rest of the school. As usual, they made their teachers very proud with their prayerfulness and amazing behaviour!

Next week is Healthy Eating Week. We kindly ask that every child brings in a piece of fruit that they have never tried before. We would like to cut up the different fruits and let the children sample them, as part of a focus activity. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Finally, we warmly welcome Jude and his family to the Reception class and the Pope Paul Catholic School community.We hope you will be very happy!

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the carnival on Sunday. It is going to be hot, hot, hot so don’t forget to wear sun cream and bring lots of water. see you then!

Please note- I am having a problem attaching photos from this week. I will keep on trying and hopefully add them on at a later date. So sorry!