Summer 2 Week 1


Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful half term. We have been busy in Year 2 planting vegetables,  learning about the different parts of flowers and what seeds do. We have also learnt about germination and are observing the germination of mustard seeds, cress and runner beans in class. We are really looking forward to our class trip next week, where we will be visiting the Knebworth House walled garden and taking part in a plant workshop.

In P.E. we have been busy preparing for sports day and are learning how to field and bowl in cricket – aiming at the wicket (swat the fly).

In Religion we have learnt about parables. We have listened to the Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son and The Mustard Seed and thought about what the stories were telling us.

On Thursday we took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession and were prayerful at all times.

Remember our class trip is on Tuesday and the children will need to wear the P.E. kit and have a hat and packed lunch. Football and Tennis club will also start next week.

Home Learning

Science – Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class on Monday and or Wednesday.

Spelling – tch – please copy these into your handwriting book.

witch, switch, pitch, catch, fetch, itch, snatch.

Maths – Fractions on Mathletics

English – Verbs on

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle