Friday, 16th June 2023
This week was Healthy Eating week and the children in Year 4 partook in various activities to think about staying hydrated, consuming more fruit and vegetables, incorporating more fibre in their diet and also considering ways to reduce food waste. Throughout the week, they researched fruits and vegetables and identified which parts of the plant we actually eat. They designed a healthy meal whilst grouping their ingredients according to food groups. They tasted 4 wholemeal items: morning cereal, tortilla, rice and wholemeal oat biscuits. They also sampled exotic fruits, evaluating not only the taste but the look, smell and texture. After creating a class database, they plotted their results on a graph. The class also had a chance to taste different infused water during the week, thinking about the importance of hydration, especially in the current heat. Thank you for all of you who kindly supported our learning by sending in fruit and veg; the children had a lovely time. It has been lovely to see them so open to new flavours and I am proud to announce we have 5 new wholemeal enthusiasts!
A huge well done to the class who sat their MTC tests this Tuesday. They worked very hard on their multiplication facts all year and tackled this rigorous exam with composure and confidence.
In English, the children used expanded noun phrases to describe characters whilst in Maths, we revised our formal written methods for the 4 calculations and consolidated long division. In RE, we deepened our understanding of Matthew’s parables further whilst in Art the children looked at artists from the 1960s to understanding how abstract art creates effect. In PE, we practiced our running and throwing skills when completing sprints, javelin throwing long jumping and obstacle drills.
A quick reminder that next Friday (23rd June) is non-uniform day in return for a hamper item (bottles, chocolates, raffle prizes, etc).
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see below your Home Learning:
Home Learning | Due in by Tuesday, 20th June 2023 |
Spelling | Words with the prefix ‘bi-’ meaning ‘two’ |
Reading |
Please complete 2 activities and update reading log |
Study Ladder |
Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all Maths revision tasks. |