Week 1 Summer 2

In Maths, the children have been solving division problems with   regrouping and remainders. The children have learnt to use resources, draw pictures and use their multiplication facts to support their understanding.


In English, the children have been learning how to use and punctuate direct speech. They have been identifying synonyms for the word ‘said’. They have planned an adventure story that they will write next week.


In Design and Technology, the children made their magic boxes. They started with a net, folded it, cut it and decorated it. They look wonderful! Next we the children will evaluate their box against their design.

In Religion, the children learnt about parables. They listened to some parables in the Bible and thought about what the story was telling us. They then designed their own kingdom of heaven and explained why it was a great place to be.

On Thursday, the children led the Blessed Sacrament Procession and led the sing in church. They were prayerful at all times.

Well done to the choir who sang at the Wyllyotts Theatre!

Remember – Year 3 class mass on Wednesday 14th June at 9.15am.

Home Learning

Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class by Tuesday 13th June.

If you have not sent a photograph please send it in by Monday in preparation for our class mass.

Spellings Spelling shed – division, invasion, confusion, collision, television, erosion, vision,   fusion, revision
Mathletics Complete activities
Read Theory Complete two activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey