Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful half term break.

This week, the children began their new topic, The Hidden World in our Garden, starting with a focus on the life cycle of a butterfly.

The very Hungry Caterpillar Balloon | Birthday Party | The Balloon WorksIn English, the children heard the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and had lots of fun creating their own ‘Very Hungry ….’ stories. They also made their own life cycle diagrams, wrote about where they would fly to if they were a butterfly and worked as teams to sequence the story.

Some children also enjoyed creating their own caterpillars and butterflies from different materials.

The maths focus this week has been on learning about odd and even numbers. One activity that the class enjoyed especially, was an odd and even number challenge against the class adults. They then had to work together as a whole class and arrange themselves into a giant number line!

On Thursday, Reception took part in the Blessed Sacrament Procession, with the rest of the school. As usual, they made their teachers very proud with their prayerfulness and amazing behaviour!

Next week is Healthy Eating Week. We kindly ask that every child brings in a piece of fruit that they have never tried before. We would like to cut up the different fruits and let the children sample them, as part of a focus activity. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Finally, we warmly welcome Jude and his family to the Reception class and the Pope Paul Catholic School community.We hope you will be very happy!

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the carnival on Sunday. It is going to be hot, hot, hot so don’t forget to wear sun cream and bring lots of water. see you then!

Please note- I am having a problem attaching photos from this week. I will keep on trying and hopefully add them on at a later date. So sorry!