Friday, 9th June 2023
The children in Year 4, this week moved on to the formal written method for division, practicing the ‘long’ division layout in Maths, whilst in English, they used expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors to describe Castle Groteskew, our setting.
In computing, they have applied their understanding of count -controlled loops to draw shapes, changing and debugging code in their Logo interface.
In RE, the class looked at Matthew’s parables and wrote explanatory paragraphs about their deeper meaning. It has also been a privilege to walk with them behind the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday. Their reverent and prayerful attitude gave real depth to this special celebration.
On Wednesday, whilst the choir went for their rehearsal, the rest of the class created amazing posters and boards for this weekend’s Potters Bar Carnival, where our school will have a ‘Fairtrade’ themed float. Please support our school community if you can and join in with the fun!
A huge well done also to the choir, who performed beautifully on Wednesday evening in the Wyllyotts.
Finally, a few events coming up:
The Multiplication Table Check (government) test will take place next week Monday and Tuesday (12th, 13th June 2023). On Monday the children will partake in the website’s ‘practice’ test, enabling them to have a feel for the layout and pace, preparing them for the actual test on Tuesday. The children will complete the test in groups of 5 in a quiet room supervised by myself, using iPads. The website generates separate sets for each child, therefore they will all have different questions. The test asks the children to complete 25 questions with a time limit of 6 seconds/question. Results will come once the government site closes and the responses are marked. We will give feedback, via the children’s summer reports.
The Year 4 summer term class trip will take place on Thursday, 6th July 2023. The class will visit the parks of Hatfield House, with a history focus on the Tudors. We will tour the gardens and look at the main building from the outside whilst learning about historical events and characters linked to the location. The children will have a picnic lunch and enjoy the outdoors (hopefully under the sun). The class will travel by train to Hatfield before walking the short distance to the park entrance. They will return to school for a normal pickup. A letter detailing the costs will follow next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see your Home Learning below:
Spelling- Words with the prefixes ‘super-’, ‘anti-’ and ‘auto-’
Reading- Please complete 2 activities and update reading logs.
Multiplication- Please spend time practicing your facts, ready for Tuesday’s MTC test.