Catholic Social Teaching

This week we are going to look at the list of actions that the Church has made for us as we try to live in the Kingdom of Heaven!

The list of ‘rules’ that the Church has written for us is called a set of principles. So, first, let’s learn about what a principle is.

  1. A principle is a kind of rule or standard. It offers guidance to us so that when we have to make a decision or choose which way to act we have some ideals to work towards.
  2. Principles are often very big statements without a lot of detail attached. In your class you might live by the principle ‘we care for each other and ourselves’. The principle doesn’t tell you every single thing you should do (like speak respectfully to each other, listen to each other, look carefully before you cross the road etc) instead it just says: ‘care for yourselves and each other’. You have to work out how to do that.


Here is a principle: Practice thankfulness.

You can see that it’s a bit like a rule, but that its very big and doesn’t tell you exactly what to do.

If we practice thankfulness we might make sure that we notice and appreciate everything we have. It might mean we say thank you for it…to the people who gave it to us, who shared it with us, who allowed us to have it.

If we practice thankfulness we might notice and appreciate all the people who help us, think about us, support us and include us.

If we practice thankfulness we might stop grumbling about what we don’t have; because we realise we have so much.

Make a diary in your books for the week of what you can be thankful for. Every day, write about something or someone you are thankful for.

Live the principle of practicing thankfulness


Since 1893, as part of their role as the head of the Catholic Church Popes (including Pope Francis) have ‘looked out their windows’ to ‘mark’ how the world was going in bringing about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes they felt that things were going ok, but often they felt that there were things society was not doing well. In 2004 the Church wrote a summary of all the documents that had been written since 1891 on what the Church thought and published them in a book called The Compendium of the Social Doctrine (Beliefs or Teachings) of the Church.


Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church by The Catholic Church

Principle Image Name Meaning
The principle of Dignity of the Human Person We know that everyone is important and valuable: no one is better than anyone else.
 The principle of Preferential option for the Poor We share what we have so that everyone gets some; we make sure the people who have the least get served first.
 The principle of Stewardship – Care of our common home We remember that the world is everyone’s home (even those people who haven’t been born yet!) and so we don’t mess it up.
The principle of the Common Good We work together so that our community is good for everyone to live in
 The principle of Solidarity We stick together, and when we find that people aren’t being treated well or are being taken advantage of, we work to make it fair for them.
 The principles of Subsidiarity and Participation We make sure everyone gets a chance to talk about decisions. We make sure we include those who will be most affected by any decision.


Choose some of the activities below

Choose 3 principles that you understand draw or write what you do in your home or school to live this principle.

To learn a little bit more about each principle visit the caritas site and read about the cartoon and watch the short videos.

Discuss which principle you think is the most important?

Look at all the principles and put them in order: most important to least important.


The principle of human dignity is the parent principle! It says that everyone is equally important and valuable. Just because you might win prizes, be able to count further or run faster or draw better or earn more money than someone else, doesn’t mean you are better than them. Boys and not better than girls, tall people are not better than short people, people born in Australia are not better than people born in Europe and people who are young are not better than people who are old. The principle of human dignity says that every person is important and precious so people should not be ‘ranked’ by what they can do. People have worth and value and dignity just because they are humans.



Celebration Blog Week 5

Thank you for sharing your learning!

Friday 3rd July 2020

Good morning Year 2,

We have come to the end of another week. Well done for all of your hard work this week. I hope you enjoyed all the learning activities set this week, especially the virtual Pope Paul Olympics. I definitely need to work on my target throwing! I hope to do better at today’s event… shuttle runs! Good luck to all competitors!

You will find today’s learning activities in the table below.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Friday 3rd July

Ever-loving God,
You long for us to grow in love and wisdom and knowledge of you. Direct my feet along your path that I may be pure and blameless on the day you call me home.

Spelling &
Complete the spelling test for this week’s spellings on the SpellingFrame website.
Copy the following common exception words into your handwriting books.
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 03-07-2020
Morning Challenge
Place Value

Rewrite these numbers in order, smallest to largest.

  • 93
  • 121
  • 39
  • 189
  • 200
  • 75
  • 175

Round each of these numbers to the nearest 10:

71 89 124 95 147 185

Fill in the missing numbers in these portions of the 101-200 grid:

WALT: Solve a number pattern

Buzzy Bee was building a honeycomb. She decided to decorate the honeycomb with a pattern using numbers. Can you discover Buzzy’s pattern and fill in the empty cells for her?

Getting started…Think about the following questions…
Which number might go in between the 3 and the 5?
What number could follow on from the 5 in that line going diagonally down to the right?

English Friday 3rd July 2020
WALT: Edit for possessive apostrophes

Edit the passage below, crossing out the incorrect apostrophes and inserting apostrophes for possession.
Rewrite the passage with your corrections in your neatest joined-up handwriting.

The farmers’ turnip had grown to a huge ‘size! He needed help so’ he called for all his friend’s. The farmers’ friend’s all made a line behind him. His’ wife held on to the farmers’ belt. A boy placed his han’ds around the wifes’ waist. Then a girl placed her hands on the boys’ yellow T-shirt. Behind the girl, the dogs ‘tail swung with excitement as he helped too. Finally, the cats claw’s held on to the dogs tail. They all pulled and tugged the farmers turnip. Eventually the huge turnip popped out of the ground. The farmers’ smile grew as’ he said thank you to all his helpers’.

Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to

Thursday 2nd July 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you for sharing your fantastic learning with me. I hope you are enjoying all the activities for virtual sports week. Remember to send your scores to

You will find today’s learning in the table below.

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Thursday 2nd July

Gracious God, fill me with your grace, that I may be open to your presence in every fiber of my being, every minute of my day, and in every person I meet.

Spelling &
Compose a sentence for five of the spellings words and write your sentences in your handwriting book.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 02-07-2020
Morning Challenge

WALT: Solve word problems and reasoning questions.Use four different numbers from this list to complete the number sentences below:  5   15   25   35   45   55

□ + □ = 60

□ + □ = 60

Write the missing number in the boxes.

10 + □ = 16 + 3

32 + 6 = 40 – □

Sarah and John count cars.  Sarah counts 37 red cars.  John counts 24 blue cars.  How many cars do they count altogether?

There are 65 cakes. 15 boys and 29 girls each take a cake. How many cakes are left?

Peter buys a cake for 73p and pays with £1. How much change should he get?

English Thursday 2nd July 2020
WALT: Use apostrophes


How nice to be

an apostrophe


above an 


like a paper kite

in between the it’s



high above the that’s 

an inky comet


the highest tossed

of hats.

By Roger McGough 


Plural or possessive?

Read the sentences below.

Do they contain a word needing an apostrophe?

Remember …

Plurals mean there is more than one. These do not need an apostrophe.
Possessives mean it belongs to someone.  This does have an apostrophe.

Several carrots lay on the ground. [plural]

They were the rabbit’s carrots. [possessive]

  1. The trees were getting ready for autumn.
  2. The rabbits favourite tree was the oak.
  3. The oak trees leaves were starting to fall.
  4. The birds nest was in the tree.
  5. The trees branches were shaking.
  6. The winds came from the four corners of the world.
  7. The rabbits loved the trees protection.
  8. In winter, the trees branches were bare.
Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to


Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning Year 2,

Today is the first of July. This is the 183rd day of the year! How many days are left in 2020?

You will find today’s learning in the table below.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Wednesday 1st July
Jesus, my Brother, thank you for encouraging me to bring my needs to you. Help me to be open to your transforming presence in my life.
Spelling &
Copy and complete these sentences using this week’s spelling words into your handwriting books.
The ______ hair was wet from the rain.
The _______ ice-cream fell on the floor.
He saw the _______ coat on the back of the chair.
The _______ lead was on the ground.
I picked up the __________ purse.
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 01-07-2020
Morning Challenge
Fluency 5 x 2 

99 + 10 =
23p – 14p =
How many minutes in 2 hours?
____ > 35
35 > _____
Double 9 =
How many hours in a day?
24, 26, 28, ____, _____, _____, _____, ______
Half of 70 =
Make 53p five different ways.

WALT: Keep a running total.

English Wednesday 1st July 2020
WALT: Comprehension Questions

An Extract from Manfish

When Jacques finished school he joined the French Navy. His ship sailed all around the world, and everywhere he went he filmed what he saw.

In China he filmed men catching fish with their bare hands. They held their breath underwater for many minutes. Jacques wondered what that would be like.

One day at a beach, a friend gave Jacques a pair of goggles with rubber frames and glass to look through. Jacques wore them into the ocean. Beneath the water he was surrounded by silvery green forests of sea plants and fish he had never seen before. Everything was silent and shimmering. It was a whole new world.

When he came up he saw cars, people, buildings and telephone poles. Once again he went below into the magical underwater world. At that moment Jacques knew his life was changed forever. His eyes had been opened to the wonders of the sea.

Jacques and his friends Philippe and Didi began to dive together. They experimented to see how long they could stay underwater and how deep they could go.

Jacques created a waterproof case for his camera, to film the amazing kingdom he and his friends were exploring beneath the surface. They made rubber suits to keep themselves warm and flippers to help them kick better.

But Jacques wanted to stay down longer than one breath at a time. He realised he needed to take more air with him, enough to explore the mysterious depths and vast expanses of the ocean – to swim through the sea as free as a fish.

He wanted to become a manfish.  And he began to work on just how to do it.

Manfish Questions

1. How did the men that Jacques saw in China catch their fish?

2. What were the names of Jacques’ two friends who went diving with him?

3. When Jacques came up out of the sea after diving he saw various things. Tick the ones in this list that he saw:

Cars __    People __   Lorries __

Buildings ___Telephone poles ____ An aeroplane ___

4. Find and copy the phrase that describes the sea plants Jacques saw when he was diving.

5. “His eyes had been opened to the wonders of the sea.” What does this expression mean? Tick one answer:

(a)Jacques opened his eyes underwater and got salt in them ______
(b)  Jacques knew he needed to get a better pair of goggles before his next dive ____
(c) Being able to see underwater had made Jacques realise for the first time how amazing the ocean was _____
(d) Philippe and Didi made Jacques open his eyes in the sea  ______

6. Write a short caption to go with this picture from the story.

7. Using 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, put these events from the story in the right order:

_____ Jacques created a waterproof case for his camera.

_____ Jacques joined the French Navy.

_____ Jacques, Philippe and Didi experimented to see how long they could stay underwater.

_____ One day at the beach a friend gave Jacques a pair of goggles.

8. The story says that Jacques wanted ‘to explore the mysterious depths and vast expanses of the ocean.’

Why do you think it says the depths of the ocean were ‘mysterious’?

9. Give another word or words that mean the same as ‘vast’.

10. How do you think Jacques and his friends felt as they dived deep into the ocean?

11. Why do you think they felt like that?

Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics.

Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities.

Please remember to send your scores to

Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Year 2,

You will find today’s learning activities in the table below.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Tuesday 30th June
Loving God, your Son Jesus knew the experience of hatred and violence and responded with justice and love. Help me to follow his example and be a clear witness of your Kingdom of justice and love.
Spelling &
Copy the following sentences into your handwriting book.

The cat’s water was empty and needed filling.
The boy’s tooth fell out when he bit into an apple.
He found the man’s key in the door.
The dog’s tail wagged with excitement.
She saw the woman’s coat on the back of the chair.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 30-06-2020
Morning Challenge

WALT: Present data

Use the pictogram to make up and answer 3 questions about the cookie shapes.
English Tuesday 30th June 2020
WALT: Use conjunctions

Compose sentences about Jacques gadgets using the following conjunctions.

When        If       That      So       Because      But      For     And

Example: Jacques had a diving suit but it was very heavy.

Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to

The feast of St Peter and St Paul

Please log onto the live stream at OLSV  church for Mass  at 9.30 am as we celebrate a school Mass for our school patron St Paul VI.

Yesterday  we celebrated the twin founders of the Church in Rome. Both St. Paul and St. Peter proved that they were committed and faithful disciples by laying down their lives for Jesus and His Gospel.  St. Paul was beheaded and St. Peter was crucified upside down.

Read about their lives in the link below

Read the Gospel that is read in Church on the feast of St Peter and St Paul

Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19

Jesus went to the territory near the town of Caesarea Philippi, where he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

“Some say John the Baptist,” they answered. “Others say Elijah, while others say Jeremiah or some other prophet.”

“What about you?” he asked them. “Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

“Good for you, Simon son of John!” answered Jesus. “For this truth did not come to you from any human being, but it was given to you directly by my Father in heaven. And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

The Gospel of the Lord

Why did Jesus give Simon Peter a new name and the keys to the kingdom?

Simon Peter recognised and believed that Jesus was the Son of God. He had great faith and was willing to put that faith into words but also into actions.

Because of Peter’s great faith, Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. What are keys usually used for?

Keys lock doors, but they also open them. As a disciple, Peter spent his time sharing Jesus’ message with other people. He opened their hearts to God’s love, just like a key opens a door.


We can open our hearts by taking some time to stop and listen, to pray and to try to hear what Jesus is asking us to do. We can show our faith in our prayers and in our actions. We can try to follow Jesus’ commandments to love God and to love our neighbour. We can be kind and generous to others and we can try to make the world a fairer place where all people get what they need.


Can you think of some key words that show us what Jesus asks us to do? (eg. love, believe, forgive, give, share, hope etc)

These are just like the keys to God’s kingdom – which open us up to God’s love.

This week let’s try to be more loving, more forgiving and more generous to others. Let us try to bring hope to others. And let’s try to open our hearts to welcome Jesus in.

What will you do this week to show your faith in Jesus and to welcome him into your heart?

Draw a large outline of a  key and write  or draw what you will do to open your heart to Jesus in the coming week or the “key words” that sum up what Jesus asks us to do.

Key pattern. Use the printable outline for crafts, creating ...

Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

You will find today’s learning in the table below. If you have any questions or if you need any help… you know where to find me ..

In Religion this week, we are learning about St. Peter and St Paul. Please log onto the live stream at OLSV church for Mass at 9:30 this morning as we celebrate a school Mass for our school’s patron saint- St Paul VI.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Monday 29th June
O holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, intercede for us. Protect, O Lord, your people who trust in the patronage of your Apostles, Peter and Paul, and by their constant protection protect your people. Through Christ our Lord.






Copy this week’s spellings into your handwriting book:

Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 29-06-2020
Morning Challenge
Find two different ways to pay for each fruit – which uses the smallest number of coins?

WALT: Calculate amounts and change
It’s your friend’s party and you need to buy them a present and card. Can you find 5 possible combinations that you could buy with a 50p coin? Calculate your change for each.

Extension Challenge: Now find 5 combinations that cost more than 50p and find your change from £1.
English Monday 29th June 2020
WALT: Comprehension questions – non-fiction text

  1. What year was Jacques born?
  2. Say two things that Jacques did to entertain himself when he was off school.
  3. What did Jacques do in 1930?
  4. Why was Jacques so pleased to wear goggles for the first time?
  5. What did the Aqualung allow Jacques and the other divers to do?
  6. What colour hat did Jacques wear on the Calypso?
  7. Which was bigger, the Sea Flea or the Diving Saucer?
  8. Can you think of other words that means the same thing as mini, as in mini-submarine?
  9. Would you have liked to try living in one of the underwater villages? Why do you think that?
  10. 10.Does it sound as if Jacques had an exciting life? What do you think the most exciting thing he did was?
Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to

Virtual Sports Week Olympics.


Welcome to the Pope Paul Olympics! Like many things this year, the Olympics has unfortunately been postponed due to the coronavirus. This, however is not going to stop us having our very own Olympic games celebration!

Have a look at the timetable to see what we have planned and then follow the information on each slide. Each day will be made up one of a PE activity and also another subject task to complete!

Virtual Sports Week Olympics June

Celebration Blog Week 4

What wonderful learning! I love receiving updates about how you all are doing and seeing examples of your wonderful learning!

Well done for all of your hard work this week!

Wishing you all a fun-filled weekend!