Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

You will find today’s learning in the table below. If you have any questions or if you need any help… you know where to find me ..

In Religion this week, we are learning about St. Peter and St Paul. Please log onto the live stream at OLSV church for Mass at 9:30 this morning as we celebrate a school Mass for our school’s patron saint- St Paul VI.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Monday 29th June
O holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, intercede for us. Protect, O Lord, your people who trust in the patronage of your Apostles, Peter and Paul, and by their constant protection protect your people. Through Christ our Lord.






Copy this week’s spellings into your handwriting book:

Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 29-06-2020
Morning Challenge
Find two different ways to pay for each fruit – which uses the smallest number of coins?

WALT: Calculate amounts and change
It’s your friend’s party and you need to buy them a present and card. Can you find 5 possible combinations that you could buy with a 50p coin? Calculate your change for each.

Extension Challenge: Now find 5 combinations that cost more than 50p and find your change from £1.
English Monday 29th June 2020
WALT: Comprehension questions – non-fiction text

  1. What year was Jacques born?
  2. Say two things that Jacques did to entertain himself when he was off school.
  3. What did Jacques do in 1930?
  4. Why was Jacques so pleased to wear goggles for the first time?
  5. What did the Aqualung allow Jacques and the other divers to do?
  6. What colour hat did Jacques wear on the Calypso?
  7. Which was bigger, the Sea Flea or the Diving Saucer?
  8. Can you think of other words that means the same thing as mini, as in mini-submarine?
  9. Would you have liked to try living in one of the underwater villages? Why do you think that?
  10. 10.Does it sound as if Jacques had an exciting life? What do you think the most exciting thing he did was?
Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to