Summer 1 Week 5

This week in Art, we have been recreating Vincent van Goghs Sunflower and starry night paintings. We focused on creating movement with paints and pastels.

Our SPaG focus has been on contractions and verbs, which we have used in our writing about Rapunzel.

In Maths we have been learning about number families.

Our RE focus has been Pentecost, we have been learning about how St Paul and St Peter were Pentecostal people. We have also considered  how spreading the word of God started with Jesus, then the disciples and is now down to us today.

This week Brooke, Amelie, Aurora and Mia lead a collective worship about families, which they planned and resourced themselves. It was beautifully delivered and enjoyed by the whole class. All of the children will have an opportunity to to do this during the summer term.

Well done to all the children that took part in the music concert this afternoon, you were all fantastic!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Please support your child with the reading comprehension and maths papers sent home today and return them on Friday.

Miss Pringle